Luck and You

Chapter 51

"Talk." The fine-looking man ordered as a guy, maybe one of the men in black who abducted her, removed the tape on her mouth. "Jillian Lee." Patrice gritted her teeth as she glared at Jillian Lee.

It was, of course, L's ex-girlfriend and the daughter of the owner of her previous job that would set her up in this kind of situation. Why did she not think about this possibility?

At first, Patrice thought of why didn't this lady mess with her at school when everyone knew that L is courting her? But hell, she was in for more. What made Patrice even think that Jillian would let that go easily? Crap.

Jillian walked closer to Patrice with a wicked smile on her face. "Long time, no see, Patrice Kwon." She greeted her. She cocked her head and widened her grin. "I miss you. Do you miss me?" She asked.

Patrice continued to glare at her. Damn, if she wasn't tied up, she would beat the crap out of this woman! Such a girl version of Lucifer!

"I guess, you did. You couldn't even take your eyes off me." Jillian mocked.

"Why?" Patrice asked. She wanted to know why Jillian had to act to this point. She could've just hit her or embarrassed her in the whole student body. But this? Kidnapping her and tying her up in a chair? Damn. This is just plain evil!

Jillian pretended to think about it and placed her gaze on Patrice. "You don't know?" She asked. "You took L away from me." She replied with obvious despise and anger.

Patrice scoffed. "I didn't take him away from you!" She replied, then she smirked. "Now I get it." She trailed, "Now I get why he left you. You're a psycho! Lunatic!" She exasperated. "STOP!" Jillian slapped Patrice's left cheek.

Patrice smirked. "What? It hurts to hear the truth?" It sounded like a challenge. Of course Patrice would not back down. Not at all.

She is not Death Note's Karate Kid for nothing!

"YOU SEDUCED HIM!" Jillian hollered as she gave Patrice another slap.

*Damn. She's strong.* Patrice thought as she felt her cheeks burning up because of the impact.

"You seduced him. You tempted him! You took him away from me!" Jillian is now in tears. Maybe it hurts. Of course it will. Every pain deserves to be felt. John Green penned that. "No." Patrice replied. "I did not seduce him. I did not tempt him. I did not take him away from you." She told her.

"You let him go away from you, Jillian. You made him drift away from you."

Jillian was on her feet crying her heart out. All she wanted was to have L back. All she wanted was to be with L forever. All she wanted was to be happy with L. But he left her.

And she promised him that he will never have someone else. She won't let that happen.

At first she thought it was because she nagged him too much that he grew enough of her and decided to leave her. It was okay like that. She can change that. She was willing to show L that she will change for him. But when she knew about L and Patrice, she grew more furious than ever.

It wasn't her. It wasn't because she nagged him too much.

It was because of someone else. It was because L fell in love with someone else.

And that it Patrice Kwon.

It took her time to be stand again. It took her time to be able to be herself again.

And thanks to this man who showed her another life. This man made her feel she's really important. This man made her whole again.

It was Jacob Kim, the leader of the mafia group called DBSK.

She was scared at first knowing that he is from a mafia group - he was the leader for crying out loud. But she finds him as her escape to the cruel world. Her escape to the pain L caused her. She loves this man, Jacob.

Who wouldn't love the person who taught you to be stronger? Who wouldn't love someone who accepted your brokenness and made you whole again?

Damn. She loves this man more than she loved L.

But her hatred didn't die down. She loathes L and Patrice for what they did to her. She hates them for breaking her whole being. She hates them for being happy when she was breaking inside. And now she wants revenge.

She freaking wants to see one of them broken like she was.

"Don't cry, Jillian. You know it's breaking me more to see you cry." Jacob comforted her and helped her stand up and led her out to chill her mind.

Patrice watched the two and sensed something about them. There was spark. Like what she and L has. There was love.

But she didn't want to probe more. She didn't want to dig deeper. It's just not right for the situation.

"Why did you abduct me?" Patrice asked Jacob as he walked back to her.

Jacob walked closer to her. "Why did we abduct you?" He scoffed. "Well, one, Jillian hated you and Lance Kim." He told her. "And two, I hate your brother." Patrice narrowed her eyes on him. She understands why Jillian hated her. But this man, why did he hate her brother?

Jacob smirked at her. "You see, we live in the mafia world. Me, Kim Jajeoong, being the leader of DBSK and your brother, being the leader of BigBang." "What are you talking about?"

"You don't know?" Jacob asked. "You don't know that your brother is one of the most hated and deadliest Mafia Lord?"

"What the hell do you mean?" Patrice was mad. How could this guys something about her brother when all Patrick was go to office from home and to home from the office?

Jacob took a deep breath. He pulled an empty stool and sat in front of Patrice. "Your brother is the owner of one of the biggest businessed in Korea, right?" He asked and Patrice listened. "Your brother's company profits about 1 billion korean won every week. Where do you think do they come from?" He asked.

Patrice stared at him. "So? They come from the business of course." She replied.

Jacob laughed at her. "Partially." He said. "Maybe about 10% comes from the real business." He said. "90% of it comes from the deals and illegal biddings from the mafia world."

Patrice narrowed her eyes on him, still confused.

"In the Mafia World, we all the biggest business men unite to expand their business faster than the usual. But, no, Ms. Kwon, we don't do that overnight." Jacob trailed. "It was a tradition that is passed from one generation to the other. And that's how your brother became one of the richest man in Seoul today. Or maybe Asia."

Patrice narrowed her eyes. "So you mean, Patrick oppa's foster parents are..." She didn't even continue her question.

Jacob smirked. "No, Ms. Kwon, it's not his foster parents. It's your parents." He replied.

Patrice's eyes widened. "What?! No. It can't be." She shook her head vigorously. "H-how can that be? No it can't be."

Jacob watched her. She didn't know anything. "Did you think your parents died because of an accident?" He asked. Patrice looked at him. "Wrong. They died because other Mafia groups hated how your father is crowned as the most powerful mafia boss. Of course he's powerful. But what can he do when everyone is against him?"

Patrice narrowed her eyes on Jacob. She still didn't believe him. It was an accident. There was no Mafia involved. No this isn't happening.

"Do you know why Patrick got adopted? Why your parents gave Patrick away?" Jacob asked.

Patrice stayed still. Too many information. But if this were true, she wants more.

"Your parents know that they need Patrick to be safe because someday, he would take over the company and the reputation in the mafia world." He started. "So, they had no choice but to give him away to someone very reliable and who knows the whole plan." He continued.

Patrice listened to him. What is he babbling about? Knows the entire plan? Who would? Someone trustworthy? What?

"Who would..." Patrice asked confused of the whole situation.

"You see..." Jacob trailed. "The persons who stood as your brother's foster parents are your uncle and aunt."

Patrice looked at him with wide eyes. This is pure shock.

Uncle and Aunt?

"Coincidentally, my foster father's surname is also KWON. Then they got the name our parents gave me." She remembered Patrick telling her this during their first meeting. Now this made sense. "Made sense?" Jacob asked. Patrice looked at him. "Who are you? Why do you know all these stuffs?" She asked him.

Jacob smirked at her. "Who am I?" He repeated the question.

Patrice narrowed her eyes on him. How could he know a lot of things about her life and her family? What is he? A spy?

"I, Patrice Kwon," He trailed. " Patrick Kwon's ex-best friend, Jacob Kim." He smiled in a wicked way.

Patrice sat there and looked at him, in awe of everything Jacob was saying. It was too much to process.

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