Memories of Gaia: A new day is dawning

Chapter 3 Risk

As the second roar filled the brilliant mid-morning sky, Valeen raced back into the castle to retrieve their belongings. She knew it was foolish, that they could easily gather new weapons, but she really wanted her sword.

Her friends had quietly slipped out through the hole in the great stone wall, agreeing to meet up by the blasted trees. Aira had even asked if Valeena needed help, but she turned her down, ignoring the worried look that had crossed the elf's face.

Valeena rushed through the empty castle, jumping over the debris from the battle and back to the dungeon door. The guard was no longer at his post as he had no one left to watch. Valeena lifted the heavy wooden lid of the chest, the hinges groaning loudly, and gathered their belongings, grunting in the process. She suddenly wished she had accepted help as the weight of the items were too much for her. Valeena shifted the spear to her left hand as she reached in the chest to get her sword.

“Here, let me get that,” Akari said, picking up Nyles’ spear as it clanged loudly to the ground. Valeena smiled as she said, “Thank you,” to her friend.

“It is a risk I am willing to take,” Akari replied, her orange eyes glancing back up the stairs. “Hurry, we have only a few-” But her voice trailed off as the roar of the dragon cut through the castle.

Panic flashed across Akari’s lovely face as she darted up the stairs, keeping her body pressed firmly to the wall. She peered through the door where the airship once sat, finding the area void of people. “Hurry!” She hissed, her orange eyes flickering back and forth as quickly as a hummingbird’s wing.

Valeena followed Akari back up the stone stairs, her arms aching from the weight of the weapons. She saw Akari disapper into the guard's smelly, room and groaned. Valeena had no intention of ever going back in there, but she reluctantly followed her friend, dragging her feet across the floor. She watched as Akari tapped on the walls in various places, even daring to lean on the filthy, empty beds. The room smelled just as foul as the first time Valeena had entered it, causing her to gag and hold her breath. The tables seemed to be just as dirty, too, as rotting food sat on various plates. Flies buzzed noisily over the food in small clouds.

Valeena could hear the thunderous footsteps of the dragon as it trudged across the main floor, the tiles groaning from its weight. She dared herself to peek back out through the door, spying the black, spiked tail of the beast as it passed by the door. Valeena quickly darted back, pressing her back firmly onto the wall, willing her body to be as flat as possible.


Valeena froze at the sound of her name that was spoken by the male voice, her eyes meeting Akari’s. The girl had paused in her haste as well, an expression of pure panic on her lovely face.

“How are you still alive? I saw your body in the grass.” Thanos said, his eyes narrowing. He closed his eyes slowly and said a single word through his teeth, “Elden,”

Akari broke free of her fear and began tapping on the wall madly, yelping in panic as Thanos appeared in the doorway.

"You are a failure like the Queen," Thanos said as he narrowed his eyes at Valeena.

"She did not fail," Valeena countered, suddenly feeling as though she needed to defend her deceased mother. Thanos chuckled as he said, "Did she accomplish what she wanted?"

Valeena felt a lump in her throat as tears stung her eyes. "You know she died before-"

"Then she failed," Thanos interrupted with a flick of his wrist. "And so have you. You could not even get the Elements. And time is running out."

Valeena opened her mouth to correct him, but stopped. 'He's trying to get me angry and confess I have them,' Valeena thought, closing her mouth as a look of pure satisfaction crossed his narrow face.

"I am a failure," Valeena said, hanging her head low. She was watching Akari from the corner of her eyes, willing her to hurry.

A look of delight crossed Akari's face as she found what she was looking. The lights in the room grew brighter, nearly blinding Valeena.

“Enough!” Thanos said as a spark of light pulsed out of his palm. Akari swung Nyles' spear and struck the energy orb, sending it back at Thanos. Valeena dropped Elden’s sword and Aira’s bow and quiver. She raised her own sword, preparing to fight. Valeena glared at Thanos, refusing to let fear stop her.

Thanos raised his staff, aiming the clawed gem at the top towards Akari. Valeena swung and struck the staff, cutting through the swirling wood. The gem fell to the ground, releasing the massive energy that was building inside. The sparks danced around the room like angry bees, striking the ceiling and the beds in sharp, hissing sounds. The noise was similar to water drops landing on a hot surface.

Chunks of stone fell from the ceiling as the orbs made contact, leaving large holes in their place. Valeena panic and swung her sword as one of the orbs headed towards her body. The energy orb pinged off the metal blade, striking Thanos in the face before he had time to react. The evil man stumbled backward, holding his face, and cursing.

The dragon shoved its massive, spiked head into the room, snapping at Valeena’s body as she scrambled to gather the weapons. She cried out in panic as one of its teeth nearly caught her boot as she bent to retrieve the bow. Valeena had never been this close to a dragon before, and hoped it would be the last.

“Hurry!” Akari shouted as the dragon’s mouth began to glow a blistering red. Valeena dashed towards her friend as an energy orb flew past her, hitting Akari in the forehead.

“Ah!” Akari cried out, falling backward into the hidden door, the shadows swallowing her. Valeena darted in behind her friend, slamming the stone door as the fire erupted from the mouth of the beast. She pressed her back against the stone, but Akari grabbed her arm and tugged her forwards.

