Monster Slayers MC Book 2

Chapter 5-Be my lady, Kaylee?

After they were gone, I looked over at Boomer and saw he had a huge smile on his face and it looked like if he let go of the chair arms he would float away.

“What?” I ask.

“Your man?” He asked and I felt my face get hot and knew I must look like a tomato right now. I didn’t know what to say and looked down at my hands as I twisted my fingers together and tried to think of something to say.

“I like that! A LOT!” he said as he stood up and took the one step to bring him to my bedside. He leaned over and put his finger under my chin and lifted my face, then kissed me so soft and sweet. He rested his forehead against mine and softly asked “Will you be my lady, Kaylee?”

My head flew back and my eyes rushed to meet his as I gasped “Really? You really want me even though I look like a leftover dog’s chew toy?” I ask.

“I don’t think you look like a leftover dog’s chew toy. More like a really cute raccoon with the most amazing blue eyes I think I’ve ever seen, beautiful black hair that looks and feels like the softest silk, lips I want so very desperately to kiss and a body that will stop traffic on any street in town and makes my hands itch with want to touch and I can’t help it but I get hard whenever I hear your voice or I’m around you.

When I found you laying on that sidewalk, I was afraid to move you because I didn’t want to make any injuries you might have worse but I touched your shoulder and the strangest sensation of warmth raced up my hand and arm and feeling of peace settled over my heart at the same it seemed to kick in to high gear and was racing like a horse at the end of the kentucky derby with fear that you might die before I could have a chance to get to know you. The full 8 minutes it took for the ambulance to get there were some of the longest in my life.

When they turned you over and I got to see you for the first time, I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I just wanted to scream at the paramedics to do something, anything to make you wake up, to reassure me you were going to be okay.

For the first time, I had a hard time riding my bike because I was shaking so badly. I’ve never bought flowers for a woman before and I definitely have never bought a stuffed animal for a woman before. I’ll admit I may not be the smartest or most romantic man you’ve ever known but if you’ll give me a chance, I’ll show you just how much I’m coming to care for you, Kaylee. You are quickly becoming very, very important to me and I’d like to see where it goes. So, will you be my lady?” He said almost all in one breath as he looked at me hopefully.

It hurt my mouth like crazy but I couldn’t have stopped myself if I had wanted to or even if I tried to but I threw my arms around his neck and smashed my mouth to his. I tried to lay back and pull him down with me but the head of my bed was up to an almost sitting position so we didn’t have far to go but I felt his arms come around me and hold me. I finally pulled back and whispered. “Yes! I’ll be your lady and I’m proud to call you my man.”

“I can’t tell you how incredibly happy I am right now. I want to run down every hall in this hospital yelling “She says she’ll be mine!”

“Hahahaha! You are just too darned cute! Now sit down and tell me more about what it’s like to be part of an MC, please.” I ask, holding on to his hand and scooting over so he can sit on the edge of my bed.

“What would you like to know?” He asks.

“Like for instance, how do you guys get your road names? I’m sure your parents did not name you Boomer. What is your real name?” I ask.

“Benjamin Nathan Hanson. Ben for short but please don’t use that in front of anyone but maybe Dr. Green, Millie, Rooster, Dixie and Hunter. They are the only ones that know my real name. I got my “road name” in high school actually, while playing football. Rooster was our quarterback. He’s just a natural leader and it just seemed appropriate since he rules the club like a rooster rules the roost.

Ox and I were his guards and Hunter was our runner. He’s really fast! But he got his name because no one could ever hide from him when we played hide and seek as kids. He seems to have a sixth sense or a nose like a bloodhound. Plus, even though he’s a big man, he moves almost silently. Doc keeps threatening to put a bell around his neck.

Ox was really strong and no one from any team we ever played could get past him. Me, I got mine because players said it sounded like a “Boom” when another player would run into me. I got dubbed “Boomer” and it just kind of stuck. Same thing with Ox.”

“Millie told me Ox and his wife got shot by a rival MC while on their way home from a date in town. How awful.” I told him.

