Magic on Changeling Mountain

Chapter 36

“Oh, Tammy, this place is cute. It screams you.” Amelia said.

“Thank you! I like it.” Tammy said. “Excuse me but I need to pee.”

Tammy disappeared into the bathroom as everyone stood around in the living room. Carolyn said “Look. I’m going to head home. I want to check on my place and make sure things are alright with my folks. I also want to let the fairies and centaurs know about what is going on. Tell Tammy to call if she needs me.

Lucinda, Amelia, you know you are welcome to come stay at my cottage if you need to. Mr. & Mrs. Mason, I’m sure Tammy can come up with sleeping arrangements for you. I’ll see you later, I’m sure.”

Carolyn said as she pulled open the door to Tammy’s apartment. She let herself out and walked down the hall. She walked across the small yard that surrounded the apartment building to where she had parked her jeep. She tried to ignore it but she couldn’t help but feel that someone was watching her.

She knew that if she had been in her cat form, every hair on her body would be standing straight up. She debated about going back inside and telling them what she had felt but the urge to get to her family was stronger.

She drove as quickly as was safe back to her cottage. A quick look around told her everything was fine and she decided to transform to run up to her parents. It would give her a chance to sense the air and make sure everything was as it should be. Fifteen minutes later she jumped up onto her parents’ front porch and let herself in the front door. She hadn’t seen, smelled or felt anything out of place. She opened her parents front door and found the family sitting around the dining room table with her Uncle’s Ray and Richard and her cousin, Justin, who was Richard’s second oldest son and also a horse, like his father. He had been away in the military and Carolyn hadn’t heard anything about him coming home so the surprise clearly showed on her face when she came into the dining room.

“Justin! When did you get home?” Carolyn said and rushed over to give him a big welcoming hug as he stood up.

“This morning. Didn’t tell anyone I was coming because I wanted to surprise everyone.” Justin replied with a big smile. He was taller than Carolyn remembered, standing well over 6 feet and he had really filled out. His shoulders were now as broad as her fathers but his belly was flat and tight, unlike her father or her uncles. They had all acquired the “middle age punch” or “spare tire” as her dad liked to say.

Justin’s jet black hair was cut in the military style and his blue eyes were as striking as they always had been. He had been very popular with all the girls in school when they were growing up and she would bet good money that every single woman in town was going to be chasing after him soon.

He was a year younger than Carolyn but had always been part of the group of kids that had become friends from grade school right into high school, most of them changelings but a few humans that knew of their secret and had kept it faithfully over the years.

“The folks were just telling me that you and Colin have finally discovered how you feel about each other and are engaged to be married?” Justin grinned at her.

“Oh, no. You too? Why didn’t anyone ever tell us? But yes, sometime in the spring. We haven’t set a formal date yet. Will you still be here or do you have to ship back out?”

“No, I’m home for good. I’ve done my 8 years and am considered retired. I want to open my own garage in town with my VA benefits.” Justin told her.

“That’s great! Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news right now and rain on your parade but we may have trouble coming. I just got back from Washington and Amelia and Lucinda will be staying with me at the cottage. Tammy and her parents are staying at Tammy’s.

You are not going to believe this but remember us telling you about a witch that was into dark magic coming into the coffee shop while we were there the last time? Turns out she’s Tammy’s Aunt! And another thing is the man who turned her to the dark side was Armand’s brother. His name is Garret.” Just then Carolyn realized that they did not know his last name but it didn’t really matter.

“Anyway, he has been the one that has had all manner of creatures looking for Tammy over the years and he’s still looking, we think. The word has spread about her parents coming back and of Tammy being a pure white witch. They are afraid they might come here looking for her again.

Lucinda, Amelia, Tammy and her parents are going to put up protective barriers all around the changeling part of the mountain to keep them away, but we all need to be on our toes and keep a lookout for any strangers that come around. We also need to warn the fairies and the centaurs. I don’t know what to do about the trolls.”

