Chapter CHAPTER 38

It’s been a month—the same day a month before Aaron got kidnapped and I got shot by a psychopath. My wound was completely healed, but not the scar. Whenever I see the scar, it reminds me of Ana but not Patricia.

The scar on my waist only prompted what I had done to Ana before; I had wounded her with my cruel words, and she may be recovered or forgotten for the time being. Whatever the case, my harsh words had definitely left a scar on her. The scar on my body can be taken care of by applying the medicine, but what about her scar? How the hell am I going to make it disappear completely?

Everyone’s routines were the same, no changes; Ana’s belly was growing, and Aarav started crawling in between; he would try to stand and walk a few steps; I loved his baby steps around the house; and Aaron was becoming more and more mature; his thinking level was not like a normal kid of his age, and this maturity scares me sometimes.

I had not made any moves on Ana. I am a bloody manipulative bastard; I know that very well, but when I wanted to try something genuinely, nothing was going in my favor. I was not getting a chance to prove my sincerity to Ana. When I wanted to destroy something, every fucking moment was on my side. When I sincerely yearned to correct my wrongdoings, I was not finding the circumstances or the situation where she could witness my worthiness. I can show her my sincerity by faking it too. Strange for not even a second, I am thinking of opting that way, and I am not able to reach a step in my sincerity. It was feeling fucking hard how the hell I was going to be for life long beyond my thinking; again, at least I can be satisfied for trying.

When everything was usual, I started noticing changes in the behavior of Ana and Aaron, and they were not talking. If they were, it would be minimal, like very minimal. For the first time, I witnessed Ana being very angry with Aaron for some reason, which led her to stop talking to him. It was unbelievable what the hell was going on between these two.

Ana was crying too much, I thought, because of her pregnancy, but that was not the case. Something was bothering her; if it was related to me, I would have made out, but it was not related to me. On the other hand, these days Aaron was sad; his usual smile was missing, he was not enthusiastic like before, and also, he was avoiding me too much, always giving some reasons; if it was just a mother-son quarrel, I would have ignored it, or if they made up after a few days too, but it’s been 10 days and nothing has changed day by day, neither her crying nor Aaron’s behavior.

We were having lunch, and the dining table, once chaotic but now totally calm, only sounds coming from utensils could be heard. This calmness was kind of suffocating. I was observing both Ana and Aaron; Ana was gulping down for sake, and Aaron was playing with his food.

I wanted to stop him from playing with his food, but before that, Ana broke the silence and said, “Stop playing with the food.” By giving an angry face, Aaron replied, “I am not hungry.” “Don’t show your anger at the food; just eat it; if you don’t like it, I can prepare something else.” “I am not feeling hungry; how many times do I need to tell you why you can’t understand anything?” By saying that angrily, he pushed his plate further onto the dining table and ran towards his room, and Ana excused herself and made her way to the kitchen. I felt like a fool for watching everything; this was not going to stop without my intervention.

I had enough; I wanted to know the bloody reason. I thought of going to Aaron’s room and speaking with him, but his version could wait. I wanted to know everything from Ana; she never behaved this way with Aaron, and suddenly she was frustrated by his every act. There must be a strong reason. I made my way to the kitchen. Ana was cutting some veggies and preparing something else for Aaron, and yeah, she was crying.

I approached her, and by hugging her, I kept my head on the crook of her neck. I was inhaling her scent, which was erotic, and definitely, my dick could wait. At this point in time, I needed to clear the air between these two.

“Ana, can you tell what’s going on? Trust me, I waited these many days and thought you both would sought it out, but day by day it’s increasing.” “It’s nothing; don’t worry.” “How come it’s nothing? Ana, Aaron is avoiding me; what’s going on? Common, speak to me.” “I am not getting what to do.” “Ok, we can discuss right now; at least tell me what happened between you two; why Aaron is angry, not caring about anything; before it’s too late, we should do something about it.” She started sobbing. What the hell happened between these two?

By turning towards me, she hugged me tightly. “He wants to know about his birth parents’.” “What, why all of a sudden? How did he come to know that you told me that you were going to reveal him when he was mature enough?” “It was not me, dam to his maturity and his friends, because of them and through some research, he got to know about his adoption now he wants to know about his real parents’ where we went wrong, we are not enough why he wants to know about them, he was happy right with us”, this was not something which I had expected at this point of time, Aaron was clever and stubborn like Ana, rarely he would show his stubborn attitude, and that only means he was not going to give up.