“Yeah, losing Ox and Tango was a hard blow to the club but more so to Rooster and Dixie. Rooster and Ox had been best friends since they were in diapers. Hunter and I moved into the same neighborhood when we were in grade school but we all quickly became the best of friends and were always together. Rooster and Dixie were high school sweethearts and they married not long after she graduated. She’s a year behind us.

Ox and Tango met at Sturgis, which is a big annual biker party that we all go to every year. They took one look at each other and knew they were meant to be together. They became inseparable after that. Tango and Dixie became really close friends, especially since they were the only women in the house for a long time.

Hunter found his ole’ lady, Marley, about 5 years ago. We had rescued a girl from a human trafficking ring by the name of Charlie. She’s Cruise’s ole’ lady now. Anyway, Marley came to the compound to pick up Charlie and take her to the Rescue Farm. Hunter came out of the kitchen, they took one look at each other and that was it.

Marley’s story is rather complicated but the long and short of it is, she had been raped and sold by her brother to a Mexican street gang in Oklahoma City. The gang was connected to an MC called the Grave Diggers and the leader was a sick, twisted maniac named Snake. He beat, cut and raped Marley for months and months until she was rescued and went to live at this place that we now work with called the “Rescue Farm”.

The Farm is run by a couple called Papa Joe and Mama Mae and Papa Joe’s older sister, Aunt Chris. They take in and foster children who have been neglected, abused and or molested. They rehabilitate them until they are ready to be either fostered for adoption or turn of legal age to go on their own. They also sometimes take in young women who need more than a woman’s shelter and they have to wait until they can be given new identities and relocated somewhere safe.

Marley had been living with them from the time she was 13 years old and she was 23 when she met Hunter. Up until then, the only male she could stand to have touch her was a little boy who also lived at the Farm by the name of Max, until the day she met Hunter. They were standing about 3 feet apart when there was a loud noise outside that startled Marley and she just jumped into Hunter’s arms and held on tight.

I didn’t see it myself but to hear Rooster tell it, Hunter looked like he had just won the lottery or something. Papa Joe was standing there with his mouth hanging open in disbelief and everyone else had big smiles on their faces because Hunter and Marley looked like they had little hearts rising out of their heads. Three days later, he asked her to be his ole’ lady and his wife at the same time and she accepted. They now have a little boy, Simon, who is almost 3 and are expecting a little girl in a few months.”

“What’s the difference between being an “ole’ lady” and being someone’s wife?” I ask, not really understanding what that meant. I had heard the term before but didn’t understand what it meant in the biker world.

“We bikers don’t normally fall in love easily and we definitely don’t take asking a woman to be our ole’ lady lightly. To ask a woman to be our ole’ lady means we want a lifetime commitment and by biker law, she is our wife and her man is her husband but unfortunately that’s not recognized by the law. It’s just as hard to get a divorce and probably a bit more dangerous if both parties are not in agreement.

Once we take a woman as our ole’ lady, we stop sleeping around with the sweet butts or any other woman. Ole’ ladies are shown the utmost respect by other members of the club and come under everyone’s protection. We are all one family and protect our own.” He explains.

“What are sweet butts? Prostitutes?” I ask. This term I’m not familiar with but now I’m very curious to know what it means.

“No, not really because prostitutes charge for their services. Sweet butts are women who hang around the bars and clubhouse and are there to “service” any brother who wants to have sex with them in exchange for a place to stay, food to eat and a job where they can earn a small wage for helping with housework in the main rooms.

In our club they have the right to say no but they usually don’t. It’s not like that in all clubs. Anyway, it’s a mutual pleasure kind of thing. Just straight up sex, no feelings involved. Many of them do it because they want a patched member to make them their ole’ lady but I’ve never even heard of that happening. No man wants to take a woman who’s slept with all of his club brothers as his ole’ lady.” Boomer explained.

“So what happens when a biker asks a woman to be his ole’ lady?” I ask.

“Well, after making sure she’s okay with it, he orders her cut which says her name on the right shoulder, like mine and on the back it says “Property of” and her bikers road name and the Club name around the logo. Then he takes her in front of all the members and announces to everyone that she is now his ole’ lady.

