Memories of the Blue Moon (Lunar of the Moon - Chronicles - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Fourteen: Harem

“Is it safe to come in?” Raye asked as she opened the door and stuck her head around it.

Boone placed his finger to his lips, he sat on the couch bare-chested with a sleeping Sammy over his lap. She was covered in a blanket and you could tell she was naked. Boone had slid boxers on before he’d finally gotten her to rest.

“Are you okay?” Raye asked, trying not to laugh at the look on his face.

“I’ve never had so much, uh…”

“Sex?” Raye asked with a laugh as she sat on the couch across from them.

“Yeah.” Boone said with a silent groan.

“Is it that bad?” She asked as she watched him.

“No, it’s that good.” He said as he placed his fingers against the bridge of his nose.

She laughed softly. “She looks like a little angel, laying there all calm on your lap.”

“More like a she-devil.” He said as he laid his hand on her back and rubbed it.

Sammy sighed with pleasure in her sleep. Boone stopped touching her and sighed with relief when she didn’t wake up.

“How long did Monty say this will last for?” Boone asked as he looked up at Raye.

Raye grinned. “Three days.”

“I’m going to die.” He said with a groan.

“I think that’s why Alpha’s mates are usually werewolves. Monty had said something about them going into wolf form and getting it out of their system before they return to human form. Apparently, their wolves can handle it better than their humans.” Raye said with a laugh.

Boone groaned. “Great, I had to fall in love with an Alpha, just as she goes into heat.”

Raye laughed. “Maybe next time she loses her memory, Monty will wait until after her mating cycle to bite her.”

They both fell silent and Boone held Sammy close. Neither of them wanted that to ever happen to her. The thought of losing her to be reborn again, hurt them both.

“Good, she’s asleep.” Monty said as he entered the suite.

“Did you watch the videos?” Boone asked as he looked at Monty.

“Yeah.” Monty said with a nod. “Isn’t anyone I know. And it couldn’t be anyone who knows us. It has to be a rogue werewolf.”

“A born werewolf if he’s changing without a full moon cycle.” Raye said as she shook her head.

“Right.” Monty said with a nod.

“All those girls missing, and the men dead with torn out throats and missing hearts, it sounds to me like someone’s trying to create their own pack.” Boone said as he rubbed a sleeping Sammy’s back.

“That’s what I was thinking.” Monty said with a nod.

“So, what do we do about him?” Raye asked as she watched them.

You do nothing.” Boone said as he looked at her. “You’re just a human and you’ll get hurt.”

“What about you? You’re a human.” Raye said with a pout.

“I’m not totally considered a human. I’m part of the supernatural package.”

“The package that hunts and kills supernatural beings.” Raye said with a nod. “But how exactly are you supernatural like Sammy and Monty?”

“He’s a born hunter. He was born to hunt. He has strength and speed, and other things a normal human doesn’t have. If he was normal, he wouldn’t be able to handle Sammy right now, especially not her wolf.” Monty said with a laugh.

“So, you’re strong like a werewolf, but you’re not a werewolf, and you can run like a werewolf, but you’re not a werewolf.” Raye said as she looked at him.

Boone nodded. “Think of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Without the thing of there only being one. There are actually several of us out there. We choose what we hunt. My family has hunted werewolves for generations, so I hunt werewolves.”

“Okay, I get it.” She said with a nod. “So, Buffy isn’t as farfetched as we think.”

“No, they actually got it down pretty good. One of my pet peeves with that show though; is the way they made vampires look, their faces don’t change like that. You can never tell a vampire from a human until it’s too late.” Boone said with a shiver.

“Ohmigod. Are you telling me that Vampires are real too?” Raye asked with a squeal.

“Shh.” Boone hissed when Sammy stirred. “Almost everything you have heard of is real.”

“The Loch Ness monster?”

Boone laughed softly. “Myth.”


“Creepy ass movies, but made up.” Boone said with a smile.


“That one is debatable. Haven’t seen one yet.” Boone said as he shifted Sammy, so he could wake up his legs.


Boone paused. Now those he has seen in his travels. Sometimes what looks like a werewolf attack, is actually a demon.

