Lust Of The Alpha Phoenix Mountain Series Book 7

Chapter 31


It feels…different.

I feel different. Aside from the fact that I’m actually wanted, I feel…alive.

The fate bond Hunter and I share is more than just a bond between soul mates. It’s a bond that brings the impossible together. The hate that our species shared for each other was now replaced with a deep love. One that will spread across the globe, I’m sure. I can only hope that our love will cause others to lay down their weapons and stop shedding blood across the earth.

I also have to thank Gia in some way.

Gia woke my Lycan. It feels like the two creatures in me melded more. I’m vampire on the outside, but inside, I have real blood flow. A working heart and breath.

I feel the wolf inside. Stirring around. It’s strong. I’ll have to practice with her. I’ve spent so long as a vampire, I have no idea what it means to be Lycan.

Explaining it to my hive, was a little hard, but they are accepting. They know who I am and where my loyalties lie. They also took to Adam right away which was a complete relief. The thought of me and Hunter together was just sinking in, I wasn’t sure how Adam was going to sit with him. Willow is over the moon at the thought of being an aunt. She’s already shopping. They all took an oath last night to protect the prince at all costs. My heart swelled. Adam will be the first male of my kind to not be corrupted by evil ideals. I couldn’t be prouder.

I also made some more shifter friends. The Lunas.

They couldn’t be more opposite than my sisters. More energetic and alive than I am, but I still feel like I need them just as much as I need Hunter. It’s strange. Even though I’m not even remotely able to relate to them, I still feel like they fill a hole that was waiting to be filled. A different kind of sisterhood that I have been missing out on as a Sunwalker.

Apparently, I missed out on a tradition they started where they have a girls shopping trip for the new Lunas before the moon, but that’s not stopping them from kidnapping me for the day.

“So you guys bonded during the fight?” Trinity is sitting with Taylor across from me at Lazarus Gardens where they took me to lunch. Well, they took themselves to lunch because I don’t eat.

I nod. “Yes. It was completely unexpected really. I was expecting to bond with Hunter. Just not right there.” The corner of my mouth ticks up as I look around at the Lunas.

“That’s so romantic.” Desi smiles and leans on my shoulder. I eye her for a moment. She’s OK, just a little too…happy.

Taylor puts salad in her mouth. “It’s definitely the best one I’ve heard yet. I think you may have knocked Carmins mate story down a peg.”

Carmin smiles. “My prince riding in on a horse to save me from my father is very romantic, but I have to agree. Offering his life to save you, my God. I just can’t…” She puts her hand on mine.

I smile and look at my empty plate. “Hunter certainly is valiant. Fate really couldn’t have chosen a better man. He’s just what I need.”

Collective awes went around the table.

“I just want to be the best Luna for him.” I give a small smile.

Sam leans on the table. “You are. We get put with these Alphas for a reason. They need us and we need them. Hunter already has the best part of him. He has you. Your mark proves that.”

“What about you, Desi?” Lana says before putting a fork full of food in her mouth. “You going to let Brody choose you this year?”

Suddenly Miss happy didn’t look so happy. “I don’t know. I guess I’m afraid. I know he wants it, but I’m not so sure. Besides, he’s been acting weird these past couple of weeks. I tried talking to him about it, but he doesn’t want to talk. He didn’t even want to go to ball this year. It’s not like him.”

“I’m sure it’s just the games. He’s been so excited about it. He’s just focused on them. He knows he loves you.” Carmin reassures.

“Yeah. I know he does.” Her face lit up with a smile. “My Brody Bear really can’t live without me. He’d forget his head if I didn’t hand it to him.” She giggles and the table does too.

“He’d definitely be lost without you.” Lana chuckles. “I’ve never seen a guy so dependent on someone else. I’d go insane if Pete was like that. He already hovers over me like he’s my dad.”

“In all fairness, Lana, you’re crazy.” Taylor smirks.

“I’m not crazy. I’m adventurous. There’s a difference.” She says as she drinks her wine.

“Brodys not dependent on me, I like taking care of him.” Desi says.

“You pick out his clothes!” Saysha says. “Zane would lose his mind if I did half the stuff you do for Brody.” She chuckles.

“Brody likes it, Ok. He’s busy and doesn’t have time for little things.” She crosses her arms.

“Ok, Desi. We’re just joking around. Don’t get upset.” Sam says.

“I’m not. My Brody Bear is special and I treat him that way.” She leans on the table.

“All our Alphas are special.” Trinity smiles.

“So are babies! Lain, we can’t wait. You know your baby shower is going to be huge right?” Sam grins.

I arch a brow. “Baby shower?”

“Yeah. We all party and bring gifts for the baby. It’s a celebration.” Taylor says.

“I totally got all the planning. You don’t have to worry about a thing.” Trinity says.

“Oh…Ok…” I say suspiciously.

“And it’s so much easier now that we know it’s a boy. Blue everywhere.” Lana giggles.

“I can’t wait to hold him. I love babies.” Carmin gushes.

“Neither can we.” Trinity and Taylor say at the same time and laugh.