“Wow, sounds like there’s been lots of changes since I’ve been gone!” Justin said with an obvious look of shock on his face.

“Oh, you don’t know the half of it but I’ll have to catch you up on it all later. Right now, we need to spread the word and let everyone know to be alert and aware. I’m going to go talk to the fairies right now and then I’ll take off and go up and see the centaurs and work my way back down that side of the mountain.

Uncle Ray, I hate to ask it of you but can you get up high and check over the whole mountain and let me know if you see anything out of the ordinary? Dad, if you and Uncle Richard can let our neighbors both east and west of us know?

I’m going to find Colin and see if he can meet me at the Pence’s and we’ll check the north side of the mountain too. Justin, would you like to come with me? I think we should stay in pairs as much as possible and check in with mom at every stop by phone. That way she knows what’s happening and won’t worry so much. Is it OK if we make this our base and tell people to call here if they see, smell or hear anything out of the norm?”

“Sounds like a smart plan. Good work, Carolyn. Come on guys, let’s get moving. It’s going to be a long day.” Daniel said as they all stood up to leave.

“Why don’t you call Colin now and tell him to meet us at Pence’s in say an hour or so?” Justin suggested.

“Good idea.” Carolyn said and walked into her mother’s kitchen to use the phone. Donna came in for something to drink and as Carolyn dialed Colin’s cell number, she told Donna, “Please stick close to the house and help mom as much as you can?” She said giving her sister the “you know what I mean” look.

“You can bet on it.” Donna replied. “She’s been jumpy as a cat in a room full of rockers lately.”

Carolyn often wondered if her mother didn’t have some ESP powers. She would have dreams and they had a strange way of coming true more often than not. Carolyn wondered if her mother had been having dreams about this lately. She didn’t want to upset her but needed to know and decided that as soon as she hung up with Colin, she was going to have a quick heart to heart with her mom.

“Colin? It’s Carolyn. I need you to meet me at Pence’s place in about an hour or so. OK?” Carolyn said, as soon as he answered.

“OK, babe. What’s up?” Colin questioned.

“I don’t want to talk on an open line. Just meet me there. I’ve got a couple of surprises for you!” Carolyn said, with a small smile on her lips as she watched Justin through the open doorway. He was standing talking to Uncle Ray as her father and Uncle Richard jumped off the porch and transformed. They headed off to the west first. Carolyn hung up and asked Donna “Where is Kev today?”

“At work. He has to leave around 5 am to make it to work on time. He’s really wanting to move into town in the worst way. He’s a real grouch in the mornings lately.” Donna replied. “He usually gets back after dinner time.”

“Well, give him the 411 when he comes in. See you later.” Carolyn said as she went to join Justin on the porch.

“Take care, Carolyn. I’ll stay close to the phone so please let me know where you are and what’s going on at each stop.” Angela said, as she wrung her hands together.

“Mom, when I come back I’m going to give you a full check-up. You are looking kind of pale. Have you not been sleeping well?” Carolyn knew asking her about her dreams outright would cause her mother to clam up.

“No and the dreams are not clear yet. Just bits and pieces and nothing really bad, it’s just a feeling I have when I wake up. A sense of dread but I can’t figure out what is causing it.” Angela admitted. She knew her family knew about her dreams.

“Well, hopefully the witches can set up a protective shield that will take all of that worry away. Promise me you won’t overexert yourself and try to get some rest? I’ll be back well before dark and I’ll call at every stop, I promise.” Carolyn said as she hugged her mother and then turned to join Justin in the yard.

They walked over to the barn and Carolyn told Justin, “Keep your voice down and don’t move too fast. I’m going to introduce you to the fairies. They are very leery of humans. I have a radio and microphone set up so that we can talk to them and hear what they say in return but you have to whisper.”

“OK.” Justin whispered back and then slowly opened the barn door for her. They stepped inside and Carolyn led him over to the radio set up on one of the support poles by the tack room.

She turned it on and called out, “Foster? It’s me, Carolyn. Can you please come out? I want to introduce you to my cousin, Justin.”