“We need to go,” Akari said, the light in the tunnel flickering in and out in quick sparks. The door burst open behind them as Thanos appeared, summoning his undead soldiers. Valeena and Akari rushed through the narrow tunnel, the hollow calls of the soldiers filling the darkness.

Valeena tucked Elden’s sword into Aira’s quiver as she strung the bow over her shoulder. She then spun on her heels, slicing the sword through the air, cutting the undead soldier in half. With a haunting cry, its body dissipated like smoke in the wind.

Valeena swung again, hitting the second one as it neared her, its mouth open wide, like a snake unhinging its jaw. The third soldier grabbed her arm just below the elbow, its hand burning her skin, leaving a blistering red mark. Valeena cried out, nearly dropping her sword from the intense pain. The blade sliced cleanly through the undead soldier’s arm, releasing its grasp on her. Valeena watched in horror as the smoky arm grew back, the soldier roaring loudly.

Valeena shouted back, raising her sword and cutting the smoky figure in half. She spied Thanos in the doorway, glaring at her, energy dancing from his fingertips. Half his face was burned from where the energy orb had struck him, his left eye closed from the swelling.

Akari tugged her arm again and Valeena turned, rushing through the shadows. Akari nearly ran into the wall as the light flickered out again, the tunnel reaching a dead end.

Valeena spun around, holding her sword at the ready in case more soldiers appeared. She felt the rush of fresh air as the tunnel was filled with the mid-morning light. Valeena backed up, spinning at the last second to leap swiftly into the ocean as several undead soldiers filled the secret passage.

Valeena held her breath as her body struck the icy, salty waters. She was struggling to stay afloat under the weight of the extra weapons. A hand grabbed her arm and tugged her to the surface, the air filling her lungs as they began to burn.

“Here, let me take that,” Elden said, pulling the bow and quiver off Valeena’s back as she was pulled under the waves once more. Aira took her belongings from Elden without a rude remark as Nyles grabbed Akari’s outstretched hand.

“Thank you,” Valeena said, shaking her head. They were in the same location as the first time they had jumped into the waters. ‘Fate seems to repeat itself,’ Valeena thought, shaking her head.

“Are you alright?” Rowan was Akari as she held her head in her hands, her face twisted in pain.

Before she could answer, several undead soldiers appeared in the sand, the dragon bursting out of a fresh hole in the castle. Thanos was on the back of the mighty beast, shouting in anger. A black bandage was wrapped around his left eye, covering it.

Aira aimed her arrow for the man, releasing it into the sky. The arrow soared high, missing its mark by a hair. She wasted no time in following the attack with another, as Rowan shot fire from his hand.

Valeena swung her sword, striking two of the undead soldiers, watching as their bodies turned to smoke. She saw Elden focusing on Thanos, his crystal glowing brightly.

Nyles took to the sky, darting this way and that, Thanos countering every attack. Nyles was far quicker than the dragon, but he never seemed to land an attack. It did not make sense to Valeena. How was he avoiding Nyles, Rowan’s fire, and Aira’s arrows?

Akari cried out as several undead soldiers cornered her, her sai having no effect on their bodies. Valeena rushed to her side, striking one of the soldiers. She raised the sword and landed a second attack, wasting no time in hitting the third.

Sweat was running down her face, her breath coming out in puffs. Her arm muscles ached as she tried to raise the sword, barely stabbing the last soldier. Valeena fell to her knees, panting as her arms shook. She peered upwards to find Thanos had paused, his right eye scanning the beach.

“Don’t move,” Elden hissed as Valeena pushed her arm into the sand to help her tired body rise. She paused, narrowing her eyes at him. His crystal was still glowing brightly as Nyles hovered beside him, panting as well.

Thanos grunted in frustration, sending several energy orbs from his fingertips at random. One of the orbs barely missed Valeena’s head, striking the castle wall instead. She had felt the heat of the orb on her face as it whizzed by, causing her to cry out.

Thanos had not missed the sound, “Ignis!” He demanded, tugging on the reins of the dragon. The beast opened its mouth, the inside glowing a dark, blood red. Valeena felt her heart jump at the sight of it, her eyes staring at Elden.

“Over here!” A voice cried out from somewhere in the city that sat behind them.

“After them, Skyrah Nox!” Thanos shouted, the mighty dragon nose diving towards Star City. A black ooze rose from within the city walls, several faces pulsing outwards from within. They cried out, a ghostly call as the dragon neared, rearing upwards suddenly. The goo shot skyward, lassoing the hind leg of the dragon, jerking it downwards.

Thanos raised his arm and released an energy orb, cutting the black tar-like goo in the center. Skyrah Nox soared upwards, avoiding a second attack, the black substance still wrapped around her massive leg. She spiraled towards the ocean waters, determined to wash the goo from her scaly, black body. Thanos cried out, tugging on the reins as the dragon submerged its mighty body within the salty waves.

“RUN!” Elden shouted, leading the way across the sandy shore and around the city wall. Valeena followed as quickly as she could, her arms still struggling to hold the heavy blade.

Akari was the last one to disappear into the trees as the dragon burst out of the water, roaring in anger.

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