Memories of Gaia: A new day is dawning

Chapter 6 Secrets in the trees

“You like her!” Nyles teased as he playfully shoved Elden as he neared him. Elden said nothing, turning to Rowan instead.

“Legends say there is a village within the trees-”

“Did you make up that legend as well?” Nyles cut in, doing his best to be funny. He did not want his friends to know he was scared to death to be in the famous Evil Forest.

“I never bothered to look for it while I was living here, but it is said to be the first city on Gaia,” Elden said, reaching into his bag and pulling out a tattered piece of paper. “When the StellaUmbra first appeared on Gaia, they tried to use their advanced technology to help the primitive creatures. But, as history will tell you, that did not go over well. I know there was a battle, but I am not sure of the details.” Elden continued, ignoring the way Nyles coughed the word, ‘bullshit,’ several times as Elden spoke.

“I tried my best at making a map of the forest when I lived here so I could always return back to my house,” Elden informed them as Rowan peered over his shoulder at it.

Nyles, who was unable to see in the dark, waited for them to tell him where to go. He scanned the small patch of blue sky that was directly above his head for any signs of the dragon.

“Let’s follow this path here,” Elden was saying as he tapped on the map, glancing over his shoulder. Rowan nodded as Elden folded up the map and placed it back in his bag.

“Ladies first, ” Nyles teased, gesturing wide as he collapsed into a dramatic bow. Rowan laughed, pointing to the trees as he said, “Lead the way!”

Elden huffed at their nonsense, shoving past the two as he traveled deeper within the dead trees. He ignored the pale, green wisp as it darted near his face, almost touching his skin. The fog seemed to be getting thicker, flowing up to his knees, making it difficult to see the ground.

“I would hate to have to walk in these trees often,” Nyles whispered, his voice almost unheard by Elden. “It’s dark, spooky, and smells weird.”

"Then you should feel right at home as you are spooky and smell weird as well," Rowan chuckled, stepping over a fallen log in the mist. Nyles, however, walked directly into it, sending him sprawling to the ground.

“Dude, I can’t see in the dark!” He groaned as he pulled his body up off the damp forest floor. “Could I please get a light?”

Rowan lifted his hand as a feeble fire formed on his fingertips. The light was barely enough to see a few inches ahead, but Nyles held in his complaints. He glanced at Elden, wondering if his Crystal could somehow grant him the ability to see in the dark. He opened his mouth to ask when Rowan glanced at them, his face twisted in concern.

“Did you hear that?” Rowan asked, pausing in his steps. “It sounded like an explosion?”

Elden and Rowan peered through the darkness as Nyles squinted his eyes. “I hope Val, Akari, and Aira are alright.”

“I am sure they are,” Nyles said, making chopping motions at a yellow wisp that had been circling his body. It darted into the fog, only to return with two others, each one a deep red hue.

“These things are so annoying,” Nyles complained, swinging his arms in a windmill like manner. “I have never seen so many before!” He chopped at a few more, the wisp appearing to be toying with him.

Elden and Rowan said nothing as they continued their journey in the trees. There was a movement to their left, followed by the dry snap of a twig breaking. Rowan extinguished the fire, his hand turning into a fist. Nyles had his spear out, the tip of the weapon pointed towards the sound.

“It won’t mess with you,” Elden said as two red eyes appeared from the darkness. But his friends were not convinced.

Elden casually took a step closer to the beast lurking within the shadows, the red eyes disappearing at once. “See? They are far more afraid of me than you are of them.”

Nyles held his spear for several more seconds before returning it to his back.“It’s the curse, right?”

Elden wished his old friend would not bring up the curse, as it always led to memories of Sheila. But, he nodded, clearing his throat, “Yeah, it is,”

“How do you keep it in check?” Nyles asked, opening his mouth to snap his teeth at a wisp that was getting far too close to his stone face.

“This ring,” Elden snapped, startling Nyles. He had not expected the question to make him so angry.

“I was only asking because I read up on Ankou. You are the only one I know that is able to return to their original form after the transformation.” Nyles explained, watching as Rowan stepped over something in the fog. Nyles began taking smaller, more careful steps. But after several seconds, he was unable to find what Rowan had dramatically avoided and sensed he had been tricked.