They stood quietly for just a few moments when Justin noticed a small golden sparkling shape in the hayloft above their heads. It wasn’t very big at first but slowly it came out from behind the hay bale and drifted down to meet Carolyn. He flew to the microphone and Carolyn reached up and turned up the radio’s volume.

“Hello, Foster. How are things going? Is everyone warm enough?” Carolyn whispered.

“Yes, thank you so much Miss Carolyn. I think we would have lost many of the very old and the very young if we had to live in the trees this winter. There just wasn’t enough time to prepare it properly. So this is another member of your family?” Foster asked as he looked Justin over.

“Yes, this is my cousin, Justin. He’s been away in the military for the past 8 years but he’s home to stay now.” Carolyn whispered.

“Hello, Foster. Very nice to meet you.” Justin whispered and started to hold out his hand for a handshake but caught himself and just waved at the fairy instead.

“How do you do, Mr. Justin. Very nice to meet you as well. Your cousin and her family have been most helpful and generous to us since we came to this lovely mountain.” Foster replied and bowed deeply to Justin. “We will never be able to repay them for all of their help and generosity.”

“No debt owed, Foster. I’m sorry to say I also have some bad news as well. Can you please tell the queen to come down? I feel I should report to her directly about some possible danger to the mountain.”

“Of course, Miss Carolyn. I’ll be right back.” Foster said and immediately took off back to the hay loft.

Within just a minute or two, the queen of the fairies, along with her entourage of maidens and guards, floated down to the top rail of the stall next to the tack room.

Carolyn reached up and took the microphone and repositioned it so that the queen would be able to speak into it.

“Queen Rose, this is my cousin, Justin. Justin, Queen Rose of the woodland fairies. They showed up on the mountain in the late fall and we have found them a lovely tree to live in but it began to snow before they could get it prepared well enough to live in so they are staying in our barn until the spring.” Carolyn explained as quickly as possible. She needed to tell the Queen and then get on to the centaurs, as fast as possible. It would not stay light on the mountain forever and she had to move carefully when she was in her cat form because she showed up so well against the snow. She explained to Queen Rose about the threat of the dark witches and that they should let her parents know if they saw or sensed anything out of the ordinary until the barriers were put in place.

Queen Rose stepped up to the microphone and told Carolyn. “This may be a way for us to return part of the debt we will always owe you and your family, Miss Carolyn. We fairies can create barriers as well. How do you think we have managed to live so close to humans for so many years? Most of them don’t see us because we project a sort of barrier.

It’s an illusion really but it works. They think we are bugs because they can’t understand that there are more creatures living among them than they realize. For instance, I could make your coat appear white in the winter months, if you want. That way you can be out in the snow and be almost invisible to any human that might possibly be in the area.”

“Really? That would be great! But would I change back to black when the snow goes away?” Carolyn asked.

“I can change you back in a blink whenever you want.” Queen Rose said.

“Ok. I have to go up to the centaurs now and warn them. Can you change me now? Sure would make traveling during the day safer.”

Queen Rose nodded and Carolyn transformed into her cat form. With a wave of what Carolyn had thought was just a twig she was holding, it was actually a wand. Carolyn felt a slight tingling and her coat transformed into a beautiful white. Carolyn wished there was a mirror in the barn so that she could see her reflection. She transformed again and thanked Queen Rose.

“You look awesome either way but don’t you think the honey color of a mountain lion might be safer?” Justin asked.

“Yeah maybe but I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be white instead of black. Maybe I’ll try the honey color next fall.” Carolyn smiled at him and Queen Rose.

“Thank you. We had better be going now. We need to warn the centaurs and the families on the south side of the mountain.” Carolyn said.

“I will send some of my guards to begin protecting your house and your parents’ house and this side of the mountain. Together with the witches’ barriers, nothing evil will ever step foot on this mountain again.” Queen Rose said as she waved at the hayloft and called her guards to her.

