
Chapter 3: The cost of choice

When Maliha came too she felt as if she had fallen from the sky and tumbled viscously to the harsh cold ground. Her head thudded against the floor and blood sputtered in her mouth as her eyes popped open. They were gritty and sore from the dust and dirt that had flown in her eyes during the first ride. Her throat was dry, and her lips felt sore and cracked.

Rolling to the side her face met the sight of large sandaled legs that followed up to thick black calves that disappeared in his loose cut off trousers.

His dark skin was bare from the waist up, a thick matt of hair travelling from his chest and into the band of his trousers. Maliha slowly rose into a kneeling position so her head could crane back to get a better look. The sight of this man sent dread skittering through her body.

His face was shrouded in a thick black beard, the fuzzy hair obscured any view of his neck. His dark ebony skin was shiny and smothered in cuts and scars, two prominent ones on his right cheek were the most noticeable.

His hair was shaved close to his head in swirling designs. The Zigzags and triangles that took someone a good deal of time to craft into his hair were only at the sides of his head. In the middle he had a dark black mane of hair that was braided along his head toward the back. The three plaits intertwined in crossed pattern that was gathered together at the back in one long plait.

His eyes were the colour of freshly gathered honey, the light amber hues standing out against his dark skin. His large form dwarfed Maliha and made her feel weak, it was a surprise. Not one that was pleasant. The man before her could crush her skull with his large beefy hands without even breaking a bit of sweat. His size so massive it knocked the fear of the gods into her.

“I am Drezir Abazz, welcome to our land” cheerfully greeted the dark man before her, his large hand swiping down to lift her from the ground.

His strength had her tumbling into his chest, her head thudding against the muscle and bouncing back. Her hands clasped her head as she tried to see straight, the motion left her dazed causing everything to blur before her.

When her sight turned clear she was almost startled to death at the close proximity of his face from hers. His thick lips murmuring words that she still couldn’t hear not for lack of trying. His eyes had her mesmerised, so much so that she couldn’t hear the noise of people entering the room they stood in.

“Abazz what are you doing next to this, shnir” came a viscous voice from behind her. Maliha jerked from his arms and twisted to face the voice, her mouth gripping wide at the woman entering the room. She had skin as if the gods had kissed her and long brown hair they billowed around her enraged face at the sight of Maliha.

She charged over to the two of them her pregnant and pierced belly leading the way as she spat fire through her eyes. Maliha naturally staggered back from the crazed female but the Pax stepped forward, arms wide as he grinned at the female. Grinned.

Maliha understood enough Eastern lingo to understand that the woman glaring at her had called her a whore. It was one of the worst terms a woman could be called mainly because this tribe was sexually free with each other. A woman could have multiple sex partners without being called promiscuous, one was only titled a shnir when they had become so loose with their favours, it began to show. This woman who had no idea of her character had called Maliha a diseased woman.

“I meant no offence to your Knar” apologised Maliha as she realised the woman felt threatened by how close the two had been.

It was easy for anyone to assume they were about to kiss, even if that was the furthest thing from either of their minds. Abazz seemed to be a kind male but his partner was not.

“I am not his knar, I am his Solah, idiot.” Spat the female.

Her scrunched up face made her look displeasing to the eye, when she was in fact one of the prettiest females Maliha had ever seen, she even surpassed Nia.

Her beautiful brown hair was long in tight luxurious curls that swayed along her strong body that was draped in the most obscure materials. Her chest was wrapped in a thick leather brown strap that barely covered her nipples. The material so small her outward belly button and rounded stomach was on display. Her belly button had a long silver piercing that was attached to a chain that hung around her waist and travelled up to a necklace around her neck.

Her legs were swathed in a thin cream material that fell in loose jagged ruffles to her knees. Some parts long and others so short they gave the illusion of seeing her private parts. Around her waist was another leather strap that carried a golden dagger and what appeared to be a small arrow.

Her skin was golden with radiance and her piercing blue eyes were as clear as the gushing river she had followed. Her eyes were slanted and her cheek bones high and rosy. It was no surprise that Abazz had followed this woman into joining in a wedded bond. Her eyes alone could hook a person.

“Sorry,” nodded Maliha in embarrassment as she stared at the couple.

The female beside him was all fire and animosity, while he was smiles and welcoming. They were an awkward match, but they looked striking together, her brown hair made his eyes more radiant and his dark skin made her eyes appear bluer. Her tall form was still cowered beneath his 6ft stature and yet they both looked as deadly. Both their bodies rippled with muscles, only hers was much softer and delicate. If muscles could be thought so.

“Nahi, be nice to our guest,” warned Abazz in a jovial tune as he patted the behind of his wife. His arm moving up to rest along her shoulder as he quickly squeezed her breast before she slapped his hand away.

Maliha smiled at this open display of affection. She should have known from the way the woman had addressed him from the beginning that they were more than just lovers. A man and woman who engaged in sex did not typically converse in such familiar tones outside of their tents. Unless of course they were something more.

