Mommy daddy is the lycan king by Glory Tina

Chapter 127

Chapter 127

Important Note!!! These chapters onward will have a violent theme in them; please take note. For clarification, the creatures that came with Doom from the Dark World are called minions; there are five left. Those under Doom’s control are called puppets. P.S. Puppets and Minions all have glowing eyes.

Third POV

Kenneth wanted to check through the warehouse’s compound and see what they were up against, but Julian grabbed his hand and didn’t let him go.

Kenneth glanced up at him, confused as to why he had stopped him. “I’ll go,” Julian said instead, taking the lead. He was the Lycan king, and this was the time to lead by example.

He moved over to the gate, making sure his footsteps came off as undetected as possible. He glanced through the compound, but he saw nothing. There was no guard, no defence, and it felt almost as if they didn’t expect them.

The lack of security surprised Julian because he knew Fiona was here, but then he realised the Doom and his minions had annihilated them last night. They probably didn’t think there would be any confrontation coming from them.

He returned to the seven waiting for him.

“There is no form of security in the compound, but we cannot be too certain.” He said, and turning to Kenneth, he asked, “What would be your best strategy?”

Kenneth didn’t hesitate to speak. “We do not go in through the front; it might look like weakness to not be in the front, but the minions of the dark world are highly alert. We cannot give off our presence, no matter our advantage. We do not have enough manpower.”

With Julian’s instruction, the team split into two and made their way through the back. The first team consisted of Julian, the Lycan King, Beta Hanna, Alpha Cooper, and Beta Issac. Beta Kenneth, Beta Marion, Alpha Lukas, and Alpha Cruz were on the second


Every one of the seven had the pendant around their n*ecks, giving them equal power with the Lycan king until the battle and rescue of the Luna queen ended.



Chapter 127

A direct attack on the masters of the dark world and their minions with their level of power would still not be enough, and so they needed wisdom. The two teams went through the back entrance to keep their presence as hidden as possible..

Kenneth and Marion’s team stepped into the compound, and they spotted a puppet standing guard with blond hair and glowing blue eyes. Marion nodded as Kenneth moved in from behind, wrapped his hands around the puppet’s n*eck, and tackled him to the floor.

The two struggled for a while, but Kenneth subdued the enemy. However, just as he was about to pass out, his legs shut out, and he hit the wall, and there was a spark there, telling them he had triggered something. Kenneth snapped his n*eck immediately, and the blue, shiny eyes died.

Kenneth rose to his feet, and the alarm went off immediately, blaring a loud sound and warning red signs. Kenneth turned his attention to Marion, who looked confused, thinking of the best course of action. He then signalled for Kenneth to join the fold so they could stand together and see when their enemy approached. Kenneth took a step forward, only for Dexter to step before him with glowing green eyes and a massive Lycan form.

Marion’s hands balled into a tight fist, and his teeth were clenched. This was the minion responsible for killing him and Alpha Lupe in the field last night. He deserved to die by his own hands, not Kenneth’s. He thought, and he stepped forward.

“Leave him to me, Kenneth; the rest of you go!” Marion told them, and they nodded and took to their heels. Dexter didn’t seem to mind the trade; he looked ready to have fun either way with the look on his face.

Marion wanted him to bring all the fight he had to give.

“I remember you.” Dexter said, and a smirk danced on his face. “I killed you.”

“Well, surprise, bas ta rd!” Marion said, storming towards him, and his eyes glowed. yellow. He shifted into Rio, his Lycan form.

The two began exchanging fists and fighting, hitting each other as hard as the other person could take. Rio’s strength, although heightened, could not take Dexter on.

“I am impressed.” Dexter began to speak after slamming Rio onto the hard ground. “You didn’t really put up this much fight yesterday, so I will say you came back to life with an additional power wired to your being.” He concluded and added, “Shame, it still isn’t enough. Do not worry; after I kill you for the second time, I will divide you into many parts and present you to Elena as a peace offering.” He said this and took hold of Rio’s.


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Chapter 127

hair, yanking him onto his feet with it.


Rio cried out in pain and kicked Dexter in the jaw, and it took him down. Hearing him take Elena’s name had pushed him off the edge. “Get up!” Rio roared at him. “There is no fun in beating a man who’s down.”

Dexter rose to his feet, and Rio launched at him with full force; his fist collided with Dexter’s face a few times, and the last upper cut sent Dexter into the wall first and onto the ground.

Rio got on top of him, and he didn’t give Dexter the time to recover because he thrust his long claws into his chest and yanked out his heart, but he met nothing there. He was the definition of a heartless creature. Dexter laughed hysterically and threw Rio off.

