Magic on Changeling Mountain

Chapter 34

Carolyn woke up in the wee hours of the morning needing to pee badly. She also had severe cramps and her period was in full swing. She went to the bathroom and emptied her bladder and cleaned up. She had to change her pajama bottoms and by that time she was wide awake.

She tiptoed into the kitchen and looked at the clock on the stove. It was only 5 am. She found the bottle of Midol and downed two of the tablets and put the kettle on to boil water for some tea. She looked out the kitchen window and realized it had started to snow again.

“Oh great! Looks like today is going to be a day on the sofa under a warm blanket.” She muttered to herself.

“You still mutter in the mornings.” Donna said, as she stumbled into the kitchen.

“Oh, did I wake you? I’m sorry. I’ve got my time of the month and I had to pee something awful.”

“You haven’t lived on the farm in a while. We are up about this time every morning. Animals to feed and on weekdays, during the school year, we have to get done before time for school.”

“Oh that’s right. You graduate this spring. When is graduation scheduled for? I don’t want to distract from that with my wedding.” Carolyn said.

“Are you being sarcastic or sincere?” Donna looked at her sideways but her back stiffened.

“Sincere. I’m sorry if I sound grouchy. Cramps have me gritting my teeth.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t have that problem so much most of the time. I’m usually a big cry baby for about 3 days.”

“I guess it hits every woman differently. Thankfully they usually are only really bad the first day or two. I’m just going to curl up in a blanket and lay on the sofa and watch TV today.”

“Well, I hate to wake up Cindy but I need to go get my clothes on and get home. We have so many calves this winter. We’ve got more lambs than usual too but so far they are all doing well.”

“I don’t envy you having to get out in this, that’s for sure.”

“Maybe Cindy will stay and keep you company today?”

“I would love to but I can’t. I’m due back at school in a few days and I need to get home and see what can be done about our house.” Cindy said as she shuffled into the kitchen, yawning and stretching.

“Oh that’s right. I almost forgot about your house.” Oh well, so much for staying home and curled up on the sofa. Carolyn thought the last part to herself.

“No offense, Carolyn but with it being your time of the month and there are going to be a lot of men around, I suggest you stay home.” Cindy said.

Carolyn sniffed and then wrinkled her nose. “Maybe you are right. Anyone want to get in the bathroom before I go take a shower?”

“I’ll be out in a minute. Just need to pee!” Tammy said as she emerged from the bedroom and hurried into the bathroom. She took care of business and then joined them in the kitchen. Donna slid down off of her stool and took her turn in the bathroom and then went into the bedroom to get dressed.

“So what’s the plan?” Tammy asked.

“Donna has to go help with the animals at home and Cindy has to go see about her house. It’s my time of the month and I don’t need to be around anyone, especially if they are male so I’m staying here. What about you?”

“Well, I told my parents I would come back today but not what time I would get there. I can either hang out here with you, or go help at Cindy’s.”

“Thanks for the offer, Tammy but my parents have enough on their plates right now and there might be a lot of towners around because of the fire. I wish I could tell you some magic would be most welcome, but I don’t like to lie.” Cindy said, trying to break it to Tammy as gently as she could.

“I understand, Cindy and no offense taken. Maybe when the excitement dies down some I can help with the finishing touches that your mom might want?” Tammy said.

“I’ll ask. Thanks!” Cindy replied shyly.

Carolyn went to get a shower and Cindy and Tammy to get dressed for the day. Donna left to go home and met Daniel Masters about half way.

“We are going down to see how we can help the Pence’s. Your mom will be needing your help with them. Mrs. Pence is still really upset. She was up almost all night crying.”

“I’m heading home now. Carolyn is having her time of the month so she’s going to stay home but I think Cindy was about to head home when I left.”

“Ok. Hurry home. I’ll not bother Carolyn then. It’s best if she stays home.”

They parted ways and Daniel Masters continued on down to the Pence homestead. The damage to the house was more than what they saw last night. Smoke and ash had settled on all of the furniture and ruined all of the upholstered pieces. Only the wood pieces would be able to be cleaned and reused. Most of the clothes in the closet or that were laying out were damaged by the smoke and ash but they would try to salvage what they could by washing them but no one had much hope that would work.