The president asks her if she accepts the bikers’ claim and will follow the club rules to protect the club, its members and any rescue who comes in, even if it means her life. If she accepts, he welcomes her to the club and announces her status which then means she is “protected” by the club and all of its members. She’s also “hands off” to anyone else.

Sometimes they party with everyone for a while and then disappear to their room and make hot wild monkey love all night long.” Boomer laughed at the last part and I can’t help but join him but I’m still curious.

“So that’s it? No ceremony, no rice throwing or anything? Can anyone dispute this “Joining”? Like when people get married and the preacher says “If anyone objects to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace?” I ask. It seems kind of lackluster.

“No, no ceremony and since it’s an announcement, I’ve never heard of anyone trying to dispute it unless the woman was telling another member that she wanted to be with him and the person that is trying to claim her is forcing her to be with him. But I’ve only ever heard of that happening once and it didn’t end well.” Boomer says.

“And what happens if after being together for a while, one or the other or both decide that they don’t want to be together with that person anymore?” I ask, thinking of what had happened with Greg.

“If a woman wants to leave the biker, she has to announce it in front of everyone and he has to accept it. The club president has to give them permission and once that’s done, she then burns her cut and leaves the club forever. There’s no coming back from that and she can never be with another member of the same MC. Also, any children born between them belong to him and will stay with him if she decides to leave. She forfeits all rights to them.

If the man decides he doesn’t want to be with his ole’ lady anymore, he has to announce it in front of everyone, takes her cut away, burns it and she leaves. He only keeps his respect within the club if he catches her fooling around or betraying the club in some way. Betrayal can mean her death.

MC’s don’t permit betrayal except in very unusual circumstances and it has to be voted on if the betrayer is given a pass and even that usually means some kind of punishment and retribution has to be paid by the betrayer. These are rules that are held in biker law and followed by every biker club in the country, possibly the world.” He explains.

“So are they forever just “ole’ lady” and what? What does the man get called?” I ask.

“He’s just her man or her biker.”

“Does he add her name to his cut?”

“No, not normally but he can if he wants too but it would be more like a patch he would wear on the front of his cut.” He turns and shows me the back of his cut and said “See how mine says the club name on the top and then “Sergeant of Arms” on the bottom? Well, my ole’ lady’s cut will say “Property of Boomer” instead of her having a title or specific position within the club.”

“Okay, I think I understand. So, these sweet butts. Do you have a favorite one at your club house?” I ask, not sure I want to hear the answer.

“I haven’t slept with a sweet butt in over a year. I was very popular with them when I was younger, I won’t lie to you but after seeing what Rooster, Ox and Hunter have had with their ole’ ladies has made me want to find my one true love too. I’m wanting very much to ask you to be my ole’ lady, Kaylee but I know you don’t know anything about the biker lifestyle and I want you to fully understand what getting involved with me is going to mean for you.

If I take you to the club house before you accept being my ole’ lady, you can never leave my side, especially if there are members from other clubs around. Some clubs aren’t as respectful of unclaimed women as we are. When I take you there for the first few times, I won’t announce you as my ole’ lady until you let me know you are comfortable with it. Instead, I’ll announce you as “my lady” and “Untouchable”.

That means any member who puts his hands on you will suffer my wrath and believe me, I would not take it well at all. It also means that any member can lay claim to you but you have to accept it in front of everyone. If you do, I can no longer lay claim to you without taking his life. And you would more than likely lose all respect by not only the club members but by their ole’ ladies and will become an outcast.” Boomer tells me.

“Wow. Sounds like a Mafia or something.” I laugh.

“Kind of, in a lot of ways. There are also some women who are called “Hang arounds”. They are not really sweet butts but more like regulars at the club house or bar. They may have been former girlfriends or wanted to be girlfriends but never made it to “Ole’ Lady” status.” Boomer tells me.

“So what category will I fall into being your Lady?” I ask.

“You will be considered my girlfriend, technically,” he replies. “Like I said, I’m hoping you will agree to be my ole’ lady someday but we don’t have to rush into it. I want you to be 100% sure this is something you can not only deal with but want to be a part of because I’ve got a commitment to the club that I can’t walk away from.” Boomer said.