Carolyn and Justin left the barn and transformed as they ran across the yard. Justin was also a horse, like his father. “You really do look awesome in white. Are you going to be wearing white on your wedding day?” Justin thought to her.

“Of course. White and blue are my colors for the wedding. But if you are asking if I deserve to wear white, then the answer is also yes, if it’s any of your business.” Carolyn thought back.

“Sorry, you are right, it’s not but glad to hear it. I’ve always liked Colin. He’s one of the few rare ones worthy of you.”

“Thanks, Justin. It is important to me to have the respect of my family but more so I have to be able to respect myself. I don’t feel like it would be wrong to sleep with Colin now that we are committed to each other and that’s what’s really important.”

“So a cat and a wolf. Now that is going to be an interesting combination. I wonder what your children will be?”

“Well, considering that my mother is a doe and my father a bear and they had a panther and an otter as well as a doe for children, there’s really no telling. I just hope I have them one at a time.”

They were coming close to the centaur’s area and Carolyn slowed down and lifted her head to sniff the air. She looked at Justin and transformed and he followed. “I don’t know what you know about centaurs’ but they are not overly friendly. Very formal and polite but from what we have heard can also be very dangerous, so let me do most of the talking at first.”

Justin nodded that he understood and they began to walk through the woods in their human forms. They didn’t have to go far when Damien suddenly appeared. He was standing next to a large tree with his arms over his chest and a wary look on his face.

“Hello, Damien. This is my cousin, Justin. He’s just come home from 8 years in the military.”

“How do you do, sir?” Justin said, unsure if he should offer his hand or not.

“I do well, Justin, thanks to your cousin and her parents. They have been very welcoming and accommodating to us since we got here. Please express our gratitude to your parents again.”

“I will and I hate to say that I have also come to warn you of some possible trouble that may be headed our way. You know that my friend Tammy is a pure white witch.”

Damien nodded.

“Well, we are not certain but we think that the dark warlock that went after her when she was a baby has found out where she is living and maybe is trying to come after her. The witches that were here last fall, her parents and Tammy are going to be placing protective barriers all around the changeling areas of the mountain to keep anyone associated with dark magic off of our lands for good.

The fairies are going to help as well with illusion spells to prevent humans from being able to see any of the magical creatures that are also on the land. We are hoping that we will no longer be bothered by anyone coming to track any of us anymore.”

“Very well. Your father showed me and Eric the boundaries up here. We will lead them there and assist in any way we can. When do you expect them to arrive?”

“Actually, I’m not sure when they will be coming up this high but I will bring them, or my dad, or perhaps Justin.” Justin nodded, when she glanced over at him.

“I will alert my herd. Thank you for letting us know.” Damien said and turned to leave.

“Let’s head over to old man Wainwright’s and let him know.” Carolyn said and then transformed.

“Wow, is he still alive?” Justin thought to her as he also transformed.

“Yeah and as crotchety as ever, I guess. It’s been years since I’ve seen him.”

“You know his grandson, Jon, and I went into the military together but we were assigned to different units. I kind of lost track of him after about a year.”

“He was killed in action in Iraq. Please, don’t bring him up when we are with Mr. Wainwright. It really sets the old man off. In fact, it might be a good idea for you to head on to the next house, which is the Bennet’s place. Old man Wainwright might not take well to seeing you again.”

“Why? I was on the same side as his grandson.” Justin was confused.

“I know but old man Wainwright hates anything to do with the military. Even Colin and his deputies don’t go anywhere near his place when they are in uniform. He has a tendency to shoot first and ask questions later.”

“Well, I’ll stay hidden and wait for you then.”

“Ok.” They quickly walked through the woods for about two miles and Carolyn turned to look at Justin when she caught sight of the Wainwright homestead. “Wow, it’s really gone downhill since the last time I was here but it has been quite a while ago. Wait here. I’ll signal you if it’s safe for you to come in.” Carolyn said as she began to approach the log cabin structure. The yard was overgrown and covered in knee deep dead weedy grass topped with snow. There was no smoke coming out of the chimney and that worried Carolyn. As she stood outside the fence gate, she called out to Mr. Wainwright to let him know she was there.

