
Chapter Chapter Fifty-Five

While holding the door open for her:

She entered my packhouse and smiled when she saw all the people that were roaming around the halls and rooms.

The packhouse had two floors above ground, and four below. Everywhere was electricity, lighting, water and whatever facilities that were needed. Everyone from my pack was busy with their jobs, relaxing for a moment, eating something or just talking with others.

In the other houses of my city lived pack members too. I have over twelve-hundred people living here, and they couldn’t all live in one house. I don’t require for them to be, and nor do they want to. Most of the time when they find or choose their mate, they want to find a place for their own. So every now and then, a new house will be built and my pack grows even larger.

I could tell from Emerson that she liked the interaction between all of them, and smiled politely when they greeted her. Walking behind her, made the people see her first, and me as second, at which some of them looked confused but then realised that she was my mate.

“Alpha, have you found your mate?” One asked and I nodded proudly.

Soon everyone knew about her, and everyone came walking into us and greeted and congratulated us.

Emerson revelled in their happiness, although I could tell that it was getting a little too much for her as well. We had been travelling all day, and hadn’t had much to eat. Besides, with all the things that had happened along the way, with Terrence and Berrant, she must be a little tired.

“People, give her some room please, she will get to know you soon.” I said with my Alpha command and they all nodded and dispersed to their rooms, or returned to do their jobs.

“Thanks.” Emerson said, and I guided her to my room, our room.

She let herself drop on the bed, and sighed deeply.

“You alright?” I asked her.

“Yes, everything is just a little overwhelming. I like the people in your pack though, and the houses too.”

“Better than living under the waterfall?”

“Yes, much better.” She replied lazily, and grabbed one of the pillows on the bed, yawned, and snuggled her face into it.

I took a blanket out of the closet and dropped it on her, then took my clothes off and laid under the blankets on the other side of the bed. I fell asleep soon, as both Úlfur and I were happy to be home again, in our bed, with our mate. Maybe not as intimate as I wanted it to be, as she fell asleep with her clothes still on. But she was tired, so I just let her be.

Next morning, I had woken up early to have a little workout before attending to do some of my work. If I were quick, I still had time in the afternoon to show Emerson my pack and maybe even some of the surroundings.

But when I turned around, she wasn’t in bed anymore. Her bags were opened and some clothes were taken out, as she had dropped the loose clothes she wore yesterday on the floor, and other pieces were scrambled around the bag.

I got dressed now too, in some loose shorts and a shirt, and got outside to find her. The sight to see, was amazing to view. She probably had gotten out of bed at least an hour before me, and was now all sweated up in some tight sports clothes.

We don’t usually wear clothes like that, as we feel more comfortable in our old style. But we weren’t cavemen, we know that others around the world dress differently, so I wasn’t complete in shock of how she looked like.

But she wasn’t just working out on her own. She had found other wolves that had gotten out of bed early, and was sparring with them and giving the young ones some pointers as well.

I had watched her mingling with the wolves for quite some time, and actually had seated myself on one of the rocks close to where they were. She probably had spotted or scented me already, but my presence didn’t keep her from continuing on. I liked how she showed her strength towards the bigger wolves, and used her teaching skills towards the younger ones. She never belittled them, only encouraged them to proceed their efforts and she drove them to the edge of their abilities.

“So Alpha, she is the one that marked you on your ass?” One of my leading wolves said to me, when he approached me from the side.

“What?” I said to him, switching my gaze instantly towards him.

“Gossip goes around that her mark is on your ass.”

I laughed out loud, she has managed to surprise me and got my pack all exited over something funny already. I guess this is meant as some sort of payback towards me, but I don’t mind this at all. This will be fun to take her back on to.

I lifted my shirt and showed him the sides of my ribcage.

“Fucking hell! That is some massive mark from a female!” He yelled. “She is something quite remarkable.” He continued and I nodded in agreement.

I saw Emerson looking at me, as she came towards us.

“Are you going to run with us, or are you staying here and show everyone your scars?” She asked me amused.

“Yes I’ll be running with you, but I might have to run around naked, to show everyone where your mark truly is.” I said while standing really close to her, looking down at her beautiful eyes as a smirk showed upon her face.

“Do whatever is necessary, I wouldn’t mind the view.” She said while dragging her finger over my ribcage and touching her mark hidden under my shirt.

I wasn’t ticklish, but her touching the mark, right through the shirt, sent some pleasurable tingling through my body. To knock myself out of it, I took her hand from my body and told the wolves and her to start our run.

We had taken an hour to hike over the hills and I was stunned to see that Emerson was keeping up with us all the time.

Sure she has a mountain to train on, but that didn’t mean that she actually did use it for training. But now seeing her run upwards to a hill, without panting heavily, I knew she had been doing that.

“How much do you train usually?” I asked her.

“I get up at five, and hike with my warriors up my mountain, every morning. Then we do some exercises and have breakfast at six, before training really begins.”

“Really begins?” I asked her.

“Yes, you want me to show you how I train them?” She asked amused.

I am really wondering how she does train them, as I have seen her fight against the warriors in the building where we usually have our gatherings. She was impressive, and I didn’t have the chance to spar against her yet, as I had managed to grab her from behind and hold her steady with my canines.

Sure I was only able to capture her like that, because she had fought off all those warriors, had run around using a lot of her energy, and she wasn’t acquainted with her surroundings, so the slippery moss had let me know where she was.

But I’m dying to see how she can handle me. In a one on one battle. On equal grounds.

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