Chester Pence was already there, when Daniel arrived. “Thanks for coming, Daniel. Maybe you have some suggestions on how to clean up some of this?”

They stood and talked for a few minutes and then got to work carrying out what could be salvaged and putting it in the yard. As they went through the house thoroughly, it was decided that it would probably be more cost effective to knock it down and rebuild instead of trying to rebuild as an add on.

“There are enough trees on the mountain that we won’t have to worry about lumber. Your biggest expense is going to be the hardware and drapery and new beds and clothes.”

“Oh, stop! Please. I feel like my bank account is emptying already.”

“Daddy? You can…..” Cindy started

“No! Thank you baby girl but no. You go back to school and get your degree. You’ve worked too hard for this chance. Don’t blow it. We’ve got insurance so we’ll manage.”

“I love you, daddy!” Cindy threw her arms around her father and hugged him tightly.

“I love you too, Cindy.”

Daniel smiled at the two of them and then cleared his throat. “I hate to interrupt but it is snowing and I’d like to get back home where it’s warm. I’m going to go back up to the house and get my big truck. We’ll store your belongings in my barn for now. I’m going to check out some trees that we can use to rebuild your house. Looks like there are going to be several new houses going up around here. I hope I can count on your help when we go to build my son, Kevin, a new cottage on his land?”

“Of course, Dan. Would be glad to help, even if I didn’t need yours right now. This is going to take a couple of months at least. I need to find us a place to live in the meantime.”

“I’ll stop and ask Carolyn if she knows of any places for rent.”

Daniel left while Cindy, Chester and Ralph stayed and salvaged what they could. Daniel transformed into his bear and jogged over to Carolyn’s house. There was a bright blue light that flashed in the windows for just a moment when he came out of the woods and transformed. He ran up onto the porch and knocked on the door. He was about to look in the window when Carolyn opened the door. She was wrapped in a blanket but it wasn’t enough to completely mask the fact that she was in season.

“Come on in, Dad. All of my warm air is getting out.” Carolyn said, as she wrapped the blanket more tightly to her.

“What was that blue flash just a moment ago?” He asked, looking around her living room.

“Tammy just left to go back to Seattle.” Carolyn explained. “What brings you here so early?”

“I just wanted to ask if you know of any rental units nearby. The Pence’s are going to need a place to live while we rebuild their house. Our place is just not big enough to hold all of us for an extended period of time. If this snow keeps up, it’s going to be a while before we can even get started. They are going to have to completely rebuild. There was more damage than was visible last night. Smoke and ash really did its job and then snow settling on things didn’t help to do anything but make it soak in deep.”

“Oh, goodness. No, I don’t know of anything right off the bat but I can call around. Maybe the online newspaper will have some listings.”

“They will need at least 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. I’m not sure how much they can afford to pay but I know they want to be on this side of town.”

“Ok. Glad to help and at least it will give me something to do.”

“Ok. Well, I’m going to go get my truck. Hope you are feeling better soon. Call up if you need anything.”

“Will do.”

Carolyn let him out and turned on her computer. She pulled the coffee table close to the sofa and set her laptop on it. She pulled up the online version of their small local paper and looked at the rental ads. There were a couple that sounded like size wise they would work but since she had no idea what they could afford, all she could do was write down the information. She called up to her parents’ house and asked her mom to find out how much they could afford.

“Chester would be the better one to ask about money stuff. He takes care of our bills and finances.” Mabel Pence said.

“Ok. Well, tell Dad to find out and let me know.”

Colin called a little while after that and they chatted awhile on the phone but he agreed to stay away for the next couple of days. “At least we can talk on the phone.” Colin said, wishing that he could be sitting next to her instead of on the other end of the phone but he wouldn’t give up his time with her easily. They talked about wedding plans and where they wanted to go on their honeymoon.