“You want me dead? You should have gone for the head; sad, you will not get that chance again.”

Dexter had the advantage now, and he used it well, hitting him over and over until Rio’s sight diminished and he could only see figures.

“Like I said before, I will send your package to your mate as a present.” He mocked.

Rio growled in frustration, and his claw shot out, and he slashed it through the figure he saw. The next second, he felt something roll off and onto the ground, and the b*dy of Dexter dropped beside him. Everything became silent around him, even though he could hear footsteps running from a distance and growls and slams.

Rio stayed still, waiting for his vision to return. He would sit here and regain his sight, and if his strength came back, he would join the rest.

“Marion.” He heard his name and his heart sk ipped in his chest.


Julian pushed open the entrance and stepped into the compound, and he spotted one of the puppets standing by. He signalled to the others following behind, and they fell in, making their steps as unnoticeable as possible.

They soon ran into a puppet who wasn’t a part of the five minions, but still under Doom’s control. He had blue eyes that glowed in the dark, and before Julian could take the lead and attack him, Alpha Cooper had already dashed out and tackled him onto the floor. It wasn’t for long, and the puppet stopped struggling, and that showed that Cooper had succeeded in taking him out.

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Chapter 127


ulian appreciated his quick reflex, but he didn’t want them moving without formation.

You move on my orders, okay? I will not have your blood on my hands.”

Cooper nodded, understanding his words: “Yes, my king.”

The words barely left Cooper’ mouth when they heard a blaring sound and a red light shining all around, and they immediately moved to stand on alert, preparing for what was coming.

As expected, someone stepped through, and his eyes glowed green.

“You all should be dead.”

“Well, then surprise.” Julian replied sarcastically.

He huffed, “You will regret not staying dead the first time.” He said and charged towards Julian, but Beta Hanna got in to stand before him. “Go get the Luna queen, my king,” she told him, and he nodded, and they hurried away, leaving her with him.

“A girl.” He growled, and he seemed insulted. “What is Billy to do with you? F uck?”

“No, but this girl is still grieving and angry, so you are f ucked!”

He shifted and charged at her, forcing her to shift into Han, her wolf form. Han relied on her speed, as she hoped to wear him out before attacking and taking him out.

“Did you come to fight, or did you come to run away?” He demanded it with a low growl. His frustration and weariness lingered in his tone.

“Why? Are you tired already?” She asked, but when she tried running away, he caught her by the wrist and slammed his fist against her face.

She fell to the ground, and blood ran down her nose, but she got up

but she got up before he could land another blow to her face. Her face ached from the impact of his fist, but she promised the Lycan king to take him down, and that’s what she would do. She owed it to Martin Rovena, her late mate.

“I see you’re back up.” He said, smirking.

“I’m sorry that was not hard enough to keep me down, big guy; try again later.” She winked at him, and that made him growl in annoyance and

Storm towards her. She ducked his attack, but unlike before, she doubled back with a swift slam of her leg against his knee. Her attack was so quick and calculated that Billy dropped to his knees immediately.


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Chapter 127


“Already down on one knee?” She teased, adding, “This better be for a good cause, like a diamond ring!”

Her taunting and words were getting to him and wearing him down; it showed all over him, and she wanted it this way.

He ran to his knee, angry, but he favoured the leg, and Han knew that would be hist weak spot for her future attacks.

She also wanted to join in with her former team, so she wanted to end this as fast as possible.

“Let’s finish this like women, shall we?” She made a k*ssy face at him and swung her left leg at him. He caught it, and a smirk appeared on his face, but she switched attacks and kicked his jaw with her right leg. Taken aback by her attack, he threw her off, but she fl*pped, supported herself with her hand, and landed on her feet.

“I’m going to kill you,” Billy cried out as his blood poured down his face from the kick she gave him.

“Correction, try. You will try to kill me.”

He stormed

at her, and she miscalculated, causing her to miss a step, and he took her down so that her left hand shifted in its socket joint.

She ran up, but he had mastered her move, and he threw a b*dy-shattering fist at her shoulders, and everything within her crashed.

He turned around and raced towards her to take her down. She would die if she took this impact, and so, with the last strength she had, she pulled away from there in time, and he ran into the wall. She took advantage and got on top of him, wrapping her

hands around his n*eck. Her grip tightened, and she pulled until she yanked his head off his shoulder. Billy’s headless b*dy dropped on the floor, and Han fell to the floor as well, panting and unable to move.


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