“Real.” Was all he said to her.

Raye swallowed past the lump in her throat. “Angels?”

“Real.” Monty said as he sat down on the couch next to her.

“Have you seen one?” Raye asked as she turned to him.

“Yeah, one came down to bless Aly once. She was very beautiful. After the blessing, our crops grew stronger and we had enough food for the harsh winter.” Monty said with a smile.

“An angel blessed a werewolf?” Boone asked with a shocked face.

“I told you, not all werewolves are bad. Our pack has been pure for centuries.” Monty said with a smile.

“What does pure mean?” Raye asked curiously.

“It means they’ve never killed a human, other than for their own protection.” Boone answered as he stared at Monty.

“And that was a very few times. We gave them a proper burial if we couldn’t find their family. And we tried our hardest to not kill them. But when they are slashing at your children…” Monty stopped talking as he shivered.

“You were that child.” Boone said as he watched Monty.

Monty nodded. “Me and my older sister, when we were young. Before Autor became Aly’s second in command.”

“Otter?” Raye asked with her eyebrows raised.

“It is spelled A U T O R, but yes.” Monty said with a nod.

“That’s actually pretty.” Raye said with a smile.

“Hopefully you will get to meet her soon.” Monty said with a smile.

“I hope she doesn’t mind that her brother has been hanging around a normal human.” Raye said with a sigh.

Monty laughed softly. “You forget that our mother is a normal human.”

“Right.” Raye said with a nod.

“How much longer until the moon rises?” Boone asked as he looked out the window.

“A couple more hours. But I think we’re safe. Sammy shouldn’t change tonight. The lure of the moon should be simmered now that the full moon is over.” Monty said with a nod.

Boone looked disappointed. Monty laughed. With Sammy not changing into the wolf, he is going to have to deal with the sexual appetite of the human form, with the wolf leading the tirade.

“I’ll live.” Boone grunted.

Sammy stirred on Boone’s lap and Raye and Monty got up to leave. They heard the growl and Boone holler just as they ran out the door. They tried not to laugh too loudly as they ran down the stairs.


Monday morning, Sammy had to fake sick to get out of going to school. There was no way Boone was going to be caught with his pants down, literally, at school. So, they spent the day locked up in her suite, having the wildest, craziest sex, Boone has ever had in his life. Monty was right, if he wasn’t a born hunter, he would have died, ages ago.

On Tuesday, Sammy was still sick, and they spent the day down by the lake on her parent’s property. He was too afraid to take her to the forest; he didn’t want to know what she could do to him against a tree. The water was crazy enough. He didn’t know there were so many ways to have sex by a lake.

By Wednesday, she was calm enough to have slower, safer sex. And by Thursday, she was out.

Boone sighed as he watched her sleep on her broken bed. What is he going to do with her?

Love her, that’s what.

He sighed as he closed her bedroom door.

“She okay?” Raye asked as she watched him walk into the living room.

“Finally, in a deep sleep.” He said as he collapsed onto the other couch.

“How are you feeling?” She asked with a grin. “Regretting telling an Alpha that you love her?”

He grinned at her. “Never.” As grueling as she is, when she’s in heat, he’s had more fun with her before and after the wild sex, to ever change his mind as to where he belonged.

“We have a problem.” Monty said as he entered the suite.

Sammy’s parents were so used to them all being there, that they’d given them each their own code to get through the gates.

“What’s up?” Raye asked as she turned to look at him.

“The rogue werewolf struck again. And he’s definitely starting his own pack. All females from the looks of it.” Monty said as he paused behind the couch.

“Sounds more like a harem, them a pack.” Raye said with a frown.

“Exactly. And without an Alpha to keep the peace…”

“They’re going to turn on each other.” Boone said with a nod. “All those female werewolves for one male…”

“Why is he doing it, if it’s a bad thing?” Raye asked confused.

“He’s either young or stupid.” Monty said with a shake of his head.

“I say both.” Boone said with a nod.

“How do we stop it?” Raye asked as she looked between them.

“Give him what he wants.”