“Are there any other rules I need to be aware of?” I ask.

“Only about a thousand but the main one is you don’t discuss club business or anything that happens when you are around or that you see or hear with anyone outside the club, including sweet butts or your friends, family, anybody outside our club.

There’s a lot that I won’t be able to tell you about club business, at least at first. Our punishments are harsh and can be vicious. There will more than likely be things you won’t want to know about or see. Just walk away. No one will think any less of you.” he told me and I wanted to ask for a for instance but decided not to.

“I’m going to change the subject a bit. I heard you have a doctor that lives at the club house. Tell me about him?” I asked and Boomer’s eyes got big.

“Doc? He’s a good man. A patched member but he doesn’t really participate in a lot of club business. He takes care of us when we get hurt or sick and can handle most anything that comes his way except when he needs access to equipment we don’t have. His clinic is more like an urgent care clinic than a full on hospital.

He can remove bullets that haven’t hit a major organ, stitch us closed, hell he can even deliver babies I think. He sometimes goes on missions with us but he stays by his van which is like an ambulance inside and he’s only ever there to give medical attention if someone gets hurt.

He used to work at the hospital and was married but she was killed in a single car accident when, they think, a deer jumped out in front of her car. He kind of sunk into a bottle for a while. Rooster’s dad, King, drug him out of the bottle, helped him dry out and gave him a job with the MC. He’s been there ever since. He’s a good man. Why?” Boomer asked.

“Does he ever mess with the sweet butts? Or have a girlfriend?” I asked before I told him why I wanted to know.

“Doc? No, not that I know of.” Boomer said.

“If I tell you something you have to promise me not to repeat it or tease either one of them about it as well as help me maybe get the two of them together. Okay?” I said, licking my lips.

“Okay, I think. I’m not so sure about that sly look on your face.” Boomer grinned at me.

“I know you know Millie and the fact that she’s been alone for a long time, right? What do you think of them getting together?” I asked with a smile and watched him then laughed when it was like seeing a light bulb come on over his head.

“You know, I never thought about it but they would make a great match.” Boomer said.

“They already know each other so it’s not like introducing strangers but I think we had better keep our intent a secret. I was thinking about maybe asking them out to my house for dinner one night AFTER I’ve met Doc at least once. That way, if they aren’t attracted to each other, then we were just four friends having dinner together but if they are then all the better. What do you think?” I ask.

“I think you are sneaky but in a nice way.” Boomer said and leaned over and kissed me. It didn’t take long for that kiss to get more heated. My lips were still kind of tender but his kisses were worth it.

A few seconds or minutes, I’m not sure how long because I seem to lose track of time and space when he’s kissing me. The door opened and there was a gasp and then we heard a woman say “Oops! Sorry! I’ll come back in a few minutes.”

We jerked apart and started laughing and she stood there with embarrassment showing clearly on her face.

“That’s okay. Come on in. You must be Jeanne. Millie told us you would be around sometime this morning.” I told her.

“Yes. I’m sorry it took me so long to get to you but we’ve had several new check in’s this morning and I’ve been running like mad ever since I came on duty.” She said as she picked up my chart and made herself familiar with it. “How are you feeling? Any pain?”

“A little but not really bad yet. I’ve been kind of distracted.” I answered and teased Boomer all at the same time.

“Hey, you didn’t tell me you were hurting.” Boomer pouted.

“It’s okay baby. Your kisses made me forget all about it.” I cupped his cheek with my hand then gave him a quick peck on the lips.

“Well, I would say they do seem to do wonders for your blood pressure but I’m definitely knocking before I come in here during visiting hours again.” Jeanne teased both of us.

She and I knew who each other was but had never really worked together before. We’d mostly see each other in the cafeteria or in the elevator.

“What floor do you normally work on, Jeanne?” I ask her.

“I prefer pediatrics/maternity but have been pulling the night shift on this floor for the last month or so. That dumbass that got fired earlier does not have the greatest attendance record. So glad she’s finally gone. I don’t mind pulling extra shifts but I’m damned sick and tired of having to cancel plans at the last minute to cover for her.” Jeanne shared with us.

