Luna - The Predator of Revenge

Chapter Bonus Chapter


Third Person’s POV

Everyone bustled around in the pack, taking stuff in and out of the house. Everyone was trying to do their best to impress the twins. The twins were celebrating their twelfth birthday that day.

The whole pack loved the twins along with Amelia Luna Cox and Hana Isabella Jones. Those four were inseparable all through the years. Growing up, the four of them spent most of their days in Harath pack. For the girls, it was their second home.

Being the aunt and godmother of both the girls, Tahliya loved to have their company in any time of the year. For her, they were the daughters she never had.

Tahliya was like a second mother to Hana and Amelia. They loved her like their own. Just like their mothers all the four were tight knitted. The boys stood as the bodyguards of the girls. None of the parents had the need to worry about the safety of their children, for they were smart kids and alpha bloods at that.

Matthew Sharp had died due to old age and the effects of the experiments on his body, two years after the birth of the children. Even though they had known it was coming, none of them were ready to face it. He had been put in sick bed for a whole year before he did die. It took a toll on Melaine, who was still getting used to being around her uncle. Caroline, Tahliya and Daniel were affected to a great extent too. Others, even though were sad of his death couldn’t connect with what the four of them felt.

Richard Dunbar and Orion Jones trained the kids every weekend at the Harath pack. The kids too, loved training with their granddads. They were so cool that there were times when the kids preferred them over their parents.

Melaine took the kids on picnic once in a while, so that the children had a break from all the training their grand fathers put them through.

Raden and Caroline were of course the couple goals among the group. Tahliya and Daniel were the crazy pair while Kira and Noah were the formal pair. They were not having any problem between them but they were not exactly fun people.

Elias and Elijah, the twin boys of Tahliya and Daniel, inherited their looks from their dad. Whilst Elias took after his parents in his character, Elijah, the eldest of the twins, was a bit reserved out of the two. They both had brownish blonde hair, with piercing blue eyes. They had the exact looks, for the lady killers they were. Even though, they were good looking boys, Tahliya never missed a chance to complain about how they hadn’t inherited anything from her, despite the fact that it had been her, who carried them for five months.

Amelia, daughter of Raden and Caroline took after her mother in her looks. She was a fun lover just like her aunt. She enjoyed everything to the maximum. She loved her friends too much. If anything were to happen to one of her friends, she will be the first one to knock off the person responsible for it. Just like her father, she did not easily accept strangers into her circle. She had wavy, brownish blonde hair and grayish blue eyes. She shared similar looks with the twins, having people mistake her as the triplet of the twins.

Hana, daughter of Noah and Kira, had the looks of both her dad and mom. She was the most reserved among her group. Even though Amelia tried talking her out of it, she didn’t have it in her to change. She had brownish red hair with hazel eyes.

One of the many things that the quad shared was their similar looks.

“Elijah! Elias!”, Tahliya hollered.

“Yes mom!”, shouted back two voices, from behind the trees.

“Hana!”, Kira shouted.

“Yes mom!”, replied back the little voice from the same place as the twins.

“Kids come here!”, Caroline called, not bothering to ask for Amelia.

If the three voices had come from the same place, it was a given that the fourth would also be there.

As expected all the four kids ran towards where all the family members stood along with the pack members.

“Twins, it’s time to cut the cake.”, Kira told once the kids came to a stop before them.

The kids stood around the cake stand with everyone surrounding them while wishing them a happy birthday.

The cake was cut and distributed, while the kids continued to play.

The trio friends stood in the corner gossiping while studying their children.

“Guess who has a crush on my twin boy?”

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