
Chapter Chapter Sixty-Two

Gazing at her perplexing nudity:

My fingers explored her skin, as if to search for any flaw on her flesh, that the bare eye couldn’t see. Meticulously they travelled over every inch of skin on the front side of her body. Goosebumps grew under my inspection and I felt the little hairs on her body rise up in attention.

I was simply admiring her muscled body, and she twitched when I ran my fingertips over her ribcage. She was a bit ticklish and I smiled.

It was morning and I had carried her to our bed, only a few hours ago. She had fallen asleep in my arms, after we vigorously claimed each other at the meeting room.

Her touch had mystified me, as I couldn’t understand how I ever was able to live all these years without her. My mind drifted back to the moment where she had her orgasm, again, after countless times we had enjoyed ourselves with. All night long, we pleasured each other, and every single moment that we came to our climax, we instantly felt the hunger for more.

Her fantasy of me fucking her in the ass, while holding her tight, had become truth, and I enjoyed every bit of it.

Her firm ass, bounced back and forth, as I shoved my dick into that tight hole. The flesh shone red, as I had hit her ass with steady slaps. Even now the evidence of my strong grip, was noticeable as slight bruises came forward on her hips.

She hadn’t felt pain, nor would she ever let anyone know that easily when she was in pain either. In fact, I believe her to be a little masochistic, where she enjoys pain during sex. Not that I mind, I love to see her squirm under my hold, any time of the day. I love to see her twitch whenever I apply a little too much force. I would have stopped the moment she let me know when it would displease her, but she showed nothing of sorts.

We just moved in perfect sync and our emotions connected with ease. There was no shame, no insecurity, and no withholding. There wasn’t even a moment, where we had to speak. We just went into this flow, like water always finds its way in a river. Bending at the curves, following the current. But we never clashed, never hit a rock that splattered us apart, we swam around each other and became one.

“Like seven times over…” Úlfur said.

“Yes, something like that. I told her that ‘twice’ wasn’t near what I had in mind.”

“Yes you did indeed.” He replied, with a satisfied smile on his face.

I had laid myself next to her, looking at how serene she slept.

Her pack was something that I wanted to visit soon, but now with these blood-stealing enemies, we couldn’t leave that easily.

I wasn’t able to grab any sleep, I was constantly thinking about Dakota and how she thought that we should drag the blood draining creatures out of their hiding. We have to come up with a name for them, as nowhere in a thousand year history, anyone had ever mentioned anything like these things.

We don’t know how they looked like and what they used to drain the blood. All we know is that they attack at night, are as silent as a feather, yet strong as bears. And they are well organized to be able to kidnap several wolves at the same time. So they have either a smart leader, or worse, they are all that strategically talented.

Besides, the worst part of them, is that they leave nothing behind. They have no scent and we never had found footprints, trampled dirt or broken twigs, to speak of some common clues.

“What if they can fly?” Emerson replied to my confused emotion, half awake, half asleep.

“Smart mate.” I whispered and kissed her head. “Get some sleep, we will discuss your idea later.” I continued, and she moaned and turned herself.

After lunch, talking on the phone:

“Congratulations my Queen.” Timothy said with sadness in his voice, as I had told him that I had found my mate. “Are you going to leave us now?”

“No, not yet, I want to get back to the mountain and think about a solution. But there is an issue here, that I can’t yet leave from. So please have patience.”

“Yes my Queen.” He replied and hung up.

I was glad to hear that everything was just as I had left it. My warriors kept on training, some transfers were made, the mansion was nearly done and people were already inhabiting some rooms. There were some minor financial issues, but Timothy had taken care of those perfectly.

“Everything alright?” Aron asked me.

“Yes, I hate to have to find them a new Alpha, or six for that matter, but I hate it even more to be so far away, knowing that I can’t do a thing right now, if something went wrong.” I said and Aron nodded.

We were in the meeting room again, the one where I had spent most of the night in, with Aron. I was surprised that everything was cleaned up, and the broken chair had been replaced already. But I smiled when I looked at the table, it was a thick wooden surface and on one side of it, right where Amy sat, there was still some evidence that the sex had been a little rough. Not that I’m complaining, I loved every moment of it, but I guess that unconsciously I had used quite some force, with my claws, to leave my mark on the table.

Amy was running her fingers over the separate cuts, and looked at me for a moment. “Was this here before?” She whispered.

“No, that was applied last night.” I answered.

Her eyes grew wide in understanding and she wanted to ask me a ton of questions, but there wasn’t any time for that right now.

The others came into the meeting room as well, and soon it was crowded with people. They all came up with ideas and plans for luring the attackers our way, where they would either be captured or killed. The meeting was chaotic and filled with anger and desperation.

Frida was sitting at the other side of the table, and ignored Berrant at the best of her capability. I was wondering if Amy could help Frida mentally with coming over this situation, as they had spent plenty of time together talking already. But I wasn’t going to ask about it now.

“Emerson came up with the suggestion that these blood-draining creatures could maybe fly.” Aron said, and I looked confused towards him.

I couldn’t remember that I had that idea, nor remember saying it to him.

“In your sleep love.” He linked to me, and I made an ‘o’ shape with my mouth.

It was rather logical actually, no marks, no footsteps no scents, nothing. And they were fast enough to drag our wolves to someplace else, with them not leaving any trace either. What if they could pull them up in the sky?

“Fly? But if they can do that, how are we going to capture them?” One of the leading warriors asked.

Aron replied to him, that early this morning, he had sent someone to the main big city, to get every motion activated camera he could find, get the strongest nets and ropes and also to send him to one of the hunting equipment shops for rifles and tranquilizers.

“We are going to do everything we can in our power, to make sure to either kill or capture them.” Aron said, and the group nodded.

Each and every single one of them was assigned a spot around the pack’s village, and when equipment would arrive, everyone has to install their parts, gather their weapons and at the right moment, we would lure the creatures with blood, at the centre of the pack.

That way we can hurt them when they enter the edges, and once damaged they would be captured at the centre with nets. Well, that’s the plan at least.

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