
Chapter 6: Rock

Maliha’s arm burned her, the red lash of the whip tearing at the edges of the brand they had given her just a few days ago. The wound was raw and charred, blood now dripping from the crusted edges of the permanent mark.

The burning of the wound travelled to her head making any movement difficult. She felt delirious as if she would collapse and she likely would have if it wasn’t for the thick arms wrapped around her waist like a band as he half carried her inside the large building.

Through her flickering lashes she could make out the massive white building with its arched windows and large pillars. White material swished through the arches, swaying back and forth in the cool breeze brought by the sloshing river.

Her head tilted back as she tried to put a face to the arms that carried her, but the bright sunlight blocked out all identity. The sun sizzled along her being, frying her alive. Sweat gliding down her skin as she gasped for air, the world spinning around her.

“Give her some water” rumbled a deep voice as darkness ascended beneath her eyes.

Something soft lined her back as she was lowered down, a cold glass of water placed along her lips as she gulped it down.

“Easy” he mumbled, pulling the still full cup away from her. Her hands shook as she tried to grab the glass back, but the person only chuckled at her.

Her mind was foggy as she tried to put a face to the voice but all she could see was a blur of dark skin, he was just shadows. Light flickering in and out of her squinted eyes as the cool shade of the house protected her from the unmerciful sun.

Her head thudded against his chest as she gasped for air, the salty taste of her tears melting against her lips as she shook with pain. His hands stroked along her skin, hushing her as he rubbed her extremely sensitive body. She was burning, the heat of his body sizzling into her skin. She tried to pull away, but the world merely tilted, his arms flexing as they pulled her tighter into his chest. He was like a rock, solid and unmoving.

“What has happened here,” thunder rolling beneath her ears as his chest vibrated with anger. She could hear feet shifting but she still could not see, the pain so blinding she felt it pounding beneath her optical nerve.

“Tanzim, speak” he growled, his body shifting as he moved Maliha slightly.

She curled further into his chest, her head snuggling along his musky skin, her damp lips searing at the warmth of his body. His rough fingers swiped along her dampened cheeks and rubbed at her flickering lashes, the small slithers of light disappearing as his thumb blocked the light. His hands moved to her hair as he stroked lightly, gently patting on her head as he urged her to wake up, to open her eyes but she couldn’t.

“Tanzim,” he rumbled, urging the woman to step further into the room, demanding she speak up. She stood there for a moment, her eyes flaring defiantly before they gentled and her back straightened in preparation.

“This female disobeyed my command and so I disciplined her” tone haughty.

“Is that what happened?” Xiuri nodded a yes, her head bowed in fear. She shuffled back a few steps, her hands limp at her sides as she flickered back and forth form looking and the floor and the delirious Maliha.

“Would you like to say something” warm breath husked in Maliha’s ear, rough lips gliding against her skin causing her stomach to roll.

One eye propped open revealing pale green eyes before it closed again, “she lies” she coughed, chest rattling as if she were breathing her last breath.

“Easy,” mumbled the voice above her, cool cloth dampening at her forehead.

“Where are the herbs?” he grunted, fist thundering down on something that rattled through her brain. “And you,” his body shifted as he pointed at someone, Maliha’s head lolling with the movement.

His attention was back on Tanzim, “Who gave you the permission to discipline anyone?” Teeth grinding as Maliha felt his rage channelling into her body.

“My Uja, I am your Knar... is it not my place to discipline our people?” her voice was soft and sultry.

A sharp hiss filled the air and whipped around Maliha’s head. His back curling like an animal ready to pounce. A small smile spread across Maliha’s face as she imagined one of the panthers of the Black Jungle curled over her as it protected her from a draganir. The voice rumbled and rumbled over her until she was in a sound sleep, pain a distant memory

When her eyes opened again she was in a room, cool white sheets clinging to her finely clothed body. The sheer silence of the short nightdress barely covering anything, but it was more than the tatters she had been wearing before.

Her hand automatically reached for her split open skin but met the thin white strips of material, the wounds throbbed but they did not burn. The feeling of fire that had coiled through her body had long since eased.

She slid out of bed, her feet clicking against the cold marble floor as her eyes took in the beautiful room before her. Thin white curtains dangled from above the arched windows, blue, gold, green and red dyes painted in swirling patterns along the ceiling detailing a story of the gods. It was one that Maliha was unfamiliar with but could easily see that it was one of love. A mother’s love.

