Magic's Return: I Can See The Spirits

Chapter 195 Vaan is getting a Star? Already?

Chapter 195 Vaan is getting a Star? Already?

"I heard he was one of the better students in the Sword Division? I don't know how true that information is but since it was said by a Sword Division Professor, I would assume that it is true and if it is, then I must say,

I am quite disappointed.

I come from the Vesta Family, we have the best Mages in the entirety of Agresia, we have the best resources to learn Magic, we have the best spells, we have the best Magic Libraries to explore, we have the best guides who can bring the strongest mage out of us, we have everything a Mage needs,

I can positively say that I didn't come to the Agresia Academy because I wanted to learn Magic from the Professors teaching here, I am sure these Professors are great, but I doubt they could teach me more than my mother can,

What I came to the Academy was to explore.

I wanted to explore the world.

The Agresia Academy is also called a 'Minor World', they say that it is exactly like how the real world is and the students are allowed to explore all other possibilities safely, and while I do think that is true, as a Mage, the thing I was curious about the most were, swords.

I wanted to meet Swordsmen.

Most people already know, my father is a swordsman and since I was in his strong presence for so long, I wanted to see how strong the swordsmen of my age or who were at my level were and since the Agresia Academy prided its Swords Division, I was looking forward to seeing how strong a student from the Sword Division is,

Especially a student who walked into the Magic Division acting like a bully. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate bullies.

Rather, I promote bullying, I believe it is what makes people strong enough and is part of the real world.

However, what I do not like is trying to bully someone using numbers, especially when the one doing the bullying is a weakling.

Imagine my surprise when I, who barely held a sword before, defeated a Swordsman who spent his entire life practicing swordsmanship, is considered one of the better students of the Sword Division, and is confident enough to try and bully other students, using a Sword.

Honestly, I know I shouldn't say it, but if this is the level of the Agresia Academy's Swords Division, then let me say this in advance,

The Magic Division will be taking over again,

Just like it did when my mother, Astra Elysia Vesta was here."

As Octavius Ravenshadow, the Head Master of the Agresia Academy read the words said by one of his Academy's students, a smile couldn't help but appear on his face,

"Those are some bold words.

Reminds me of the time you defeated Astra when she just arrived here.

He is your son indeed."

Orion, who was sitting beside his father couldn't help but smile,

"He still isn't as good as me, I believe he will get there in time.

Also, just to point it out, if Astra was here, she would have defended herself saying that it was her first fight against a swordsman and that she defeated me in the next fight."

"Yes Yes, then you would have countered that you won the first fight and the stupid competition continued till you fell for her and decided she was more important to you than her sword,

I am not interested in your relationship dynamics or your past, I was there, I saw it all, and I am still unsatisfied by how you chose to abandon the path many are willing to kill to enter and choose to protect who you love."

Octavius snorted. contemporary romance

"Father, there are times when you find something more precious than the goal you are normally aiming for. That woman is that precious someone in my case and even now, I do not regret my choice."

Orion replied with a small smile on his face.

He had already sorted out his feelings many years ago, he had all the answers related to this topic right in his mouth and everything came directly from his heart.

Octavius glanced at his child,

"You defeated Gareth Dawncrest, that man is the current head of the Dawncrest Family and is known as one of the strongest Swordsman in the entire world."


"Just imagine what level you would have reached if you hadn't abandoned your path."

"Huh? Who said I cannot defeat Gareth now? I'll kick his ass like I used to in the past no problems."


Octavius simply chuckled.

"You think that is possible? In a one-on-one duel, maybe, but the real world is different from the Academy, child, he has the entire Dawncrest Family behind him, while you, who has left the swordsmen world, have nothing.

It would have been different if you were well-known as a guy who defeated the Dawncrest Family's heir and the next headmaster of the Agresia Academy, now, however, you are nothing.

Most people don't even know who you are and the ones who do, they only know you as an excellent 4-Star Swordsman who later disappeared.

The current you does not have enough influence to even challenge Gareth Dawncrest to a duel, let alone win."

Orion's identity as the Husband of the Head of the Vesta Family didn't help, in the real world, his status was no different than the status the wife of Dareth Dawncrest had, nothing. Most don't even know her name.

Honestly, seeing his child, who was talented enough to defeat one of the greatest geniuses of his era being reduced to this position hurt Octavius's head.

Yes, his son did say that he was happy because he found the 'love' of his life, someone like Octavius, who had only followed his sword his entire life, didn't understand it.

For him, 'love' only made one weaker. These feelings that get in the way of the sword are a liability. Even his relationship with his wife, Orion's mother, was just an arranged marriage that his wife's family had proposed and he accepted because he needed an heir, an heir who ultimately denied the position of the heir.

"It does not matter, Father. Status can be earned, but talent and skills cannot. I am not here to fight, I am only here to protect my child.

A child who… has tendencies to make quite a lot of enemies."

Orion replied.

He had different plans in his mind, however, knowing his father, he decided to not reveal them for now, after all, even he was not sure if his plan was feasible.

Octavius shook his head as well, there was no point in talking about these things, he had tried enough times before, Orion didn't listen before and he knew his son wouldn't be listening now either, in the end, Octavius decided to talk about the topic that pleased him,

"I can see that.

Not only has he inherited your uncouth mouth, but he also inherited that girl's ambition.

He didn't just target the student he defeated, he targeted the entire Sword Division and even the complete Agresia Academy.

I heard that this article received quite a lot of attention from other students in the Academy.

It made him the enemy of the entire Sword Division and at the same time, it also made him the eye of the Magic Division, it gave him the say that no other new student could ever have, with just one battle, he had pretty much became the face of the Magic Division.

His words may sound brash at first, but they were spoken after careful thought, that boy calculated all sorts of possible reactions there could be when his words were revealed. He is gifted, in more ways than one."

Octavius was full of praise.

Orion on the other hand, just chuckled, "That boy is not much of a thinker, you are giving him too much credit."

"Does Astra think the same way?" Octavius questioned.

"Huh?" Orion frowned.

"You have terrible judgment skills, Orion, I would rather trust that girl than you when it comes to knowing about someone."

"…" Orion turned silent.

"Anyways, I am looking forward to meeting that child, I also want to know more about those Advance Circles of his, around five Senior Professors at the Magic Division came to me reporting that, saying how it deserved a Star and how I should allow them to research that Circle."

"Vaan is getting a Star? Already?" Orion was surprised, he completely ignored the 'research' part, he knew his father would take care of it, not to mention that even if they did try it, Astra already said it was impossible to form those circles, and if Orion knew one thing about magic, it was that if his wife couldn't do it, no one else could.

His son could only do it because of those spirits or whatever he called them flying around him.

Octavius, not knowing what his son was thinking, replied,

"He will be getting a Star, yes.

The only question is how many will he be getting."

"He is getting more than one…?"

Orion was shocked.

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