He also told her he knew of a place where the Pence’s could stay while they waited for their house to be rebuilt. “My parents’ place is empty. It’s higher up on the mountain but no one is living there right now. It’s big enough to hold them all and if they will keep the utilities paid and general maintenance done, they are welcome to it. I’ve been keeping the taxes paid on the property but it’s too much of a hassle for me to drive back and forth every day for work. The road up there needs some work. The rain and melting snow over the years have really done a number on that dirt road.”

“Great! I’ll let them know. My dad is over there helping out right now. My parents took them in last night but their house is not big enough for so many people for an extended period of time.”

“I know. I stopped in this morning and talked to Mr. Pence for a few minutes. Oh, by the way, Ralph is going to be my third for the wedding.”

“I figured you would ask him. You two have been friends for a long time.”

“Yeah. I should have thought of him first but Stuart and I have gotten so close since we work so closely together for the past few years. He’s really missing Tammy. When is she due back?”

“Soon. Why hasn’t he tried to call her if he misses her so much? Her feelings are kind of hurt that he hasn’t tried to contact her. She is feeling so insecure and unsure about him.”

“Well, he’s not even back here yet and said there’s barely any phone service in the area where he’s at. He kept cutting out when I was talking to him.”

“So has Ralph decided to stay with his family or is he still going to move out?”

“He said he will come and help them rebuild but he’s still going to move in with his girlfriend. His reasoning is it will mean one less person they have to worry about housing and feeding. I just hope his girlfriend is ready for what he is going to do to her grocery bill. Ralph can really pack it away.”

“Yeah, Cindy too.”

“I wish we didn’t have to wait so long. I miss you!”

“I miss you too. Have you managed to contact your parents yet? How about your brother?”

My parents, no, but I did talk to Kenny and he’s agreed to stand with me. He just needs to know a definite date so he can get time off from work. He’s going to try to reach my folks too. We both think they are up in Canada somewhere but they only check in every few months. I was surprised they didn’t call for Christmas and I won’t deny being more than a little bit worried about them.” Colin shared with her.

“I’m sure you will hear from them soon.” Carolyn tried to sound hopeful and prayed that she was right. She knew wolves were usually pack animals and stayed within a family pack their whole lives but Colin and his family were also part human.

From what little Colin had told her and what she remembered of his family, his mother had begun having her pups as soon as she and his father had gotten together. Colin had been the oldest. Colin, his brother, Kenny and a sister, Wendy, was the youngest, and had all been born two years apart. There had been another sister but she had died when she was very young. Kenny had done time in the military and met a woman that he moved in with when his time was up. They had married two years ago in a small private ceremony. She was also a changeling wolf but from the Dakota’s. They lived on the reservation there and Kenny worked as a forest ranger with her.

Colin finally said goodbye, saying he was going to try to reach his parents one more time and if he couldn’t get in touch with them, he was going to call his brother and have him begin a formal search.

Carolyn spent the rest of the afternoon looking at wedding dresses online. She found several that she liked as well as bridesmaids dresses that she thought her sister and her friends would like as well. She was as anxious as Colin for the time to pass but she also wanted their special day to be something they would always remember, not something rushed into or done in a hurry just because they were lusting after each other.

She may have known Colin almost all of her life but there was still so much more to learn about him. What is he like when he first wakes up? Is he a morning person or a night owl, like her? What if it turned out he was one of those early birds that woke up chipper and ready to go as soon as his feet hit the floor?

Carolyn tended to be one that enjoyed sleeping in and taking her time getting up and moving. What if, after all their waiting, wanting, planning and preparing that in the end it turned out they couldn’t live together? Should they move in together now and find out about each other’s habits before they made that final commitment?

It did not matter if living together before getting married was the modern day way of doing things, her parents would have a fit and they would definitely not approve. They would be very upset to find out that she and Colin were even thinking about sleeping together before their wedding night.

The next two days were not only painful but incredibly boring for Carolyn. The highlight of her day was when Colin called every day when he got off of work but otherwise, Carolyn spent her time either sleeping or doing household chores as much as the cramps would allow. She had it really bad this month. She had even curtailed her patrols since her scent was unusually heavy this month.