Her heart throbbed at that thought, the thought that she would never know her mother or father. Never know her beginning and in an essence never know herself. Her hands clenched along her neck, wrapping around air as she thought on her family heirloom. The thick gold chain with a circular medallion at the centre. A gold boat floating on a bed of blue sea gems. The crystalline beauty had shone on her neck like a bacon of light in her younger years.

She had worn it with pride even though it had clearly set her apart from the Melikit tribe. All she knew of her origins was that she came from water and so the water she had followed until there hand been nothing left.

Her hands glided around the empty room, as she looked in the mirror that was housed on top of a small vanity. Her appearance was haggled, her hair standing up on all ends and her face darkened by the rich sun. Her lips cracked and splattered with droplets of red. Her dried blood sticking to her neck and lips.

She felt tender, her whole-body thrumming with the residual abuse she had been put through. Her legs and arms the main places that had been attacked but she could walk without pain and that was a blessing in itself considering the earth shattering pain she had experienced earlier on.

Her feet padded against the floor as she pulled open the curtains, the sun fading as the moon swallowed it whole and night began to take over. She had been unconscious for quite some time if the sun and her stomach was anything to go by.

“Do you understand what you have done?”

Maliha’s head whipped around at the growling voice that carried through the bedroom door.

The voice so familiar it had her feet moving, body following as she turned away from the fading sun and headed out of the room. Her hands running against the high walls and pillars as she headed further into the torch lit house.

She followed their voices, bending around corridors and climbing down steps until she stood in the entryway of a brightly lit room.

She could make out the face of Tanzim but the man she spoke to faced away from the door, his hands curled along the wood as he hunched over it. His long dark hair glinting with hints of red twisting down his back in one singular plait. Gold and bronze gems glinting along the thick mass.

“Do you understand, Tanzim?” His voice rough with anger and disappointment.

“I am sorry my Uja, I thought that as your Knar it was my place to discipline our people”

Tanzim was soft and supple now, remorse in her voice as she stepped to him. Her smooth hands that had never seen hardship gliding along his marred body.

“I am sorry” she hummed, her seductive web wrapping around him as her lips glided along his back and up to his ear where she whispered soft words along his lobe.

A deep groan rattled from him, his head bowing as he moaned deep when her hand wrapped around his torso. Her lips gliding along his neck as she apologised in the way of lovers.

Maliha’s breath panted from her chest as she stood by like a voyeur and watched their intimate moment. Tanzim’s soft moans filling the air as he gripped her hair and forced her along the desk. Tongues fuelling for a split second before he tore himself away. They stared into each other’s eyes, the flickering torch light casting a story along their skin.

His deep copper skin looked red against Tanzim’s pale gold, their rich colour emanating a light from within. They were luminescent until Tanzim’s hand broke the spell they had weaved.

He pushed her hand away from his face, his body disengaging from her as he stepped closer to the door.

“Uja?” Her voice wavering and her brow creased.

His dark hair whipped around his shoulders as he vehemently shook his head, shaking the magic from his eyes so he could see the woman before him clearer and see her he did.

“What you have done this past day,” teeth tutting as his resolve settled, “it cannot be forgotten so easily Tanzim”

“But Uja, I have already explained my reasoning. Surely you understand?” Her hands were clasped in the thin material of her dress, eyes earnest as she stepped towards him, but he backed away.

“It was not your place Tanzim and you know it” he gritted, voice deep with anger as the female gawped in shock.

“I am but a rock that holds this tribe together until Savuriya gifts us with the rightful leader... I do not lead with absolute power and I do not whip our people” fire in his words kindling higher and higher as his ire climbed to new heights.

Tanzim was shocked, her mouth hanging wide as she took in all his anger and then her frustration was being stoked as her beautiful face transformed into the mask of fury that Maliha had become acquainted with. She became a hideous beast, her teeth snarling and tongue hissing curse words.

“What you did was wrong Tanzim! For too long I have allowed you to do as you please.”

“That’s because what I do pleases you Uja” her lips titling up in a sultry smile, reminding him of everything g they shared together and remember he did.