“Where did you get the ring?”

Elden felt as though he had been stabbed in the heart by the question. He was hoping that no one ever asks. But Nyles had. 'I know I should have worn gloves!' Elden thought. He remained silent, hoping the issue would drop. But Rowan had glanced at Elden’s hand now and said, “Come on, man. We are nearing the end of the journey. Just tell us.”

Elden sighed pausing in his steps, his head hung low. “Nyles and I fled back to the boat, but I was losing too much blood. Hair was appearing on my body in thick patches as a cold sweat washed over me. I felt as though something were crawling under my skin. I watched as Nyles boarded the boat, his face scared and angry. If I became the beast while on the boat, neither one of us would have made it back home.” Elden paused, shaking his head, his eyes still at his feet.

“I remained as still as I could, hoping Nyles would think I had died. I could see the boat retreating deeper into the waves, and knew my trick had worked.” Elden lifted his head to scan the sky as Skyrah Nox roared in the distance.

“I am not sure how or why, but the curse seemed to be taking longer to overcome me. Over the years, I have witnessed several people become the Ankou, and it always happens within a matter of minutes.” Elden’s voice was growing louder as the memories pooled in his mind. He had to pause, his heart quickening, his hands in a fist. He cleared his throat as the anger subsided, running a hand through his hair.

Nyles could see Trevor lying on the ground, the fur sprouting up on his neck as the curse rushed through his veins. He closed his eyes, willing the images to fade away.

Elden sighed, his eyes staring off into the distance as his words painted images in the minds of his friends.

Elden watched as the small boat rocked violently in the angry waves, taking Nyles away from the dreaded island. He hated himself and knew that this was his punishment. He had lured his friends to their death, to help him on his foolish quest. But, he had failed, and Sheila was gone. A single tear rolled down Elden’s cheek, landing on the dusty, black dirt under his face.

A shadow moved over him, blocking out the red light of the swollen sun, relieving his skin its burning rays. Elden remained still, fearing that the warrior had come to steal his soul as well. He winced as a wave of pain rushed over him. Anger was brewing in his heart as he laid on the harsh ground, his body pulsing with pain.

‘Why are they just standing there?’ He thought as he turned his head, find that it was not the statue that was watching him. A cloaked figure stood inches from his head, as still and silent as a shadow. The figure was tall, wearing a long, cloth cloak a deep brown, almost black color with red running along the hem. Its face was hidden by the shadows of the hood that was attached to the cloak.

At first, Elden thought it was Death, waiting for him to die. “Go away,” Elden said, trying to sound fierce but his words seemed slurred. The figure reached down and roughly grabbed him by the back of his jacket. He pulled Elden up, lifting him off the ground as if he were a pillow on the floor.

“You are strong,” The figure said in a strange accent, dragging Elden through. He wanted to resist, but the fever that was rushing over him was making him weak. Elden nearly chuckled as his body moved like a rag doll over the harsh terrain.

The figure had just called him strong, but here he was thinking about how weak he had become. Darkness washed over him as the figure pulled his body towards an unknown destination. Elden closed his eyes, seeing Sheila smile in his memories.

When Elden opened his eyes again, he was lying on the floor of a makeshift home. It had been dug out of the rocky hillside, the floor a smooth, polished stone. Pain was still trickling through his body, and mouth tasted of copper. Elden could see his hand as he remained on the hard surface, discovering that it was still human and not a beast. He had not died after all, it seemed.

He slowly sat up, holding his head as a wave of pain washed over him. Elden could not see the figure that had drug him here, only various pots that hung beside a small fire in the center of the room.

Elden wiped his mouth, noticing the ring for the first time. He held his hand out to the feeble, orange light of the fire, examining it. It was a serpent, with two eyes made of rubies, its fangs dug into his skin. He placed two fingers on the ring, attempting to remove it.

“I would not do that if I were you,” A male voice said from somewhere in the shadows. Elden nearly jumped, scanning teh room once more. Somehow he had missed the figure standing on the far side of the room, watching him. “Unless you want to live your life as a beast, that is.”

