Lust for Power

Chapter VII Commission

The day sort of sank into a level of sub consciousness in Aries perspective, everything was dry and hollow and grey, he knew at some points he was talking to Terrence though somehow did not know what he had said, it was all very sudden, everything seemed to fast forward into routine. The day ended, he was at home in his room, lying in bed when things started to become even more surreal, suddenly all the emotions flooded.

He wasn't in his room anymore, it was dark, there was nothing. Aer started panicking, he couldn't see himself.

“Keep off the drugs kid” Mansell advised “Old man?! What the hell are you doing here, where are we? And I don’t do drugs.“Well, nah, or just not yet, but your type ’ventually gets there” “You saved my ass back there didn’t ya, at that stick up?” He asked. “Huh? What stick up? Wait how the hell does poor shits like you even get mugged? And besides if you were gonna go, doesn’t that solve your problems, why would I interrupt hehe. You got strong imaginations kid, keep it up, might help ya get better at the con business” Mansell advised.

“Damn, you’re right I should’ve known better, wait, I just want to know why you left the amulet with me.” “I told you before, there’s no one else I know I can pass it down too...” They were both silent for a while in the blackness of wherever it was they where until Mansell confessed “Though I’m sorry Aer, I wasn’t exactly honest with you, you will meet someone shortly concerning the amulet...” “Oh shit, cummon man! Like the guy who made this or sumthing?!” Everything became hazy, Aer knew he was waking up. “Wait! Old Man, what do I do?” But Mansell had already disappeared as how those situations normally ended.

The next day came, it was morning, he remembered the dream, and what the old man had told him, his tension was rising, he was still wearing the amulet when he woke, and it suddenly came alive in its old purple glow, and Aries’ emotions suddenly felt numb, and he calmed down. Though this time, he started to realize, that the longer the amulet had been with him, the more often it came alive to deaden his feelings. It started to feel addictive. Or was he already addicted to begin with?

He walked to school in a dreamy haze, from someone else’s perspective he seemed like someone stoned pretending to walk straight, which wasn’t necessarily wrong. However despite his state of mind, he knew he was about to get into some kind of trouble.

It wasn’t very long till things started to get weird, just there standing in front of the school gate was something that seemed like black flames that at the same time seemed like ashes underwater which danced and faded around itself, it had the shape of a woman, although it only had a void for a body. No one else was seeing what he was seeing, Aries stopped a good twenty feet away, before the thing’s presumable head turned his way, there were no features just a black mask of void, it’s hair was the same fire that immolated its body. Aer knew it was looking at him, he felt it, the amulet went alive, purple and almost cold, before he could understand what was happening, he was already face to face with this creature. “Hi...” it hissed, but it spoke only through Aer’s mind. “Shit” was all he had said before the cold black void enveloped him.

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