Tammy called to let her know she was home and Carolyn used it as an excuse to get out of the house. Her time of the month was almost over and she dressed as warmly as she could and drove over to Tammy’s apartment.

“Welcome home.” She said when Tammy opened the door and then said “What’s wrong?” She could see that Tammy had been crying.

“Oh, my parents weren’t really keen on me coming back here. We kind of had words before I left but Carolyn, I swear that if I had stayed even one more day, I was going to suffocate in that house. They don’t want me using my magic at all! They didn’t want me to come back here or to get involved with anyone, much less a “half human, half animal creature” to quote them.” Tammy said, using her fingers to do the quotation marks in the air.

“Did they say why?” Carolyn asked.

“No. Only that “it’s for the best” I swear if I heard that term one more time, I was going to explode!” Tammy said and sat down on her sofa and put her head in her hands, resting her elbows on her knees. “They kept ranting about how I couldn’t trust anyone, not even you.”

“What did I do to offend them?” Carolyn said in surprise.

“Nothing. They don’t trust anyone and they wouldn’t tell me much about why but from what I gathered, it was someone that they had trusted that had betrayed them a long time ago. That person was the reason they had given me up. They treated me like a child so much that I felt like I was going to scream! I’m 28 years old. Not 8.”

“That’s sad. You can’t blame everyone for the misdeeds of one person, especially if you don’t know why that person did what they did. Sounds to me like you need to have a sit down heart to heart with your parents.”

“I tried, Carolyn. Really I did but my father is adamant about not talking about the past. “We can’t change what happened back then. We need to move forward and make a new life for ourselves without magic!” He kept saying it over and over again.

“What does your mom say?” Carolyn asked.

“She just follows his lead mostly. She won’t stand up to him, that’s for sure, not even for me.” Tammy began to cry in earnest then. Carolyn sat down next to her and put her arm around her shoulders and let her cry for a few minutes.

“Come on now. Dry those tears and let’s get you unpacked.” Carolyn said when she couldn’t think of anything else to say. Tammy looked at her and nodded her head. “What do you think I should do, Carolyn? I’ve been looking for them for so long and want to have a relationship with them but I’m not ready to give up my magic. I was hoping they would teach me how to expand and use my magic, not try to suppress it.”

“If it were me, I would demand to know the whole story before I made such a life changing decision. Magic is a part of you. They can’t expect you to give up part of yourself without a damned good reason and “because I said so” would not be a good enough reason in my book.” Carolyn said honestly.

She carried one of Tammy’s suitcases into the bedroom and put it on the foot of the bed then sat down to start helping her unpack. Tammy followed her and began putting things away.

“Have you heard from Stuart?” Carolyn asked, as she unpacked her socks and put them in the drawer.

“Yes. He called me a couple of nights ago. We spent about half an hour on the phone. My parents aren’t happy about him either. They want me to go back to school and meet a nice human man. They seem to forget or maybe just don’t even realize that I have not only a degree but my doctoral degree in accounting and business management.

They really stay at home behind closed doors and stay away from everything, especially people. My mom always acted like a cat in a room full of rockers. She would jump at the slightest sound. Some girl scouts came to the door selling cookies one day and we just about had to peel her off the ceiling. She never leaves the house. My dad does most of the shopping and other errands and he goes and does what he has to and then rushes right back home.”

“They must have been through some really scary shit for them to act like that. Maybe they have a good reason?”

“I don’t know because they won’t tell me anything about that time or what they’ve been through since then.”

“Well, then it sounds like you might be seeing them on holidays but otherwise you are going to lead your own life?”

“That’s the only solution I can come up with too.” Tammy said with resignation.

They finished her unpacking and Carolyn asked. “Are you up to pizza with the guys tonight?”

“Are you over your time of the month?” Tammy asked.

“Thank goodness, at least there is one person in my life that can’t smell it and almost. Should be over by tomorrow.” Carolyn replied.

“I’m ready if you are. I’m definitely looking forward to seeing Stuart again. I feel like I’ve been gone for months instead of just a week.”