She had no intention of offending the leading female, she knew if the woman in charge disliked someone she could make their life hard. It was always best to become friendly with the woman who was married to the tribe leader. Though she was not the leader, she was just as influential. She whispered in the ear of the Razi and helped guide the new generation, being on her side was crucial for an easy stay if that was what she would do.

“I apologise if I offended you Rozen Nahi.”

She addressed her apology directly to the scowling female, as she was aware her previous gesture had fallen on blind eyes.

The female’s eyes widened at her apology and a wide grin split across her face, though the smile was not as welcoming or forgiving as Maliha expected.

“I am not the Chiefs wife, I am his sister and this man’s wife.” She reluctantly grunted as she pointed to Abazz who had begun rubbing her swollen stomach, his fingers running up and down the linea nigra that pregnant women often got.

Their sweet moment was abruptly ruined as warriors began stomping into the room some shouting lewd comments at her, others just staring at her body. It was uncomfortable being around so many disrespectful men, she had never met a people like the Der Surjaz and she hoped she never would. As soon as she was cleared to go, she would be out of there because that was definitely what she was doing now. If there had been any doubt in her mind before it was promptly removed at the presence of these males.

She would rather battle the dry dessert then be saddled to one of these men.

Abazz’ jovial tone had dimmed into something so much more sinister, something that put Maliha at edge.

“As is our way, we offer trespassers one of two options. You can become the Knar to one of these men...”

At his words the men’s voices climbed to a crescendo of hoots hollering, the vile comments had Maliha wishing she was anywhere but here. There was no way she could lay with any of these men.

The Men were making obscene hand gestures of sexual acts, screaming boastful words of the size of their “sword” and their exceeding durability. Maliha quickly faced the front when a man began untying his trousers to show her his flaccid male parts. She felt sick to her stomach.

“Or you can work the fields from sunrise to sunset. It is your choice.”

Booing sounds were made over his words as the men shouted their displeasure at this option, they all wanted a piece of the new female. They wanted a new body to sample, it also did not help the fact that Maliha was attractive. Not in the typical way but in an awkward way.

Her pale green eyes were her most pleasant feature, there was a silver shine to them that was so rare they looked mystic. The sun had given her skin a darker tint, making her skin a deep brown where before it was an unhealthy bronze. Her jet-black hair ran in copious waves down her back, the crown of her head covered by her falling scarf.

“Think wisely” grinned Nahi, her lips spread wide as she motioned to the choices that Maliha could pick from.

There was nothing to think about. Maliha had way too much self-respect and pride to ever do what they were proposing. It was not that she was some weeping virgin, but she was not this type, she had to establish a modicum of trust before she could lay with a man. She couldn’t just act in demand and not when these males were so lewd. There was only one decision she could live with, even if it killed her.

“I will work the fields” she whispered, resignation staining her words.

Maliha’s head lifted in time to see the female shoot her a sympathetic look and then her arms were being grabbed before she could process what was happening. Her fight or flight instinct kicked in and she began thrashing about, kicking and screaming as she was forced to her knees. Her teeth sunk into the skin of a male which earned her a harsh backhand, her head lolling as blackness danced beneath her eyes.

A sharp clanging sound filed the air and then she was jolting from her stupor as a long-carved knife dangled by her head. Her body shook as she screamed and yanked from the hands that held her, but tough hands gripped her chin and forced her head to stay still. Her scarf was roughly ripped from her head and then she was forced forward, her neck bent in the prefect position.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as the cold metal clinked at the nape of her neck, the sharp edge biting into her skin and swiping up. Her eyes clenched shut as white noise filled her ears, ringing and ringing on. Small wails left her mouth as she sobbed in relief and fear.

The hands began to loosen up and then she was dropped to the floor, her hands rising to her head as she felt the short strands of her once long hair. Her fingers raked along her scalp as she sat there in shock. She was grateful that she was alive, but her fear had not subsided yet. It still thrummed through her veins and was only heightened when rough hands shoved her to her back.

Her shoulders and legs gripped in rough hands as she fought as hard as she could, but she was so weak after days of surviving on bread and tiny sips of water.

Fire licked against her skin and then her nose was burning, a sharp pain causing her eyes to sting as the woman Nahi came forward. A chain in her hand as she attached it around Maliha’s neck and clipped it around her ear. The chain then dangled across her face until the sharp clip was inserted into her still burning nose.

Her face felt swollen as if she had been stung by a thousand bees, but such pain was drowned out by the scalding hot poker that sizzled across her skin. The scent of her melting and burning flesh was all she remembered as consciousness slipped away from her.

When she came to her stomach was churning and a bitter liquid dribbled from her mouth. The taste of her stomachs contents repulsive along her tongue.

Voices drifted in and out, sounds unclear and voices a blur but then she heard clearly.

“This will hurt” they warned not that the warning was of much help.

Fire travelled through her body as a stingingly cool liquid was applied to her arm until she was set alight. Screams torn from her throat even as the burning black blanket swallowed her back under.

This was so much more than pain.

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