“Mr. Wainwright? It’s Carolyn Masters. Are you home?” Carolyn stood and waited for a reply as she glanced around the yard. There were two goats in the paddock next to the barn and even with their winter coats on, Carolyn could tell they were in poor health. She pushed open the gate and walked up to the front door. She knocked and waited for a reply. She waited for a full minute before trying the door. It opened with a creak and she called out again.

“Mr. Wainwright? It’s Carolyn Masters.” She said as she stepped into the freezing cold interior. She feared the worst at that point and turned and motioned for Justin to come down.

Carolyn walked through the house, calling for the owner but no one answered. It was almost as cold inside as it had been outside, except there was no wind inside. As she entered the bedroom she discovered why the owner had not answered.

Mr. Wainwright was laying on his back in the bed and he had passed away. From the condition of the body, Carolyn guessed he had been like that for several days because he was stiff all over and if this had been summer, the smell would have been stronger. She met Justin in the hallway as she left the bedroom.

“He’s dead. Looks like he just went to sleep and never woke up. From the looks of it, he has been there for a few days at least. I wonder if he has a phone. I’ll need to call my parents and let them know. We’ll need help burying him.” Carolyn found the phone in the kitchen and quickly called her parents.

“Mom, is dad back yet?” Carolyn asked when her mother answered on the second ring.

“No, not yet. Where are you?” Angela asked.

“We’re at the Wainwright place. Mr. Wainwright has passed away. We found him in bed. It looks like he went to sleep and just never woke up.” Carolyn told her. “Do you know if he had any kin?”

“I don’t think so. You know their son, David and his wife were killed in an accident when Jon was about 10 years old. Old man Wainwright and his wife, Jane, raised the boy. Jane died not long after their grandson was killed in the war several years ago. She had her son when she was in her later years and it had left her with a weak heart and bad health. As far as I know, he’s been living there alone ever since.”

“Well, tell Dad for me please? I’ll prepare the body for burial.” Carolyn said

“I’ll see if I can head him off. I think he was going over to Winston’s next. I’ll call over there and leave a message for him to call home.”

Carolyn hung up and turned to find Justin watching her. “What?”

“Nothing. It’s just good to be home again. The army is not exactly family friendly. Sure you make some friends but there’s nothing like family and I’ve missed it more than I think I realized.”

“Well, it’s definitely good to have you home.” Carolyn said. She suspected that death was not exactly something Justin was a stranger too but Carolyn didn’t want to press and cause him to relive unpleasant memories. “And if you ever need to talk, you know, I’m here for you.”

“Thanks. That means a lot.” Justin said. “What can I do to help you prep him?”

“Well, normally we would dress the body in their Sunday best but he’s stiff and we’ll never get his clothes off of him without cutting them away and the same is true for putting anything else on him. Help me look for paperwork. The deed to his land, any insurance or legal paperwork that can tell us if he had any kin that maybe didn’t live on the mountain.”

They both felt strange about going through the man’s personal paperwork but it had to be done. Justin was the one to locate the deed to the property. “The beneficiary on this says it was to go to Jon’s father, David or his heirs. Guess he never got around to changing it after David and his wife were killed in that accident.”

“I think that means the land will return to community property. Back when the changelings first bought the land here, there was an agreement drawn up that whenever someone dies without a will or heirs, the land they inhabited will become community property of the other changelings on the mountain. It will be auctioned off to anyone interested in purchasing it that belongs to the changeling community. Are you interested?”

“No, not me. This is a farm. I’m a mechanic. I do want to find a place on the mountain to build a house but not this far up. What about you?”

“No, I have my cottage below my parents’ place. I also have my clinic on the edge of my land, less than two miles farther down, if I go through the woods. But I’m thinking the Pence’s might like this place. Their house caught fire the other night and it will be a while before they can rebuild. This might be a temporary solution for them at least. It’s a nice house.”

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