Carolyn called Colin and found out that both he and Stuart were off duty tonight and he said he would call Stuart and they would meet them at the pizza parlor in an hour.

Tammy got spruced up and they drove back to Carolyn’s so that she could change clothes and then they drove into town. The guys were there waiting for them when they entered. The men stood to greet them as they joined them at the table and they were all surprised at the greeting that Stuart gave Tammy. He embraced her and then kissed her long and hard.

“Damn, I’ve missed you, woman!” Stuart said when he pulled away. Carolyn and Colin were grinning at them knowingly as they watched. Tammy was in a much better mood after that and had a big smile on her face through the rest of the evening.

After that, she didn’t care what her parents said. She liked Stuart a lot and she was going to continue to see him and she wasn’t going to let them influence her in a choice of mates. If they had wanted more control over her they shouldn’t have dumped her off at that church and left her to defend for herself for the past 27 years. She had been making her own choices for a long time and she wasn‘t going to give up that control easily.

They had a great time that night. Eating pizza and spending time together. It was too cold to do much and no one wanted to go to the movies so they hung out at the pizza parlor, talking and laughing until the owner said it was time to close up around 9 pm. They walked down the street, back to their cars and stood talking for just a moment. It was too cold to stay out in it for very long and since the men had to work the next day, they needed to get home and get some sleep.

“Will you go out with me again tomorrow night? I don’t have to work the next day and I can stay out later. I’d like to take you somewhere special for dinner.” Stuart asked Tammy, as he put his arms around her to hug her good night.

“I’d like that very much.” Tammy said as she went up on her toes and pulled his head down for a kiss.

Colin and Carolyn were on the other side of Carolyn’s jeep saying goodnight. They broke apart when Stuart opened the passenger side door for Tammy.

“Good night, my love. Sweet dreams. See you tomorrow?” Colin asked as he lifted his head. He felt slightly light headed from her kisses and he wished he didn’t have to leave her tonight. He was so looking forward to never having to leave her again.

“Sure. Why don’t you come over after work and I’ll cook us dinner.” Carolyn said.

Colin’s eyes began to sparkle in anticipation. He knew her season was almost over but also knew that it wasn’t just their animal sides that were attracted to each other right now. He was ready but wouldn’t push it. She was going to have to let him know that she was ready as well. “I’ll look forward to it.” He said and then kissed her again before he opened her door and helped her behind the wheel. “Drive safe and I’ll see you tomorrow after work.”

Carolyn drove Tammy home, neither of them talking much until just before they pulled into her parking area. “Do you think Stuart is going to ask me to marry him? He says he wants to take me somewhere special for dinner tomorrow night.” Tammy asked as Carolyn parked her jeep.

“What are you going to say if he does?” Carolyn asked back.

“Yes!” Tammy replied without hesitation.

“Then I hope he does.” Carolyn smiled at her friend.

“My parents are not going to be happy about it.” Tammy said, in a disappointed voice.

“They are not the ones who will have to live and sleep with Stuart, you are. You have to do what is right for you, Tammy, whether they approve or not.” Carolyn said.

“Were your parents truly happy when Colin asked you to marry him?” Tammy asked.

“Yes. I think they always knew Colin and I were meant to be together and accepted the fact long ago that I would have to marry outside of my breed. There are not exactly as many choices for mates for me, especially in this area. I have no choice but to marry outside of my species because there are no other changelings that are big cats around here.

Very few humans can accept that we even exist, and even fewer that would accept us as mates. They have known and respected Colin for a long time so it’s not the same for us as it will be for you and Stuart. What your parents need to understand is that not many humans can accept witches either and to ask you to bury such a natural side of yourself is just wrong. You have to do what is best for you and in my opinion, you couldn’t ask for a better partner than Stuart.”

“You are right, of course. I wish I could have thought of these arguments when I was there with them. But I will know what to say to them now.” Tammy said, feeling stronger than she had in a long time. She gave Carolyn a brave smile and got out of the jeep. “Drive safe going home and call me to let me know you got home OK.”

“Ok. Will do.” Carolyn gave her an encouraging smile and waited until she was safely inside her building before pulling out.

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