“Why did you save me?” Elden asked, wondering if there was hope for Sheila. Maybe they could go back, get her frozen body off the island. There must be a way to make her human again!

“Because you are strong. I need you do something for me now,” The figure said, his voice soft with a small accent. Elden glanced up at the hooded figure as a cold chill laced itself into his soul.

“What?” Elden asked, flinching as the eyes of the hooded figure pulsed red.

“Kill Queen Maylee,”

“Whoa,” Rowan gasped, glancing once at Elden then at Nyles. “Is that why you hung out in the trees for so long?”

Elden shook his head, stepping over a fallen tree as the fog ebbed into the shrubs. “No, I was partly hiding from the figure. I did not want to kill Queen Maylee.”

“How did you escape?” Nyles asked, tripping over the same log Elden had just avoided as the fog flowed over it. “Dammit!”

“I told him I would do it, of course!” Elden responded, smiling as Nyles pulled himself off the ground.

“I bet that whoever he is, he is mad,” Nyles said, taking baby steps now as he moved through the mysterious fog.

“Meh, let him,” Elden responded, pulling out the map once more. “Well, we are well passed the area I drew, so hopefully that means we are close.”

As if on cue, a tremor began under their feet, causing the wisp to vanish like candles being blown out. The bark on the trees began peeling off in long strips as an eerie green glow sparked burned underneath. The dark trees became immersed in the ghostly fire, as a large, three-headed dog dug its way out of the ground. The beast growled, baring its deadly teeth as it spied the trio.

Elden removed his rusty sword, holding it at the ready as the oversized hound approached them. Rowan punched several times at the air, hoping to scare the beast away. But the three drooling heads took no notice of him.

Nyles, who was earthbound as taking to the skies would be foolish, swung his spear at the center head, the dog snapping at it. As the dog lifted its massive center head, a golden circle was visible dangling off the black, spiked collar.

“Cerberus,” Nyles read out loud, glancing at Rowan, who was focused on the animal.

Cerberus bounded towards them, sending up clouds of dust and debris, knocking them over. Two of the three heads barked excitedly, drooling flying from its jowles. It one swift motion, it had snatched the spear out of Nyles’ hands and bounced away with it, wagging its stubby tail.

“Hey!” Nyles called out, chasing after the beast. “That’s mine!” His foot slipped on a pile of drool, sending his feet out from under him. Nyles landed hard on the foggy ground, glaring at the retreating animal.

Elden laughed, watching as the two outside heads each grabbed an end of the spear and began playing tug-o-war with it. “So, this is the mighty beast in the forest?” He said, shaking his head.

“You think this is funny?” Nyles asked, his voice dripping with annoyance.

“Little bit,” Elden responded.

“Then let’s see how funny it is when the dog has your sword!” Nyles shouted, tugging the blade out of Elden’s hands and tossing it towards Cerberus.

The head on the far left sniffed the rusty blade as it landed near its front paws. It sneezed, ignoring the blade as the other two heads continued their battle with the spear.

“Great,” Nyles said, flying upwards but staying under the trees. He grabbed the only piece of his spear that was not in the mouth of a three headed dog.

“Let go!” He demanded, tugging on the metal with all his might. But the center beast shook its head, ripping the spear free of both the other head and Nyles’ hands.

Cerberus then turned and bounced into the trees, disappearing into the shadows. Nyles flew after the three-headed beast, cursing as branches struck his face. The ghostly fire of the trees followed Cerberus as he ran deeper within the forest, grunting and drooling.

The dog flipped around, his front paws extended outwards while his rump was in the air. Cerberus barked excitedly twice, before whipping back around and smacking into the thick trunk of a tree. Nyles retrieved his spear as it shot out of the startled beast mouth, groaning at the amount of drool that covered his weapon.

“Ew!” Nyles said, shaking the spear several times in hopes that some of the drool would dislodge itself.

“Look,” Rowan said, patting the short, coarse fur of Cerberus as he passed by the now saddened beast.

Elden reached up and pulled one of the branches of the tree aside as the ghostly fire subsided, Cerberus fading as well. He smiled to himself, wishing Valeena could be here to see this as his eyes fell upon the ancient city of StellaUmbra.

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