“Well, she just about became a patient this morning. She was supposed to be changing my IV and adding a bag of blood and she caused my IV needle to shift in my vein because she was eye fucking my man the whole time she was in here instead of paying attention to what she was doing. I had to pull the needle and turn off the flow myself so I had Millie install the port. Looks like I’m going to be stuck in here for at least a week and, like most people, I really don’t like getting stuck by needles.” I told her. I also noticed the big smile had returned to Boomer’s face.

“Well, as much as I hate to interrupt you. Visiting hours are going to be over in about half an hour and lunch should be coming up right afterwards.” Jeanne said as she finished up taking my vitals. “I’ll go ahead and tell the girl to give you your pain medications now and make note of it on your chart. I’m only here for half a day today but you’ll be getting another batch around 3 pm.”

“Okay. I need to check in with Rooster anyway but I’ll be back this afternoon.” Boomer said.

“Hey, Jeanne, any idea what’s for lunch?” I ask.

“I think it’s meatloaf which, surprisingly enough, is fairly edible.” She said, “See ya laters. Nice meeting you Boomer.”

“Do you like meatloaf? I can bring you something else if you don’t.” Boomer offered.

“Nah, that’s alright. She was right. The meatloaf is one of the few meals that’s halfway decent here. Now, I might want something different for dinner so give me a buzz before you come back tonight. Okay?” I say.

“That reminds me. I need to get your number and I need to give you mine and Roosters. If ever you can’t get in touch with me and need anything, call him.” He said pulling out his phone. I give him my number and he saved it to his phone then texted me Rooster’s number. My screen was cracked but my phone was still usable for basic calls.

“We still have half an hour. Tell me more about the MC? How many women live in the house?” I ask. I was so curious to know as much as possible about him and the MC.

“Well, currently it’s only Dixie and Charlie. Hunter and Marley have their own place since being around too many men makes Marley uncomfortable or at least it did at first. Tango lived there until she died. Dixie and Rooster are expecting their first baby and are building a house on the club land but it’ll be a couple of more months before it’s finished. Charlie and Cruise only live there now with their baby because they are saving up to buy a place. They are both very young and just getting started.” Boomer told me.

“So living at the club house is not a requirement?” I ask, relieved.

“No, not at all. I will always have a room there because I’m an executive member but I don’t have to live on the property. We can have our own place and just use my room there when we go to a party and drink. We don’t allow anyone to drink and drive. If we go out for the night and want to drink, a prospect will be assigned to drive us home or back to the club.

That’s a very strict rule that Rooster put in place when he took over. His father, King, used to pay outrageous amounts to bail out members that got caught for DUI’s. He was always a drinker but a good guy before his wife pulled her BS but after she was gone, he started drinking hard and it ended up killing him. Rooster hasn’t seen or heard from his mother in years and years. I don’t think he even knows if she’s still alive or not.” Boomer said.

Just then the loud speaker announced that visiting hours were over and that meant he had to leave. He bent over the bed and gave me a long, slow kiss that had me totally turned on by the time he pulled back.

“Damn, woman. If you weren’t so hurt right now, I’d be blocking that door and ravishing you right here.” He said as he rested his head against mine.

“I’ll do my best to heal as quickly as possible, I promise.” I sass back and he chuckles. It took him a minute to be able to get up and then groaned as he stood up and had to adjust himself in his jeans. I couldn’t help the big smile that spread across my face and it gave me a sense of satisfaction that I could do that to him with just a kiss.

“I’ll be back later. Are you sure there’s nothing I can bring you?” He asked and I could tell he was reluctant to leave.

“Just your sexy self.” I said as I leaned back on the bed and bent one knee, giving him, hopefully, a suggestive pose. I couldn’t wait to be completely healed up so that we could be a lot closer.

“Oh, baby. You are making it so hard for me to go. I really wish I could crawl in there with you and make love to you but this is not the right time and definitely not the right place.” He said and then got a frustrated look on his face as another person stopped and opened the door. This time it was a room cleaner that came to check on the bathroom and sweep and mop the floor.

“See you later?” I ask hopefully.

“You know you will.” He smiles at me and then with a wave, leaves my room.

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