Mia's Path

Chapter Avoiding my feelings


It has been two weeks since that jerk of an Alpha heard my voice for the first and last time. I refuse to talk to him again. EVER! Kyle has been trying to make me laugh or say anything at all, but as luck would have it, I don’t give a fuck about it. He may seem nice, but he is his brother and I doubt that they have different visions on the subject of rogues. After all that’s pack life, right? Your Alpha thinks something and as a brainless beta you think the same. I had it with it!

On the other hand, all this time in the hospital has helped me heal a lot. Surprisingly enough I don’t have scars left, which is very nice considering that I would have practically all my body covered in them. At least one good thing came out of all my bizarre situation.

Now I was walking just fine, could shower by myself and even do light exercises inside the room. All of that was amazing, but since I wasn’t talking, therefore not collaborating with the Alpha’s investigation on the attackers, I could not leave my room. There were always two guards at the door and two at the window. I suspected that they might even have guards on the bathroom mini window, but since it was way too high and tiny, I couldn’t be sure.

I guess all the friendliness died with my lack of words. If I wanted out of here, I might have to start talking again. I wanted out, so I would have to be as fake as possible and pretend that I wanted to share my thoughts once more. So, when Kyle walked in on my room and greeted me good morning, I actually said good morning in response.

His face was hilarious, I should have done that sooner. He was wide eyed looking at me with his mug of steaming coffee halfway to his lips. His mouth was open and if he stood like that a bit longer, I bet that some drool would happen. I couldn’t suppress a giggle at that, and he was brought to earth again. With a big goofy smile, he sat by my side at the couch.

“In a good mood, are we?” Kyle said still smiling brightly at me. I return the smile with one of my own.

“So, where’s my coffee? It’s unfair that you show up every day with one for you but doesn’t bring me one.” I pouted.

“Ok, I’ll bite. How do you like your coffee?” he asked, his eyes laced with playfulness and... was it mischief that I detected? Huh.

“A little bit of cream and sugar. Does that mean you will get me one?” Now I was invested in getting myself a coffee. It has been ages since I had good coffee and the smell of that on Kyle’s mug was making my stomach cry in anticipation.

“Something like that, I guess. It’s nice to know that you like coffee and not only tea for your caffeine of the day.” he chuckled a little.

“Oh, I hate tea, actually.” I said honestly.

“Really? How come?”

“Well, when I was little, every time I got sick, I would drink tea, so I guess I just associated tea with being sick. Therefore, now every time I try to drink tea, I puke.”

That made him laugh for real. And here I was telling him about my sad history with tea and puking. I can’t help the smile on my face as I watch him laugh it off. He might be a goof sometimes, but he is sweet and I’m starting to like him. My mind was swept away from a smiling Kyle when my nose caught the smell of fresh coffee with pinewood and rain. I knew that scent. I looked up from Kyle and sure enough the jerk Alpha was there with a steamy mug of coffee on his hand.

Damn, he looked yummy. Wait, what? Where the hell did that thought came from? NO! He didn’t look anything other than the jerk he was. There, now all is right with the world again. I guess he misunderstood my smile to myself as in I was happy to see his too handsome for my liking face. He smiled at me and came my way.

“Heard you wanted some coffee. Here you go, just how you like it.” He said it with a soft voice, almost hesitantly, like I would bite his head off. Well, he was right about that. I wanted to bite his head off, but I wanted to leave here more, so I would be a nice girl for once.

“Thank you! It was sweet of you.” I said softly, trying my best to not show my true intentions. Sweet mother of Gods! The coffee tasted like heaven.

If I was being honest with myself - which I wasn’t, just to be clear – I was not that mad with him, just really frustrated that I was cooped up in this room still. My sanity was almost non-existent. It was like he just read my mind, because what he said next made me surprised.

“You must be going insane in here all this time. How about we go for breakfast and a walk afterwards?”

“Really?” Kyle and I asked at the same time. Both of us with wide eyes.

