Mate to a king

Chapter 11

Do you ever get that feeling where you would just love to drop dead or at least commit suicide?
Yeah...that feeling just won't go away. It has been almost a year since I was kidnapped and do you want to know the worst
part...Aiden has raped me again and again. I have already been pregnant but miscarried around two days later. That's why he
keeps trying. If one actually survives it would kill me, kill James. Oh how I miss my lovely mate. The slight memories of him are
still lingering. I could imagine what he looks like now. A zombie...
I look like a zombie that has gone without brains for decades.. I know, funny right.
"Ahh... look who is finally awake. How you feeling baby?" Aiden, the one person I just wanted to rip the heart out of, Smugly
asked me. A glint of evil always shone in his eyes.
I couldn't reply. I was mute. Ashamed and loosing the will to live, I just gave up speaking about two months ago.
"Still not speaking I see. Well let's find out if beating you will get you to speak." I cowered back shaking like crazy. I practically
was a skeleton now. My bones were peaking out my skin, my eyes has black rims around them and my skin was white as snow. I
wish I could just die but I have to live, for my mate, for James.
James. ~
No! That's it. I am completely going to storm out this castle and go looking for her. I can't loose her. Not yet.
I look like a complete zombie. Not sleeping, eating, moving for that matter. If I don't find Bloom in the next five minutes I could
practically just lose myself to my wolf.
I was interrupted from my thoughts by my Beta David bursting through my office door.
"What." I grumbled.
"Your highness, we have a new lead on Luna's whereabouts." He bowed I leaned over my desk, intent on hearing.
"Well, you know that old building by the sea, that one that was abandoned due to a Rogue attack. It would be the perfect place to
hide out, the sea distracting the scents, hard to find."
I jumped out of my seat immediately.

"Well, what are we waiting for, lets go get my mate back."
"Wait sir..." I didn't let him finish as I was already mind linking all my warriors to meet me outside.
We are coming for you my love.
I screamed internally. At least I can't give him the satisfaction of seeing me hurt.
"What...nothing to say, to scream." The annoying voice of Aiden screamed down by ear. "Well I have someone I would like you to
meet, then you may scream.." he cackled evily. What is it with evil people and cackling?
Suddenly the door to the horrid torture room flew open revealing a man, the one I never wanted to see again, standing in the
"Hello Bloom. Did You miss me baby girl?" The evil glint in his eye made me shiver from all the memories, good and bad.
I couldn't speak his name. The name I knew him by... Dad...
Carlos (Bloom's dad)~
Seeing my oh so lovely daughter hanging there by her hands, looking so much more lifeless than ever.
Brought back memories I wish I could forget. Beating my whole family, my mate, children. Bloom may think I hated her and
always wanted to be evil. Nope! I still love her. She needs to know, I only have her best interest at heart now anyway. I used to
blame her for my parents death. Then I realized she had nothing to do with this and left her. I am only trying to do the right thing.
"What? I thought you died." I managed to choke out, almost silently. My eyes were welling with so many tears.
"No princess, that war was planned. This is the best thing for you, for your mate." I felt tear after tear fall down my cheek. My
dad, the one I used to love, thinking he was doing the right thing by forcing me with my ex-mate.
I heard the door shut signalling that they had both walked out, leaving me broken. The only sound for miles... howls.
Wait howls! I never heard them yesterday.

Then I noticed one particular howl I recognised even though I never heard it before.
James! My mate, my king, my saviour.
I heard the pained howl just waiting to save me.
I heard footsteps getting closer to my door. Closer... closer.
"Come on Bloom love, we better dissapear before that so called mate of yours comes." I knew it, my mate.
"NEVER.." I managed to scream. Wait, I actually spoke.... I spoke.
"Bloom keep talking no one will hear you." The evil voice of Aiden laughed. I did the only thing I could think of. I kicked him. He
was sent to the floor screaming in pain. Haha that's what you get when you mess with Bloom Marie Black.
I heard the scream of Bloom. At least she can still speak.
"NEVER..." she screamed. I instantly ran in the direction not caring what I was gonna do. As long as I had Bloom back by my
I ran up to a lot of rouge guards. I have to give him credit for this, he was well prepared. I killed them all with one swipe of my
claw, not literally but you never mess with an angry alpha king who has lost his mate. I kept running in the direction of the
scream, all I could see was red. I was going in for the kill and not stopping till I got what I wanted. The outside of the building was
disgusting, covered in vines from roof to floor. I just hoped Bloom didn't really have to survive in a room as bad as the outside
Boy was I wrong. The inside was worse than the out. Rusted metal bars where I am guessing they placed cells, broken wooden
doors inbetween two double iron enforced doors. I wanted to gag from the disgusting smell, rotting food, dead flesh. Well, you
should get the jist...right!!? Walking through the gloomy corridor (that felt like it could lead on forever) I finally came to a stop
where I could smell that amazing vanilla smell. My wolf was urging to come out and take over, not a chance though would I let
him through.
"Ahhh!! Look who decided to join us at last, James or should I say 'King James." The disgusting voice of Aiden spat.

I wanted to rip his throat out, then and there but restrained from doing so. "Oh, it's the man who never deserved the title of
Alpha," I sneered at Aiden, to think the cheak of this man. Stealing my mate and the nerve in this man to sneer MY name. He is
wishing for a death sentence.
I was brought from my thoughts by a loud scream coming from the room behind me. Blooms!
Making a quick turn, I dashed towards the door and through it. The sight in front of me made me want to curl up around her,
comfort her. She looked dreadful. Covered in blood from head to toe, scars covering her beautiful, flawless skin. What had the
a*s done to her!

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