They all turned to Sammy who stood in the hall, fully dressed.

“Nice to see you with clothes on.” Raye said with a laugh.

Sammy stuck her tongue out at her friend, then walked over to Boone and sat down next to him. He smiled as he wrapped his arm around her.

“Do all female werewolves go into heat like an Alpha?” Raye asked.

“No.” Monty said with a shake of his head. “They do get horny though, especially around their creator.”

“Remind me to never create one.” Sammy said with a chill.

Monty laughed. “You have never had the need to. You believed that a bite should only be given, if there is no alternative, and the person knows what they’re signing up for.”

“Like if the person was dying?” Raye asked.

“Right.” Monty said with a nod.

“But if he’s a born werewolf, why is he doing this? It’s usually bitten werewolves that seek out a pack of their own.” Boone said curiously.

“Maybe he was shunned by his pack.” Monty said with a shrug.

“What if he was turned out because he was doing things with the lady werewolves of the pack, who belonged to other werewolves?” Sammy asked.

Monty smiled at her. “Sometimes I forget you’re still Sammy.”

Sammy smiled, she knows he misses his Alpha, but she hoped he could come to care for this version of her. They’re still cousins, after all, even if Sammy can’t remember it.

“Do we have any clue where he’s going to strike next?” Sammy asked.

“I think it will either be at the college or the hospital. He seems to like young, aspiring girls, who would have made it big in the world, if they hadn’t been brutally changed into a werewolf, to satisfy his hunger.” Monty said with a nod.

“I’ll check out the college.” Boone said.

“I’ll go with you.” Sammy said as she smiled up at him.

“You need your rest after the last few days.” Boone said with a grin.

She smiled as she leaned up and kissed him. “So, do you. You look more wore out then I feel.”

He sighed as he kissed her lips.

“Besides, you’re going to need backup.” She said as she placed her hand on his chest.

“You haven’t even changed but the one time.” Boone said as he looked at her.

“I’m still strong, even when I’m not in wolf form.” She said not needing to remind him, he had the bruises to prove how strong she is. “Good, then it’s settled. We’ll get some sleep and start tonight.” She said as she got to her feet and pulled him up with her.

“I’ll cover Monty.” Raye said as she got to her feet.

“No.” All three said at the same time.


“Raye, you are my best friend and my pack. If something happens to you…”

“Nothing will happen, Monty will have my back.”

“You’re staying at home base, and that’s final.” Sammy said with a harsh growl.

Raye stared at Sammy. Sammy looked at her with her eyes open wide.

“I’m sorry Raye, I think that was the Alpha. But really, I think it would be best if you stayed out of harm’s way. Please? I wouldn’t be able to keep my concentration if I worried about your safety.”

Raye smiled as she moved over to Sammy and gave her a hug.

“Okay, girlie, I’ll stay here. Just promise you will come back in one piece.”

Sammy smiled as she hugged Raye. “I promise.”

“Okay, let’s get some sleep, we have a lot to do tonight.” Boone said as he took hold of Sammy’s arm. “You too Raye. If you’re going to stay at control, you’ll be in charge of communications.”

Raye smiled. “Gotcha.”

“I’ll take the couch; you can have the guest room.” Monty said with a smile.

Raye thanked him as she headed to the guest room. She had a lot of planning to do, on how she was going to follow her friends, without them knowing about it. She entered the guest room and started planning.


Sammy followed close to Boone as they headed for the college.

“Scared?” He asked softly as he looked down at her.

She shook her head. “I’m with you.” She whispered.

He smiled as he leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

“What are we going to do if we find him?” She asked as they walked down the sidewalk.

“Shoot him.” Boone said so bluntly, she looked up at him shocked.

“It’s what I do, Sammy. He’s not one of the good ones, he has killed a lot of people, and he’s been turning people into werewolves, for his own little harem.” Boone said as he looked into her silvery eyes. They seemed more silver than blue or gray when the moon was out.

“I know.” She whispered. “But he is one of my kind.” She said with a frown. Her inner wolf howled at the thought; but knew it was something that had to be done.

They continued to the college, in silence.

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