“Sure. I’m free this morning, since Kyle will be the one commanding the training today. So, what do you say, Red?” Drake said nonchalantly while giving a meaningful look to Kyle and smile at me afterwards. It was pretty clear that he just made himself free so he could keep an eye on me. He extended his hand to help me out of the couch.

“I’d like that very much, but we have a problem.”

His face furrowed and he looked at me with a frustrated gaze. I get that he was trying to be nice to me, but I couldn’t leave the room in hospital clothes. Or the lack of thereof.

“I need some clothes.” I said with a chuckle while accepting his hand and getting on my feet.

“Oh! Yeah, I’ll ask Mel to bring you some.” He looked at my bare legs and stared for a few seconds too long. Somehow that made me blush. Come on, Mia, control yourself. I cleared my throat and looked at Kyle in hopes to distract myself from Drake’s intense eyes. And there it goes again, I blushed harder seeing that Kyle was, too, staring at my legs. Apparently both brothers liked my – in need of a tan – legs. Weirdos.

Drake came to his senses first and left the room. He came back a few minutes later with the pretty doctor, the one that stabbed me with needles countless times. So, she was “Mel”. The scowl on my face made her laugh at me. I didn’t like the fact that the jerk Alpha went out to get her. Would he have me sedated before we left the room or something?

“Oh, come on, Mia! I have no needles on me right now, just some jeans and a tank top.” Ok, so today I would not hate her as much. She was saving me from wandering around in a hospital camisole. I gave her a small smile and took the clothes from her hand and went to the bathroom to change.

She was good with sizes, the clothes fit perfectly, even the panties and bra. And I missed so much wearing normal stuff like ripped skinny jeans and a simple white tank top. I brushed my hair and tried to put it in a messy bun, but without a hair tie it would fall soon enough. Oh well.

By the time I left the bathroom, Kyle and Mel were gone and Drake was looking out the window while waiting for me. I didn’t need to make my presence known, as soon as I entered the room, he turned to face me taking in a deep breath. Something crossed his eyes, something that I couldn’t place. Was I stinky? I had a shower right after waking up. As discreetly as I possibly could, I sniffed the air around me. No bad smells, so I guess I was okay. With a shrug I said “Ready?”

He nodded his head and guided me out of the room. His hand resting on the small of my back. It made me shiver a little and not from the cold of the hospital hallway either. Why was my body reacting to him like that? It was not right. He was the enemy here. Well, as much as an enemy as he could be, really. His pack saved my life and took care of me, so I knew he wasn’t that bad of a person. But still, he was a jerk of an Alpha which meant I could not really trust him. Right?

As soon as the sun touch my face, I closed my eyes and smiled. The feeling was so warm and comfy. Taking a deep breath I resumed my walking with Drake by my side, his hand still on my back. He really didn’t want to take the risk of me running away right now. The joke was on him, I didn’t want to run away right now. I was very hungry and wanted to eat first, then I could run away. Priorities, you know.

We made our way to the packhouse and the cafeteria without drawing much attention. Truth be told, there was none outside the packhouse or in the common room we passed. Everyone was at the cafeteria, eating breakfast. When we entered all eyes were on us and the room was suddenly very quiet. Well, eyes on me. A few stares were cold and angry, probably from the warriors I had fought when I crossed the border. A few more people seemed surprised, but most of all the pack seemed curious.

Anger, hate and even indifference I could handle, no problem. But those curious eyes gave me an uneasy feeling. My steps faltered a bit, causing Drake to stumble on me. He looked down at me and must have seen my discomfort, because when he cleared his throat, everybody looked away and returned to their conversations.

I released a breath I didn’t notice I was holding and resumed my walk to an empty seat. Drake said something to me, but I was still feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed. Why? I had no idea, I just was. A hand put a plate full of food in front of me and looking up I saw Drake smiling at me. He took the seat across from me and started eating from his own full plate.

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