Magi’s Path (Aether’s Revival Book 3)

Magi’s Path: Chapter 52

They didn’t stay the full time to study. They wanted to spend a little extra time with the children, so the three of them slipped out of the archive, giving Simon nods as they left.


“Daciana is going to be a handful for whoever she fights first,” Gregory chuckled. “All that pent-up energy is going to come to a head then.”


“I just hope she can pace herself for the whole tournament,” Jenn said.


“We’ll need to find out which arenas they’re in and try to get the best seats available so they know we’re there,” Yukiko said. “We can swing by the board after they post it and the novices leave.”


“That would work. I’m sure the elder will want to know… or would he know already?” Gregory started before he changed his sentence.


“He might very well. We know he can see far into the future,” Yukiko said. “We can always ask him tonight when we get back to the clan hall.”


“That might be for the best,” Jenn agreed.


“First, though, we have the day ahead of us,” Gregory said. “I wonder who’s on gate duty this morning and how surprised our medallions will make them?”


As they got to the postern gate, all three of them were shocked at what they saw. Sergeant Willof stood beside the bench near the postern, speaking to a man in a kimono. The surprising thing was that the man’s kimono was lavender and bore the shield of Aether’s Guard.


Lightshield looked up at them and waved them forward. “Apprentices, going out for the day?”


“Uh… y-yes, sir,” Gregory stammered.


“You are undoubtedly wondering why your elder is on gate duty,” Lightshield said. “I had to pay for what I did to Elkit nearly a year ago. I was given leeway on when I served my time, as long as it was before a year had elapsed. So, here I am.” He held up his hand. “No need to show me your medallions. Since you are in my clan, I can vouch for each of you. Sergeant, will you get the gate for them, please?”


“Of course, sir,” Willof said, motioning to the guard nearest the gate. “Let them out.”


“Yes, sir.”


“Enjoy your day,” Lightshield told them with twinkling eyes. “I shall see you back here before the sun sets, I have no doubt.”


“Yes, sir,” Yukiko said. “Have a good day.”


As they left, Willof turned back to Lightshield. “As I had been saying, we stopped the fight from happening—”


The door closing cut off the rest of what he was saying. The three of them exchanged brief looks for a moment before Gregory snorted. “Maybe we’ll be able to surprise people after all.”


Jenn started to laugh. “He’s frightening.”


“And our husband will be even more so in the future,” Yukiko smiled softly. “We’ll never be able to surprise him.”


Jenn nodded. “True, but we’ll know he loves us.”


“Of course,” Gregory said. “Come on, we have places to be. I wonder when I’ll be able to see more than a minute or two into the future reliably?”


The three of them set off jogging down the street, heading for Gin’s home.




The sun had barely begun to rise above the horizon when they got to the door of the manor. This time, Gregory was the one in front of the others, so he knocked.


The door opened after a minute, and Elsa gave them a broad smile. “Welcome back, magi. Please, come in.”


“Thank you,” Gregory said, stepping inside. “We’ll only be here for the Peaceful Fist today.”


“I understand, sir,” Elsa said. “It’s a little earlier than normal. Should I gather the children early?”


“No, but we’d like to speak with you and Baylyss,” Yukiko said.


“Is there a problem?” Baylyss asked, coming down the hall toward them.


“Not a problem. We’d been discussing it and thought that if it was okay with you, and if Elsa wanted to, maybe she’d like to serve my parents during the tournament,” Yukiko said. “Mother never brings her maid with her, and it would give Elsa a chance to learn what being a lady’s maid is like.”


Elsa’s eyes had gone wide, and she turned to Baylyss with hope shining in them. “Can I?”


Baylyss considered Elsa for a moment before looking at Yukiko. “You’ve already asked them?”


“No,” Yukiko admitted easily, “but someone has told us that she’d be willing to continue being a maid to the family if she isn’t a magi. If she’s committed to that idea, getting her a look at being a lady’s maid seemed like a logical step. My mother will agree with me— I’m certain of that.”


Baylyss lips pursed. “Just for the tournament?”


“Yes,” Yukiko said. “Perhaps the tournament that follows this one, as well, but that’s all. We don’t want to remove her from the household at this time.” She turned her gaze to Elsa. “This isn’t going to be a vacation, Elsa. You’ll be working the entire time under my mother’s direction. She won’t coddle you or treat you any differently than she would any other maid. Are you sure you want to do this?”


