MINI STORY: The Fae Queen

Chapter 4

Onyx angrily paced the hallways of the castle. Lili had been gone for two entire days and it was driving him mad. His mood had gone from bad to worse. He had no idea that the sassy fae princess would come to have such a hold over him. He avoided everyone, his mood too sour to explain. Thankfully, tomorrow was Lili’s 18th birthday celebration and there was no way she was going to miss that. Onyx had to be prepared for the moment his princess finally learned she was his mate.

Deep down inside, Onyx was terrified. He was nothing more than the help; the son of the palace cook. She was the crowned princess, the future queen of their realm. Would she accept him? One thing was for certain, Onyx would go down fighting.

“Look alive, O! The princess’s celebration is tomorrow and we have a million things to prepare.” The baker, Echo, shouted at him from down the hall.

“I’m coming, I’m coming.” He grunted, picking up the pace as he moved towards the kitchen.

“Where the hell have you been?” Robert snapped, throwing a bag of potatoes against Onyx chest, “Nevermind. Start peeling these.” He said before Onyx could answer.

Onyx started peeling the potatoes and dicing them, prepping them to be cooked tomorrow. They would be turned into french fries and mashed potatoes. He was also charged with slicing the large hunk of ham into thin slices for the meat and cheese tray. He washed hoards of veggies and placed them in the fridge to chill before they would be cut up the next day.

Echo was making fresh rice and corn flour to use in her baked goods. Dozens of cookies, pastries, cupcakes, and brownies were being prepared for the celebration along with a five tiered cake and, Lili’s favorite, strawberry cheesecake.

“Are you going to tell us why you have been so distracted lately?” Ford asked as their day came to a slow end.

Onyx released a heavy sigh and noticed that the others in the kitchen were leaning in, curious of his answer. He turned towards his father and cleared his throat, gaining Robert’s attention.

“Princess Lili is my mate.” He confessed and the entire room fell thick with silence.

Robert dropped the pot he had just washed and it clattered loudly to the ground. His mouth dropped open and nearly hit the floor.

“She’s what?” Robert nearly yelled.

“I sensed it at the council’s dinner.” He went on to explain.

“Un-sense it.” Robert stated plainly, “Pretend you know nothing.”

“Dad?” Onyx laughed humorlessly, shocked.

“She’s the princess, Onyx. She’s never going to accept you.” He said,

“You don’t know that. She’s my mate, I’m not just going to ignore her. If she wants to reject me, I’ll deal with it, but I’m going to fight for her.” Onyx replied stubbornly.

“You’re the help. You are nothing.” Robert said harshly.

“The princess is a fine woman, kind and decent. You never know what she may decide. There is no law against the royal family taking a member of the staff as their mate.” Echo spoke up, looking at Onyx with sympathy, “Right, Ford?” She elbowed the waiter harshly in the ribs.

“What….oh, yes….right.” Ford stammered.

Echo rolled her eyes at his poor attempt at lying, then offered Onyx an encouraging smile. Robert scoffed and stomped out of the kitchen.

“Don’t worry about him, Onyx. He’s just worried about you getting hurt.” Echo said,

“He’s worried about his reputation, that’s what he’s worried about.” Onyx waved his hand dismissively, “It’s alright, Echo. I appreciate you trying to help.”

Onyx knew that his father would never approve of him going after the princess as his mate. In Robert’s mind, the princess will never accept Onyx and he will only make a fool out of himself and the family name.

After finishing up a few more tasks, Onyx washed his hand and left the kitchen. He was walking towards the service exit when he smelt fresh roses. He froze and inspected the hallways, waiting for a single glimpse of her. From around the corner, the heavy tails of her wool cloak came swirling around first and then came Lili. The hood of the scarlet colored cloak was covering her raven hair, casting a shadow across her face. She seemed to be in a hurry, barely noticing her surroundings as she scurried down the hallway.

Oh!” She gasped as she nearly ran into the man she hadn’t even realized was there.

Onyx chuckled and steadied the princess, gripping her elbows and relishing in the warmth he felt from her skin, even through the cloak.

“Steady now, your grace.” Onyx said, locking eyes with the princess.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there.” Lili mumbled, stepping back from the arms of the stranger.

She studied his face. Something about his long light blonde hair, dark forest green eyes, and warm face struck a nerve within Lili. She recognized him from the council dinner a few days ago and, again, she wondered what it was about him that seemed so familiar.

“It’s entirely my fault, princess,” Onyx replied politely, “I should know better than to get in the way of a princess in a hurry.” He teased her.

Lili cocked her head to the side, unsure what to make of his mocking tone.

“Yes, well, excuse me.” She frowned as she brushed against Onyx, making her escape down the hall.

“Princess?” Onyx called after her.

She paused and threw a look at him from over her shoulder, cocking her eyebrow in reply.

“Happy birthday.”

Onyx’s crooked smirk said more than his words did. The clock had not yet struck midnight, so Lili was still an unassuming seventeen year old who had no idea that she was staring down her mate. She narrowed her eyes at him, as if she was trying to determine what, exactly, he was trying to say with that smile.

“Thank you.” Lili mumbled.

She continued rushing down the hallway and finally made it to the steps. She was in a hurry to get away from Neil and the other guards. Two days was far too long to spend confined to that Godforsaken village and her overbearing guards. She wanted a few hours alone before she would be forced to entertain her guests at the birthday celebration. Honestly, the last thing she wanted to do was attend the party and she contemplated finding a way to sneak out early, after all the guests were tended to.

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