Monarch of Darkness

Chapter 6: Awekening failed!

After almost all children was tested, finally it was time for test of Sophie and Evan. By far, eleven children in the ages of nine were able to awaken their body for heavenly elements. It was already a very good result. So every clansmen were in good spirit.

Sophie who was standing behind Lucas walked to the formation in centre. Old lady Adaline looked at her dotingly and said to her, "Child, your talent was not worse than Levi, try your best."

Sophie nodded seriously and put her little hands on top of the orb. After three breaths of time, orb started glowing brightly. This time it was glowing brighter than Levi and it almost covered an area of three metre. The orb was dazzling white in colour and a sacred feeliing was aroused by it. Mind of everyone became peaceful by this sacred aura.contemporary romance

Old lady Adaline said excitedly, "Sophie, after me and and your father, you are the third among Sylvia clan living members to awaken light element. Now you can use your power to chase away ferocious beasts." Dazzling smiles appeared on each Sylvia clan members' face.

Light element was not a heavenly element. It was a unique element of heaven and Earth.

Like five heavenly elements, there were two unique elements of heaven and Earth. They were Light element and darkness element.

Finally it was time for Evan to go. While he was walking toward the stage, all children started cheering for him. Levi shouted, "Evan, do your best."

Evan looked towards Levi and smiled. He punched in the air and byy waving his little fists, he said, "I will do my best." Then he looked toward teacher Brienna and his mother before going to stage. Behind him, Olivia said, "Child, don't be nervous".

Evan walked to the middle and put his hands on the orb and closed his eyes. He tried to feel the heavenly elements around him. At first he could not sense anything. Later he could feel the area where he stood attracting heavenly elements around him. He could feel all the elements in environment clearly.

Evan always wanted to awaken wind element. With wind, he could have flown with azure peacock and go to the nest of the old vulture. Evan always held a grudge against old vulture. It tried to eat him thrice already. Evan always wanted to strip it's feathers as punishment but he couldn't do so because it lived on top of the tallest tree. Even Levi could not reach there!

Evan tried to pull green coloured wind element with his concentration. But to his astonishment he found purple and yellow coloured elements with it. Purple represents the strongest of heavenly element thunder element and yellow represents the earth element. Surprisingly Evan was awakening three elements at once. This kind of talent was heaven defying.

Orb was lit with three brilliant colour. Everyone was looking at it with slack-jawed mouth. There was no word to describe this kind of situation. Everyone was looking shocked. Brianna looked at Evan and then to his mother with a complicated look.

While everyone was surprised, Evan was trying hard to separate green colour from purple and yellow. He was a smart kid and he knew even if he possessed chance to attract more elements, he had to try one by one. Her aunt Brianna had taught him about these. Everything should be done step by step.

Evan wanted the wind element first with which he could take revenge from old vulture.

Everything was going smoothly. Multicoloured elements were going to touch body of Evan. But, suddenly Evan felt heavy pressure coming from inner parts of his body.

He felt a sharp pain in his brain. He vomited blood and his conciousness began to fade away. Before he completely lost conciousness, he saw a sea of black color inside him!

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