Memories of the Blue Moon (Lunar of the Moon - Chronicles - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Return of Alameda

“Aly?” Autor whispered as she looked at her cousin.

Aly smiled. “Hello, Cousin.”

“Aly!” Autor cried out as she got to her feet and ran into her cousin’s arms.

Aly sighed as she held the girl. “Thank you for watching over our pack.”

“Oh my God, but how?” Autor asked as she pulled back and wiped her eyes.

“The Blue Moon.” Samden said as he stood.

“That was what you couldn’t tell us?” Monty asked as he stood.

Samden nodded. “Sammy asked me not to tell you guys, just in case it didn’t happen.”


Aly turned to Boone with a smile. “Hello, Boone.”

“Aly.” Boone said with a hitch in his voice.

“Don’t sound so depressed.” Elaine said as she looked at her Alpha. “You knew this day would come.”

Aly looked around at the pack, who were all still on the ground chanting with their other Alpha. She then looked at Monty.

“Meet me in the kitchen.” She said as she pointed to the large building.

Monty nodded and ran to the building. Aly looked at Raye and Boone.

“Go with him.”

Raye nodded as she took hold of Boone’s arm and pulled him to the large building.

Aly looked around at her family, her pack. “Autor, help Cyrus keep the packs calm. Elaine, you and Samden find a way to block Voldern, from doing anything like this again.”

The three of them nodded and scurried to do her bidding. Aly took a deep breath as she prepared herself for her meeting with the three most important people in Sammy’s life.

When Aly entered the building, all three pairs of eyes turned to her.

“So how did I do?” She asked with a big grin.

“Great.” Monty said with a grin of his own.

Aly only had eyes for one man. And they were swirling masses of blues and greens as he stared at her. The sadness she saw in his eyes, almost devastated her. She took a deep breath as she started to move slowly towards him.

Oh hell, screw that. She let her feet fly across the floor as she ran to Boone. She jumped into his arms and started kissing him. She kissed his lips, his cheeks, his forehead, his neck. Boone held her tight as he kissed her back.

“Sammy?” He asked as he looked into her eyes.

Aly shook her head.


She nodded. Her heart broke when she saw the sad look in his eyes again. Did he not want her anymore?

Boone began to set her on the floor, but she wouldn’t let go.

“Boone.” She said with Sammy’s sweet voice. But it wasn’t her.

“What game are you playing at, Alameda?” Boone asked as he stared at her.

“No game Boone Zimmer.” Aly said with her sweet voice.

Boone felt himself instantly harden for her. Aly’s voice was so sweet and intoxicating. But she wasn’t Sammy, why was his body betraying him?

“I love you, Boone.” She said as she looked into his eyes.

“Sammy loved me.” He said as he watched her greyish blue eyes.

“Sammy is still a part of me. I didn’t lose her.” Aly said as she kissed his lips. “Just as Zephron is a part of us. We still love you, Boone. Gaining my memories, changes nothing. Only now, when we talk about our pasts, I have so much more to tell you.” She said with a grin.

“Sammy.” He breathed as he pulled her head down and kissed her.

Aly groaned as she held his head and kissed him back. If they didn’t have an audience, she would be tearing his clothes off right now.

They heard two throats clear and Aly turned her head to look at them. She smiled as she slid down Boone’s body and turned to the other two of her inner pack.

“I called you three in here, to tell you guys that I am still Sammy, or part of me is. And you three are my inner pack.”

“You’re what?” Raye asked with confusion.

“Her inner pack. That’s a great honor. An Alpha always has an inner pack. It’s the ones they trust the most.” Monty said with a smile.


“Yes, Raye?” Aly asked as she looked at the young wolf.

“Is Sammy really in there?”

Aly smiled. “Her thoughts, her worries, her life, her love.” She looked at Boone when she said the last word, then turned back to Raye. “All still there. I actually remember all of my reincarnations. But Sammy’s is the most important.”

“Because she was your last?” Monty asked.

Aly shook her head. “Because she had you three. And other reasons I don’t want to indulge in.” She smiled as she looked at Boone. “Biggest one being that she was the only one to fall in love, and I am grateful for that. Because she brought me, my mate.” Boone watched Aly with a sad look in his eyes and Aly frowned. “Boone, she is still me.”

“What do we do now?” Monty asked as he watched his Alpha and Boone.

Aly sighed. “Well, hopefully, the witches can come up with something to protect the pack from Voldern, before the Blue Moon rises.”

“We don’t have long.” Monty said as he looked at his watch.

“If Sammy is really in there, what does she want to do?” Raye asked as she looked into her friend’s eyes.

“Protect the packs and defeat our enemy. Without too much bloodshed.”

“That still sounds like Aly.” Raye said as her eyebrow furrowed.

Aly smiled at the girl. “Because we are the same.”

“Come on Raye, we have things to do.” Monty said as he dragged Raye from the building.

“Boone?” Aly asked as she looked at her mate.

“If Sammy is really there, then why are you here?”

Aly sighed. “Boone, you knew this was going to happen. Why are you fighting with me?”

Boone sighed. “I’m not trying to fight, Sammy.”

“Then accept us.” Aly said as she moved towards him.

“Do you love me, Aly? Or is it just the memories of Sammy?”

Aly paused as she pondered the question. Does she, Alameda Kalt, love this hunter? She looked into his eyes again and felt her whole body swell with, love and hunger. She jumped into his arms again and started kissing him.

