Maddox’s Pride - Warrior Wolves, M.C. ~ 2

Chapter 38 ~ Stood a Goddess

Maddox’s POV ~

I spent the entire afternoon on cloud nine.. Delaney had the great idea of putting together a wedding ceremony tonight.. After the temple dedication.. meaning ours will be the first wedding to take place in the new temple.

The girls had gone shopping.. while we men waited for Tom’s family to arrive.. Once we learned they were on board the chopper and inbound.. he emailed his formal resignation in.. effective immediately.. and he was out of uniform and into street clothes before we could bat an eye.

When the chopper landed.. Bradley.. the pilot said “The bird took some damage.. and Mrs. Henderson needs medical attention.. There was an ambush team waiting.. I guess they knew something was up.. We took some heavy fire on takeoff.. and the rotor was hit.. as well as the woman taking a round in the shoulder.”

Tom was getting his family moved to the infirmary.. so I made my way over there.. while mind linking Delaney about the situation. Their daughters were upset and teary eyed.. while Tom was consoling them. I asked if his wife had been taken back. He replied “They are prepping her for surgery. I had no idea they would be so prepared.. or move on me so rapidly.”

I shrugged “Seems to be their pattern.. and as soon as they considered you a loose end.. they decided there was no point wasting time to tie it up.”

Delaney rushed through the doors.. immediately asking about Tom’s wife.. Vicki and Valerie took the girls over to get a snack and meet some of the club.. I didn’t ask their ages but they looked to be early teens..

Delilah asked Tom “Have you thought about changing your names? We can arrange that for you.. Being wolves.. we had a pretty good system in place for us.. as we aged out.. Luckily, that’s a thing of the past.. but we can still do it..”

He chuckled “I can imagine they will be on board with that.. Imagine.. every kid that grows up hating their name.. and having the option to choose one they actually like? Yeah.. my girls will be all over that!”

I asked “You’re not very old.. How did you achieve the rank of general so young?” He seemed a little offended and replied “I earned it.. if that’s what you’re implying. I worked hard.. I volunteered for dangerous missions.. I kept my eye on the prize.. I was also one of Slate’s attorneys at his court martial.. I made myself indispensable.”

Delilah smirked “Until you weren’t. My mate wasn’t asking in an accusatory way. He was genuinely curious. Might want to curb the attitude.. Maddox isn’t only an Alpha.. He’s the president of our club.. Any disrespect is dealt with.. harshly and swiftly.”

I smiled.. kissing her.. My little cheerleader.. “I was merely curious, actually.. I really don’t care how you made general.. It means nothing to me.” Tom scoffed “It means nothing to everyone.. If rank truly mattered.. they certainly wouldn’t have sent a strike team to kill my family. I apologize. I am worried.. stressed out.. I am 46.. Met my wife sixteen years ago.. and married her two years later. Two years after that Renee was born.. with Sharon following a year later. Boom! Instant family means staying stateside.. I negotiated my rank by agreeing to represent a traitor.”

I smiled “Yeah.. I can understand that.. Now.. since you are an attorney.. I feel you will be a great asset to the club. You will be surprised at how many white collar professionals we have as members.. Doc was once a highly skilled cardiologist.. but he lost a patient.. due to a pulmonary embolism during open heart surgery.. who just happened to be a mafia boss.. They came for him.. in the night. Killed his wife.. and we found him in a bar.. drunker than a Baptist on a backroad.. Brought him home to sober him up. He’s been here ever since.”

Delilah gasped “That was the raid y’all were talking about? You said a couple years ago you wiped out the little mafia family in Portland?” I nodded “They had a life debt to pay.. and so they did.. and Doc got retribution!”

Tom said “I take it that Doc isn’t his real name?” Making all of us laugh. I think Tom is going to fit in just fine.

Delaney came out of the operating room “She’s going to be fine.. We got the bullet out.. it had broken her scapula.. so she’s going to be unable to use her left arm awhile.. but with physical therapy she’s going to be just fine.. She’s going to be moved to a private room soon.. then you guys can see her.”

Tom hugged Delaney.. thanking her.. and once again, the pride I have in my big sister wells up in my heart. She’s simply amazing.

As the moon began to rise, I summoned every member to the waterfall.. I waited for my bride.. Venom and I were in black jeans and tuxedo shirts.. our newly oiled cuts gleaming in the moon’s glow.. I spotted Delaney walking up the hill in a beautiful emerald green gown.. carrying a bouquet of red roses.. Behind her.. Delilah stands in a stunning white silk gown.. backless.. Lace front bodice and rhinestone straps.. as she started up the hill on Henri’s arm.. her brightly painted red toes peaked out from beneath the hem.. I chuckled.. completely enthralled with the fact my little mate was barefoot.

She and I entered the temple alone.. She began the dedication and prayer to the Goddess

Our Goddess of the Moon

Accept this temple as our gift to you in this earthly realm.

Find your solace and peace inside a home your people will find You

May the sanctity and purity of your home always have the protection of Dubois blood.. Dubois pack.. and Dubois kin.

In Her Name. We Beseech Thee

I joined her in chanting the last part three times.. Everything else had to be said by a Dubois.. But now I am Dubois kin.. so we chant together..

Delilah sliced her palm and squeezed a fist.. She counted five drops of her blood as they fell onto the rocks… Her blood was instantly absorbed into the stones and a low rumble rolled across our territory.. Then it rolled back again.. as the moon shone brighter. Seemingly growing larger.. the brighter it became.

I asked “Umm.. What’s happening?” My mate grins at me from ear to ear.. she’s practically dancing in excitement and responds “She’s Coming.. The Goddess is coming!” She squealed, clapped her hands and spun in a circle… And I swear by everything that’s holy! That was part of the ritual because just as she finished her little spin… Laughing and clapping with my mate.. Stood a Goddess!

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