Chapter 53
"You're awake."
L almost cried when he saw Patrice's eyes open. He immediately pulled her into a tight hug. "Thank God, you're awake!" He said as he caressed Patrice's back. Patrice smiled at the hug. "Why? Did you even think I would die?" She teased L as she laughed.
L wrinkled his nose and glared at her. "Tch. Didn't you know how crazy I was during those freaking 4 hours that you are gone?" He exasperated. "Damn it! I thought I would die!" Patrice chuckled. "I'm fine now, though, aren't I?" She gave him an assuring smile. "Forget about it, Death Note!" She beamed.
L sighed and pulled her in another hug. "Thank God they didn't do anything to you." He hissed as he kissed her hair.
Patrice smiled. She's grateful that aside from the hair grabbing incident before she lost her consciousness, they didn't touch her. Well, Jillian slapped her, but that's not a big deal. "Where's Jacob?" She asked.
L looked at her. "He's in therecovery room. He's stable." He replied. "Good thing he was not shot in a critical area." He added.
Patrice nodded. "Thank God." She said as she smiled weakly.
Somehow, after hearing everything from Jacob Kim, she realized that he is not that evil. If he was, then he would have shot her the first time he saw her. Perhaps, if Jacob didn't have a heart, he would shot her randomly instead of kidnapping her.
He was just desperate for love. He just wanted to prove himself.
He was crying for help.
He didn't intend to destroy.
And what she saw was, no matter how harsh his words towards Patrick are, she still heard a voice full of concern. He still cares.
He was just mad. He was just frustrated.
He didn't hate her brother at all.
"What about Jillian?" She asked L.
L sighed. "She's with Jacob, I guess." He replied.
Patrice nodded. Of course, she also saw Jillian's love for Jacob. Her eyes gave her away. Her eyes are all on Jacob and she looks at him so dearly.
After all, Jacob helped her be whole again.
"Her mom was here and she apologized for everything Jillian has done to you." L said. "She also said that she would take her away for a while and reflect on her actions." Patrice nodded. Well, at least Jillian has a mother who loves her so much. "It's okay." She replied. "She was just a victim of her emotions."
L looked at Patrice.
"What?" She asked.
L shook his head. "Nothing. You just sound so mature." He beamed.
Patrice rolled her eyes and threw him a pillow.
L's eyes widened as he caught the pillow. "Hey!" He beamed as he wrestled Patrice on the bed.
"Are you going to talk to him?" Sonny asked Patrick.
The five of them are standing in front of Jacob Kim's hospital room.
Patrick sighed. "You should've killed him, Seunghyun." He told TOP. "You are a sniper for nothing!" He beamed as he messed his hair.
TOP laughed. "Why? Did I leave you apologetic now?" He mocked.
Patrick glared at him.
TOP shrugged. "I let him live because you two have some unfinished business." He said. "But you should thank me because the war didn't last long." He boasted. Patrick shook his head as he turned the knob of Jacob's room. He took a deep breath. "You don't have to follow." He told his friends.
The four nodded and motioned him to go inside.
Patrick opened the door and peeped in. He saw Jacob sitting on his bed while looking outside his window.
Jacob settled his eyes on Patrick as he heard a sound from the door.
Patrick sighed and walked to him. "I guess bad people really die hard." He told him.
Jacob scoffed, then laughed. "Is that a good or a bad thing?" He asked back.
Patrick just shook his head and walked to the couch near the bed. "Where's your girl?" He asked.
Jacob sighed. "Well, she went home. I let her. Her mom was here and she needed to rest." He replied as he looked at his hand with the intravenous tubing connected. "It's been a while, Patrick Kwon." He smirked. Patrick smirked back. "Well, yeah. It's been a while." He replied. "But nothing still has changed." He added.
Jacob nodded. "Yes. Nothing changed. You're still the bastard, I'm still the weaker one." He spoke softly.
Patrick looked at Jacob. It must be really hard for him. This life. Patrick knows what Jacob wants. He wants to be loved. He wants to be cared about. But his parents didn't even bother about his needs. They even took the only girl he loved. The only girl who made him happy. The only girl who made him alive.
"Sulking wouldn't make you stronger, punk." Patrick told him. Jacob laughed. "Well, I know that, Einstein Kwon." He teased.
Patrick rolled his eyes on him. "So, what do you plan now?" He asked.
Jacob shrugged. "I don't know. Should I do anything?" He asked back. "Run the company, run business and illegal transactions. Fight." He replied.
Patrick took a deep breath as he looked at his friend, his long lost best friend. "Yeah right, better beat me first." He remarked.
Jacob chuckled and shook his head. "Well, too bad now, that's not my goal anymore." He said. "Before, I always thought that maybe, I should pull you down from the pedestal you were in. I need to be as strong as you for me to be able to pull you down."
Patrick listened and didn't utter a single word. He crossed his arms across his chest and waited for Jacob to pour his heart out.
"But that was after years ago. When she died." Jacob looked down. "I was too mad and I want to bring you down because I know that you love her. I thought you were the person who killed her. Because I thought that maybe you were thinking that if you can't have her, then, no one should have her at all. Not even me, your best friend." He chuckled. "I was so stupid. I blamed you more and more everyday even though I know that you didn't do anything wrong. I know you didn't kill her. And I know my parents killed her."
Patrick looked at Jacob. Of course he knows.
"I was so weak because I can't accept the fact that she died. She has left me when she is the only one I need in this world. I couldn't blame myself. I don't want to blame myself." Jacob added. "But after meeting Jillian, everything was changed. I tried to always be man for her. I met her when she was at her worst. She was so wasted and I wanted to kill the man who made her that way. Until I learned that the man is your sister's boyfriend."
"I wanted to kill him. Kill her. And my hatred for you fired up. I wanted to kill all of you. I felt like I was a psycho." Jacob beamed as he ran his fingers through his hair. "But then I saw Lance Kim. I saw myself in him. I saw myself in him because he felt weak that he couldn't save the woman he loves. I hated it. I hated it. But then, I couldn't bring myself to kill his only happiness."
Patrick listened with a crooked eyebrow.
"Because if I do that, then, how am I different from my parents?" Jacob asked. "I don't want to be like them. I was just too late to realize that."
Patrick nodded. "I have never imagined you to be like them, Jacob. You're one of the best people I have met in my life." He said. "You won't drown yourself into hatred because I know that you are a good person deep inside." Jacob looked at Patrick and smiled. He narrowed his eyes on him. "Are you charming me?" He mocked.
Patrick widened his eyes. "What?!" He exasperated.
Jacob laughed. "Dude, your face was priceless." He held onto his stomach.
"BASTARD!" Patrick yelled as he took whatever fruit he could grab and threw it to Jacob.
The fruit unfortunately landed on Jacob's injured shoulder and he winced in pain.
Patrick laughed at Jacob's pain and took a bite on an apple.
"But Jacob Kim," he called his friend.
"WHAT?!" Jacob hollered because he was still in pain.
Patrick smiled. "Thanks for not hurting my sister." He beamed. He wasn't going to apologize. He never did wrong. He went here to thank Jacob.
Patrick is overprotective of Patrice and he wouldn't want her hurt. He is thankful that Jacob didn't hurt Patrice.
Jacob smirked. "Well, I told you I don't want to be a monster." He shrugged. "And besides, she's the only family you have."