“I, Alameda Kalt, love you, Boone Zimmer.” She said with a soft growl.

“That’s all I needed to hear.” He said as he grabbed her ass cheeks and kissed her.

Aly groaned as he moved to the wall and pinned her back against it. She grunted when he moved his hand between them and started to unfasten her pants. She pulled his shirt over his head and helped him to get hers over her own. Aly heard the door open and someone walk in.

“Excuse me, Aly…”

“Get out!” Aly growled.

The wolf squealed, then closed the door and stood against it on the outside as she placed her hand over her pounding heart.

Monty laughed when he looked at the wolf leaning against the door. “Don’t ever interrupt an Alpha when mating.”

The wolf nodded, then headed out to the field with the others.

Monty stopped her. “What did you need?”

The wolf looked at him then seemed to understand she could tell him.

Monty listened then nodded. “I will let her know.”

The wolf nodded, then ran back to the field. It seems the door is going to need to be guarded. Monty laughed as he moved over to the door and stood in front of it.


Aly held onto Boone as he drove himself deep inside her. The memories of Sammy with Boone weren’t near as good as being here herself. She loves this man, even if it was a different her that had found him. He is her lover, her pack, her mate. He is the only man she ever wanted to be with. The only man she will ever love.

Memories of Elaine’s vision took over her mind for a split second. No, not even that can tear her from her mate. He is hers, and she will never let him go.

Boone groaned as Aly held his head to her chest. She had been wild as Sammy, and she was even more so as Aly. She moved in ways he had never felt before. And she held onto him as though she would never let him go.

He loves this woman, whether she is Sammy or Aly, she is his, always will be. He grunted as he slammed into her. She licked his shoulder, which made him drive deeper inside her. She had better control of her wolf and he got a good dose of them both toying with him, playing with his senses. When she growled and bit down on his shoulder, he came deep inside her.

Aly grunted when she felt Boone release himself inside her.

‘Only if they want kids.’

The memory of Monty’s words floated into her mind. Sammy had been unconscious, but they had still heard everything around them. The perks of being an Alpha Werewolf she guessed.

Aly had never thought about kids before. Did Boone want them? She knows she must keep the Alpha line going, but was it worth giving up her mate for? She sighed as Boone pulled out and smiled down at her. She felt goosebumps run up her arms and pushed him away from her.

He looked at her with a frown. When she went for his pants and started to yank them down, his frown turned to a grin. She wanted more and so did he.

Once she had him naked, she began kissing his body. He was so sexy and warm, and all hers. When she licked his cock, he grunted and pushed her away. She fell on her ass and laughed when he came down on top of her. Without a beat, he entered her, making her cry out.

This is what she wanted. This is what she needed. They didn’t need kids; they didn’t need a family. Their pack was the only family they needed. All they needed was this. This hot passion, that burned deep inside them. He is her everything. The love she had never known she was looking for. He is her lover, her pack, her mate.


Aly and Boone walked out of the kitchen and found Monty standing guard. Aly smiled at her cousin as they passed him. Monty grinned at his Alpha and her mate, as they joined the others in the clearing. Cyrus was talking with them about what was to come. When Aly stopped beside him, he stopped talking and looked at her.

“Alameda.” He said as he bent to one knee, his head down.

The rest of the packs followed suit as they all bowed to their Alpha.

Aly smiled as she raised her hands. “Please, everyone, stand. We have so much to do before the moon comes up.”

Everyone stood and looked at her with awe. Never had they felt something so strong, as when she had commanded them. And they felt drawn to her.

Aly patted Cyrus’s arm as she looked up at him. “Are you ready to help me lead our packs?”

Cyrus grinned down at her. “I was born ready, babe.”

“Everything is ready.” Elaine said as she joined their packs.

“Voldern won’t get past this one.” Samden said with a grin.

“Good.” Aly said with a nod.

“What are we going to do with the humans?” Raye asked as she joined them.

“They will stay in my shack.” Elaine said with a nod.

She and Samden had placed a very strong protection spell over her shack earlier in the day. Anyone who was not able to fight will be safe in there.

“Okay.” Aly said as she looked around her. “It is time to get ready.” She nodded to Elaine who nodded back, then went and gathered the humans.

“I’m staying with you.” Boone said as he stood directly behind Aly.

Aly looked up at her mate with a grin. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“Aly.” Autor said as she walked up to her cousin.

Aly smiled. “Autor, you will lead the born wolves.”

Autor nodded with a smile.

Aly looked at Drake. Drake was grinning at her as if he wanted to say something but was afraid to.

“Drake.” Aly said to him with a nod.

Drake couldn’t hold it back any longer, he rushed at Aly and took her into his arms and held her close. Aly laughed as she hugged him back.

“So good to have you back, Aly.” He said as he set her back on the ground.

Aly looked up at him. “You will lead the bitten wolves.” She said with a smile.

“Of course.” He said with a grin, then left her side to gather the bitten wolves.

“What about me?” Raye asked as she walked up to Aly.

“You, my dear friend, will stay with the witches.” Aly said with a smile as she leaned in closer to Raye and whispered. “I have seen how you look at Samden.”

Raye’s cheeks turned red and Aly laughed. “You can help by keeping the witches safe, if something happens to them, the spells they have cast to protect us will vanish.”

Raye grinned as she walked over to Samden and bumped her hip against him. “Looks like I’m your bodyguard.”

Samden grinned down at her. “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Aly almost laughed. She can see the budding romance between those two.

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