Elsa swallowed. She turned to Yukiko before picking up her skirt and curtsying. “Missus Pettit, I would be honored if I could be your mother’s maid, even if only for the tournament. I will apply myself as fully as I always do, and will not embarrass you or Miss Ursinda. I will act as any servant should and never expect favoritism.”


All of them blinked at her for a few seconds before Baylyss spoke, “If your mother agrees, I will allow it.”


“When the carriage comes for us in a couple of hours, we’d like her to come with us. If it doesn’t work out, she’ll be brought back. Is that acceptable?” Yukiko asked.


“Yes. Elsa, go gather the children. You will need to explain to them what you will be doing. I will bring the magi to the courtyard myself in a little while.”


“Yes, ma’am,” Elsa said, sweeping off down the hallway.


They watched her go before Baylyss motioned to the front parlor. “In here?” Once they entered the room, Baylyss shut the door. “Please explain this to me?”


“You are aware Greg has foresight,” Yukiko said. “Sometimes, his foresight will let him see years into the future. He has no control over when it happens. He had such a vision about Elsa when she asked about being a maid if she didn’t turn out to be a magi. The vision showed her older, wearing a maid uniform with the clan emblem on it, and welcoming him.”


“I know that it was a home— my home in the future— and not a clan hall,” Gregory added.


“I see…” Baylyss said slowly. “Foresight shows probable futures, not certain ones, correct?”


“Yes,” Gregory admitted, “but when I told her that she’d be welcomed in that position, she smiled brighter than I’ve ever seen. I believe that, unless something drastic happens, it will be the future that comes to be.”


Baylyss looked at the floor for a long moment before exhaling softly. “Very well. It will be harder to keep all the others on task without her, but I will do my best.”


“Maybe it will be easier,” Jenn said. “If they see Elsa rewarded with this opportunity, as I’m sure they will all see it as such, they might strive even harder.”


Baylyss looked up and nodded. “Maybe. I’ll hold to that hope. I should go make sure the children understand she isn’t leaving forever, but just for the tournament. Your clothing is hanging up for you.”


A knock on the front door came just as Baylyss stepped into the hall. She answered it to find the novices standing there. “Welcome back, magi. Please come in and then pardon me. I need to check on the children.”


As Baylyss walked off, the novices gave them questioning looks.


“Elsa might be given the opportunity to learn how to be a lady’s maid,” Yukiko explained. “She’s going to see how the others are handling the news.”


“Do we know the person? Would she be safe and cared for?” Victoria asked intently.


Gregory was surprised at how protective Victoria was, but he cleared his throat. “Yes, and yes. It would be Yuki’s mom.”


It was the novices’ turn to be shocked. Nessa spoke up, “Your mother wants her as a maid?”


“My mother doesn’t even know yet,” Yukiko said. “Step into the room and I’ll explain it. Dear one, why don’t you change and go see the children? We’ll be there shortly.”


“Sure,” Gregory said. “I’ll see you all in the garden.”


Gregory stopped at the entrance to the garden and saw the children sitting in front of Elsa, all of them in their gi already. He waited by the entryway and listened in.


“Now, you will do your very best while I’m gone, right?” Elsa asked them.


“Yes,” they chorused.


“Good. I will do my best to reward you all, but the one who does the very best will get something extra special,” Elsa said.


“Elsa, do you think they’ll let us try when we’re older?” one of the other girls asked hopefully.


“I don’t know,” Elsa said honestly. “If I do become Yuki’s personal maid, they will need someone for Jenn and for Gregory, plus more for the general home… but they’ll only take the very best, so we’ll have to prove that we are the very best, won’t we?”


“Yes,” all of the children said again.


“Okay, now let’s get into our places. They will be here soon,” Elsa said.


Gregory stepped back out of sight for a moment before coming around the corner again. “Oh, you’re all here already. Good. Everyone else will be here in a moment. Are you ready to practice?”


“Yes, Sensei,” they said together.


“Good. I’m sure Baylyss will tell you how we and the novices are doing. Remember to keep up with your training, as well as your chores.”


“Yes, Sensei.”


“Sorry for the delay,” Yukiko said, leading the others into the garden. “We’re going to have Daciana lead today’s meditation.”


All eyes went to Daciana, who was wearing a big grin. “Okay. First stance, everyone.”

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