I watch them all fawn over Adam and our mate bond until I practically jumped out of my skin.

There was a small, sudden explosion sound and the table filled with black smoke. The restaurant all stopped.

I waved the smoke out of my face and looked at Sam. My eyes went wide and then my face turned to confusion. She was holding a child of about 2.

“Brayden!” Carmin swoons. She grabs his little head and kisses his tiny chubby cheek over and over. He giggles a little baby giggle.

“Brayden?!” Sam’s eyes went wide as she tried to collect him on her lap before he fell off.

“Mama…” He hugged her.

“Where’s your father?” She looked at Brayden and he just laughed a little baby laugh.

She scowls. “Oh, yeah. These Alphas are special alright. Except mine. Mine’s a dead man.”

We all laugh and decided we should better leave to find Darcy. I wanted to go anyway, I have to find Hunter to figure out our game plan for my hive.

When we entered the Unit, Darcy was just leaving.

“Oh, thank God.” He throws his head back and breaths a sigh of relief. “Where was he?” He asks, taking Brayden from Sam.

“In my lap.” Sam growls.

“Bray…What did Dada tell you? Mommy has her own time. We have guy time.” He looks at Brayden and Brayden just gives a baby smile and leans on his chest.

“He’s supposed to be wearing his suppression bracelet.” Sam grits.

“He was! He just…took it off…” Darcy flashes a smile and shrugs.

“Darcy…You were supposed to go to Azriel and get that fixed!” Sam raises her voice.

“I know, kitten…I just…forgot…”

Sam scowls.

He steps to her. “Look. I’ll go right now, Ok…You take Bray…Have a good time and I’ll get his suppression bracelet…”

Before he could get his words out, Brayden smoked out of Sam’s arms.

She threw her hands up and glared at Darcy.

He put his hand up. “I’ll find him…Don’t worry, kitten. He’s fine. I swear…I’ll find him.” He gives her a quick kiss and runs back into the Unit.

Sam shakes her head. “I got to go. I’ve got to find my son and make Darcy wish he was never born.” She snarls and walks into the Unit.

The rest of us look at each other, chuckling as we walk in behind her.

I stop them. “Thanks for today. It means a lot considering I’m technically the enemy.” I play with my fingers.

“Lainey, you’re not the enemy. You’re a Luna.” Trinity says wrapping her arm around me. “You’re a wonderful person who just happens to be a vampire. We don’t care. Neither should you.”

I smile and eye them all. “Thanks.”

“Ok. We’ll talk more about that baby shower.” Taylor says and they all leave me in the hallway.

I shake my head as I walk to the dining hall for my lunch. Watching them eat had my stomach growling, but I have to admit, it was a wonderful time. Almost reminded me of the get togethers my mother used to throw when I was a girl.

I may come off as abrasive sometimes, but having these Lunas around me makes me feel even more accepted here. I really feel that our species have turn a corner. The future for us both looks a bit brighter, once we get Gia out the way. She may think she can stop it, but the new age of vampires is being born. We won’t be suppressed any longer, but we won’t be the mindless killing machines Zander and the High Council believes us to be. No. I will raise my people to let go of Damon’s ideals. With Hunters help, both our people will live together. Both free and living the lives they want.

It will take a lot of time and patience from both sides, but with us at the front, it all will happen.

I continue my thoughts as I stepped into line.

It was then I noticed Darcy and Sam with Brayden, just inside the hall past the back doors. Sam did not look happy at all.

“Why the hell was he with Luke?!” She throws her hands up.

“He loves Uncle Luke, don’t you Bray.” Darcy cuddles his son.

Sam balls her fist. “I'm killing you. Right now.”

Darcy hands Brayden to her. He starts to back up. “Baby, I know your mad, just let’s be rational, ok? He’s fine…He’s safe…”

“My 2 year old son smoked out to Luke Jackson!!” She growls.

“Hey, Luke’s a good guy…He can be child friendly…sometimes…” Darcy smiles.

“Sometimes?...Sometimes?!” She follows in front of him. “You’re barely child friendly!” She yells under her breath.

“That’s not fair. I can’t help it if you’re just so damn hot.” Darcy tilts his head to her.

“DARCY!” She scowls even more at him.

He puts his hands up. “Look, kitten, it’s Ok. We just hung out for a bit and we kept it clean. No big deal. Once Titus' Amazonian babes were gone, it was fine…”

He was dead before the words left his lips.

I pressed my lips together watching as I waited in line.

“What?!” Her lip curled up in a snarl.

Darcy brows shot up. “That’s not what I meant….Sam…I didn’t mean…”

“You are so dead!!…” She steps up to him quickly and grabs his shirt collar and stares into his eyes.

He arches back. “Oh, shit…”

They all smoke out.

I chuckle as I rub my stomach. I can hear Adam softly in my head.

“Are you going to be trouble for us, little one?” I smile as I talk quietly to him. “No…I have a feeling you’re going to be trouble for someone else. You'll be the one thing in this world he will never expect, won’t you?”

I feel Adam flutter. I think he agrees.

“Let’s get some food.” I pat my tummy and order my blood.

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