Lust for Power

Chapter XI No More Lies

“What the hell’s wrong with you Aer?!” Ter exclaimed, as Aer got by the hallway, he was looking a little more receptive this time; he had one of his lazy smiles on. “Eh, damn it Ter, sum real weird crap just happened right b’fer I got through the gate, I’m pretty sure you didn’t see it, but...” Aer explained what had happened, it was already seven in the morning, the teacher that day decided to take the usual course of responsibility, Aer and the rest of the class wondered if that teacher wasn’t already fired.

“Yea, evry’thn was damn gray’n all, and evrythin’ was frozen, man it was creepy, but I tell ya, dat shadow chick thing was hot, man, if I was in my right mind, I wuda taken her in there, oh wait, maybe I can, later...” In those moments as Aer relayed his tale, Ter knew his friend was on the verge of insanity, then again, he thought, so should he, as he could not help but believe Aer’s story, as he knew Aer was not one to tell such tall tales, and after all they had been through, he knew that what had happened, happened.

“What about Senna? You were starin’ at her, when you were cummin’ up.” “Yeah? I guess so, but why wudn’t I, she hot man.” “And you like her. You should take her too, heheh” “Of course, man, one day.” Aer promised, and he also noticed the amulet which made its self felt, in a subtle way. Then for a second, he thought he understood something. And could not help but grin. “Oh you must be serious then” Ter said, he noticed the grin. “Oh, uhn, yea, well, I was thinkin bout sumthn else, but yea, lets go check on Sen then.”

And so there they were Aer and Ter by the hallway outside the A section’s room, and unlike the B section, they had a teacher, and they were pretending to pay enough attention to make the teacher feel like she was actually doing some work. She was a woman going through her forties, who particularly bookish. Aer looked in from the back door, he didn’t have to open the door, the doors were customarily left open, due to temperatures and a lack of air conditioning, and there were only two functional electric fans. Such were the classrooms of Dealtwell. Aer and Ter saw Senna seated mid row, a seat away from the window side, Aer assumed that the girls she was beside with were her friends, it had that look. Lisa and Tina were not beside her anymore, they must’ve gotten to know each other better.

At this point the class was taking down lectures from the board, thus some had the leisure to look around. A girl by the back row spotted Aer and relayed to a friend to poke Senna, for the purpose of teasing her. Aer knew what was happening, he and Ter, both just leaned back on the hallway railings anyway to see what would happen. Senna looked back to see, their eyes met, and Senna greeted Aer with her warm smile. He could not help but do the same, the rest of the girls who were paying attention took note, some thought it was cute, others knew better, especially were Aries was concerned.

“Woah, down boy! You gonna tear a hole on your pants if yer thing keeps on.” Ter teasingly warned “What the hell?! I ain’t dat sick man, I just smiled “hi” ok” Which in part was true, when he thinks of Senna, seldom do his base desires take hold, for Aer it is a feat in its self for him to fantasize of her, which in a way frustrates him, for such were his original intentions. Until he realized he had fallen for her.

Aer and Ter were heading back to their rooms for their next class, just in case the next teacher actually felt like going to work. This time, there actually was. So they both sat and had their class, He had thought more about Senna, and then thought about the shadow girl, the soul of his amulet. Could it read minds? Probably not, but it probably did read emotions. He thought of a name for the creature.

Meanwhile the teacher who was a woman rolling down on her forties was talking about how bad her day was. This was a teacher they all particularly knew was a chatter, she didn’t teach as much as she told her life stories, and gossips of course, she was partly everyone’s favorite teacher for this reason. Aer was half paying attention because her stories weren’t always that bad, just boring most of the time.

Aer also noticed from the corners of his eyes that Roney or Roon as he preferred started feeling like he was planning some misery for him and Ter again. After so long, after realizing that Aer already had the power? Aer thought again, realized that Roon hasn’t seen enough of what he could do, since he would skip class often, either that or maybe Roon just had to actually taste it directly from him to back off for real. Aer put it all out of his mind, touched the amulet, and focused on the frozen world.

And to his surprise everything stopped and turned faded brown, wisps of failing light fluttered around. He stood up and left his body still holding the amulet. He realized that as the second time on ‘the inside’ he had a replica body straight off unlike the first time when the hazy shadow girl pulled him in. Aer now found a fitting name for her. At the same time the girl sneaked up from behind and embraced Aer in the same old fashion. “I was almost wondering where you had gone.” “Aer you know I’ll always be right here whenever you are” she teased giggling. “Heh, I think I know whats up with you, girl, by the way don’t you have a name?” Aer asked. “Anything will do, I am after all just a manifestation of the stone, and of your essence.” “Whaddya mean? You’re a part of me?” Aer narrowed his gaze. “Uhumm, by the way, we can change the scenery if you’d like.” She suggested. “Oh, wan a prettier background? A manifestation getting sentimental?” At this point the girl thing darted to Aries front trailing shadows and was already holding both Aer’s hands like a little girl asking her daddy for a dance. Along with her playful smile, she was as beautiful as the first time, and no less provocative. Aer struggled to focus.

“Fine, no more lies, lets talk about this somewhere else. So how do we do that exactly?” “Ahehe, just think of a place and think of yourself being there, then put it to where you are right now.” She instructed, as if it were something as casual as tossing a pebble. “Oh how simple” Aer observed with sarcasm, he added “Then I’ll take us to a special time and place...” Aer remembered the beautiful night street where he almost died as his eyes were closed. He felt it and opened his eyes.

He had never remembered that street to be this beautiful, it was surreal, he was standing where the street connected with the bridge where he accompanied Senna the first time they met. He glanced around to the street lights that seemed a little more illuminating than it should have been, he wondered where Haze had gone, it did not matter, he knew she was and would always be with him as long as he was Inside, he also would refer to her as Haze from now on. Aries walked to the concrete bridge gazed upon the waters and realized that everything was frozen, just that they were not in sepia anymore. But reflections did move. He remembered Senna, and saw her watching their reflections along beside with him, it startled him, he looked to his side. “Haze! you startled me there, for a second I thought I was with...” “I know, I know you like Senna. And Haze? is that what you’ll call me now?” “Yeah, your shadows, when you move, and the way you feel, kinda like all just a haze.” She smiled and touched Aer face with a gentle hand. “Does this still feel like a haze?” “You...” Aer then put one hand on her waist, the other caressing her black silk-like hair. Aer said “It probly doesn’t matter, but I’ve wanted to know if even here, I could...” And he surprised Haze by pressing his lips on hers, she didn’t resist. They held on passionately for a minute more till Aer asked. “How long can I stay here?” “Not too long, maybe an hour, as you are right now, but I don’t recommend you push the limits, you might get too exhausted when you go back Out.” Aer slowly started to understand the rules of being Inside. He held her, and asked if she would warm him for a while. She purred and smiled such a capricious smile. She let go of Aer for a moment and twirled as in ballet on the middle of the silent bridge, illuminated by the false street lamps, the then added a touch of sensuality to her next dance. Aer was more than amused and elated. Then slowly, Haze dissipated her shadow dress which went out like the flames which veiled her once before. Aries’ face went blank with brimming eyes, then he approached Haze, grinning with lascivious intent.

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