Then we should do something about it; he has every right to know about his birth parents.” “What, are you mad? No, no, I am not going to let go of Aaron, not in any case; now he wants to know that later he may want to move in with them; I am not going to lose Aaron forever.” “Do you think I will let that happen? He got every right to know about his real parents, and I am going to dig out information about his birth parents.“; “Please don’t; I don’t think anything good is going to come out of that; I don’t want to lose Aaron.“; “Rather, you want to see Aaron suffering like this; you both are suffering; Ana more than me; you know right what it means to know about real parents’ identities we can’t be selfish at this point of time we want to see his happiness too and I am going to find everything about Aaron don’t hate me for that”, “I am not selfish but I can’t help it if it’s related to Aaron, I can’t live without him, why are you not getting, mother can be a selfish for her children and I want Aaron to stay with me forever”, “Ana let me find out everything about his birth parents’, easily I am not going to handover Aaron to them I got my own list if they fulfil then only or else I will use my full power to make him stay with me, but you should be prepare for everything he had spent 7 bless full years with us if everything works out he need to go back to his family and we can cherish every moment he had spent with us don’t you think, we are not going to cut a tie with him, will meet whenever we wanted right”, “I am terrified even to think his absence from our lives”, “Ana, baby listen it will be hard for both of us and sorry I am going to do what’s best for Aaron, if he move from here I will make sure he is safe and sound and I promise you that”.

Finally, she nodded her head; she wanted what was best for Aaron, but her bonding with him made her blind to everything, which I totally get. By wiping her tears, I continued.

“I am going to speak with Aaron, ok?” “OK,” go and take a rest; I will be back once I am done.” By nodding, she made her way to our room.

I started making my way to Aaron’s room. I was feeling dread for the first time facing my son. Each step that I was taking on the stairs was calculative, and the conversation I was going to have with Aaron held too much weight. He was just a kid, but mature enough. That was the problem and the reason why I was taking my own time when I could reach his room in a minute.

I entered Aaron’s room, and he was lying on his bed crying. Both were giving good competition, and I joined him. By taking him close to me, I spoke.

“I spoke with Ana, and I am going to gather information about your birth parents, but you have to promise me one thing, Aaron.” His eyes lit up, and his eagerness was visible. He would do anything just to know about his parents. No matter how good I and Ana were, our love could never surpass his birth parents, whom he never met or even seen once in his life. Relationships are strange, especially if they are blood-related.

I started thinking about Ana and how unlucky she was from her childhood. Where she didn’t find her birth parents’ love or any adoptive parents, I collected all the information about Ana. She was adopted a few times, but with every family, she could only stick for a few months, and at last, nothing was working out; she would end up back in the same orphanage, and she never gave up, not even once.

When my sister questioned me about whether I would survive if I were in Ana’s place, my mind was screaming no. My family kept supporting me irrespective of my failure; always they made sure I was not struggling alone, and at some point in time when nothing was working and everyone labeled me as a ‘looser’, I thought of giving up on everything, including my life, and I didn’t, only because of my family, and I didn’t want their struggling to go in vain.

Now I couldn’t help but think, for whom Ana was struggling throughout her life—not even once she thought of giving up—how the hell she was optimistic all her damn life, how the hell even possible.

Aaron’s expecting eyes made me stop wondering about Ana, “I will dig out everything about your parents’, and I will evaluate I got my own expectations regarding your upbringing so if they didn’t meet my expectations, I am not sending you to them, are you ok with that”, he nodded his head, “If your birth parents’ meet my expectations I am going to send you irrespective of Ana’s protest, ok”, this time he was not nodding his head was staring at me probably in a dilemma, “Aaron whatever may be the case we are your parents’ and your family, I will make sure of your safety if that includes separating you from your real parents’ then I am going to do that, trust me on this I want everything best for you”. Aaron was over me, hugging me tightly, and started sobbing. Oh god, how the hell was I going to lose him if his real parents were good and eagerly waiting for him? My eyes were wet; family sucks, and attachment kills.

“I am sorry.” This boy, why the hell do kids grow too fast, and why the hell Aaron was so mature at such a young age it was not necessary? “It’s ok, baby; I am not mad; you have the right to know about your parents’ Promise to me about my conditions; that’s all I am asking from you”, “I promise I will follow whatever you say, I want to know about them it’s not mistake right mom is angry on me, I am not getting why”, “She is paranoid don’t worry I will take care of her ok”, “I am sorry”, “If you are really sorry makeup with Ana, she is crying mess and being pregnant making it worse”, “Ok I will” by saying that by kissing my cheeks he left the room and I was in conflict.

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