His pupils dilated and nostrils flaring, his conviction faltering against Tanzim’s words. Her hold strong as he stood there for a moment, remembering all that they had shared. The way her eyes shuttered closed in pleasure and her neck extended out to him in a sign of trust.

The way her lips fell open and the sweet sounds she made.

The feel of her skin. The sight of her unmarked flesh a kaleidoscope in his mind until the image shifted and torn open flesh and blood flashed beneath his lids.

His head shot up just as her treacherous hand reached out for him. He swiped her away.

“No more, you have done enough. You have abused the power I have given you and so.”

“Don’t you dare,” she screeched.

“Don’t you dare stand there and pretend that I have done some unthinkable act! Don’t you dare!” face twisted with her rage as she stared up at him with anger but beneath that emotion was fear because Tanzim knew she had gone too far.

“I am to blame for this because by taking you as my Knar I afforded you this place of power and now you have used it to disfigure an innocent woman,”

Maliha clenched her arm, tears dripping down her eyes at his words. She was disfigured? Yes, she would have scars but were the wounds so deep that she would become undesirable, unlovable? Her heart cracked at the pain. Her feet faltering as she stepped away from the door. Her back pressed against the corridor and her eyes flickering shut.

“Do not vilify me! That slip of a woman will heal and the men will still want her then.” Jade coated her words with its sour jealousy.

“Is that it Tanzim? You felt threatened by her beauty even when you had me?” He gasped incredulously.


Her long neck that he had once loved kissing along during the throws of passion was straightened up. Her shoulders rolled back as her eyes became cold and detached.

When she did not respond his shocked face transformed into one of utter disappointment as he finally saw her for who she truly was. He knew she could sometimes be vain and that she loved male attention but never had he thought she would go this far.

“You have nothing to say?” Maliha’s head peered into the room at his gruff words.

“I will not beg for forgiveness Ujarak, I have done nothing wrong. You have no reason to be angry.”

She stood before him like she was a superior, a queen amongst weak men.

“You think I am angry?” He snorted, his head flinging back with laughter at her disgruntled face. His chest vibrating with each tumbling chuckle.

“I am not angry Tanzim, I am disgusted,” he hissed, body stepping towards her as he straightened to his full height.

“Uja” she cried, her hands shaking as if she could defend herself from him but there was no need.

“The council has spoken. They call for your punishment and I agree”

“No” she gasped in shock, sobs climbing through her throat as she reached for him, but he turned his back to her. Amber eyes with flecks of red staring out into the shadowed corridor.

“Your punishment by the council is that you are to work the fields in place of Maliha. She will eat and be seated in your place whilst you take hers as the lowest of the tribe,”

“But Uja,” she stammered, “Surely you would not allow them to do this to your Knar?”

“Of course, not” he growled turning towards the door, his body stiffening at the dark shadow of Maliha’s body. She stepped further into the light, finally seeing Uja for all that he was.

He had strong sharp features, slanted eyes and high cheekbones with speckles of dark hair. His chin and lips shrouded by a thick beard. He was big, almost god like and though he was not that much taller than Abazz, he was bulky. He had big broad shoulders and a wide chest, a muscular torso and thick thighs. He was stature was overwhelming.

Her hand clenching along her chest at the foreboding sight he made but he continued speaking as if Maliha was not there. As if the sight of her had no effect on him, as if she were nothing.

“I would never allow my Knar to be treated this way... Which is why you are not welcomed into my bed or within the heart of the fire.”

Maliha’s eyes bulged wide at the flames kindled in palms, orange flames dancing along his wrists as his burning orbs stared into her with unnerving clarity. As soon as the flames vanished as quick as they appeared leaving Maliha doubting whether she had actually seen the flames or if it had been a trick of the torch light.

“Your adornments will be taken back, and you will wear the mark of a free woman. Any tribesman or woman is free to have you.”

His cold eyes glaring at Maliha with contempt as if this were her fault. As if she asked for his knar to betray him. She did not want this; she didn’t want the pain or the scars. She just wanted to belong somewhere.

Big globs slid down her face as pale green eyes clashed with flamed amber orbs.

“If you do not wish to take a man or woman then your hair will be cut, for the council has spoken and they will not be swayed.”

Words sharp like the pointed blade that clung to his waist, slicing through arteries as it brought forth blood but only one bled true.

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