Love’s New Bloom By Simone Hastings

Chapter 64

Chapter 64 Ten Years of Waiting

Matthew’s eyes were slightly teary as well. He sighed. If it hadn’t been for your support all those years ago, I never would have been able to become who I am today.” 

Erin wiped her tears away. You’re too humble! Someone with the kind of talent you have will shine no matter where they are.” 

Together, they walked to the seats. Erin was equally as emotional as she spoke again. I never thought we would have the chance to meet again. Ten years really passed in the blink of an eye.” 

Speaking of time. Matthew’s gaze lowered. All those years ago, my father had never really supported my interest and pursuits in music. He’d always controlled my finances strictly. My only source of income was the money I saved from secretly selling scrap iron. When I heard that someone else was vying for the electric guitar I so desperately wanted, the guitar I now hold in my hands, thanks to you, I immediately rushed to bargain with the store manager. If it hadn’t been for you back then, I’m afraid. the Blue Flamethat’s been fighting alongside me for ten years now wouldn’t have been mine.” 

She smiled. What’s yours is yours! No one can ever take it away from you!” 

Erin’s words sent Matthew into a daze. There was a question burning in his heart that he dared not ask her

Despite noticing him observing her with some restraint, Erin didn’t think much about his actions. Instead, she asked, How did you find me?Since Matthew already knew her name, she figured he would have also known of her basic information

Three hours ago. I posted a picture of you in an online forum created by a group of my loyal fans, saying that I would give away two frontrow VIP tickets for my upcoming concerts to anyone who could help me find you.” 

Erin laughed as she spoke. “So you used the powers of your fans. Got it. What photo, though? Can I see?” 

Matthew immediately retrieved his wallet from the pocket of his pants. From the picture compartment, he then pulled out an old photo. It was colored, but it was already starting to yellow from age

When I was singing for you all those years ago, a foreigner in the music store caught the moment on camera. Five years ago. after I gained some international fame, the foreigner had someone find me again and send me the photo.” 

Matthew stared at the photo, his eyes filled with gratitude

Erin accepted the photo from him, understanding and clarity dawning upon her immediately. Her cousin, May, was part of 

Matthew’s group of loyal fans. Having recognized Erin immediately after seeing the photo, she had deduced a roundabout way of deceiving her to Strata Arena in order for her to meet up with Matthew

Looks like you’ll have to give the two VIP tickets to my cousin. She was the one who provided you with the information about my whereabouts.Erin couldn’t bear to part with the old photograph, having now laid her eyes on it

Well, thank god for her! If I hadn’t recognized you immediately, I wouldn’t have dared to believe it.Matthew smiled as he took 

the photo back from Erin. The foreigner no longer kept the original films, and I only have this. I’m afraid I can’t give it to you.” 

Wow, you really saw straight through my intentions. Keep it, then. Perhaps it has more meaning for you than it does for me.” 

After a moment’s thought, she said, Wait, how silly of me! I can always take a picture of it! That way, I could keep a copy of it 

with me.” 

Matthew placed the photo on a flat surface on the seats before crouching down with Erin to take a picture of it

Great suggestion! I’d like to take a picture of it, too, just in case I lose it one day. God knows I’d murder someone if that 

happened,Matthew joked

Erin laughed at his words. Don’t be so dramatic. It’s just a photo! Besides, I’m right in front of you now. We can take another picture together anytime.” 

Matthew’s arms froze, and he smacked his forehead. Oh no! Now you’ve seen the dumb side of mine. Why didn’t I think of that before?” 

Erin was still laughing when she spoke. I guess it’s because you’ve been trying to look for me for so many years but with no avail, so much that you’ve gotten used to finding solace from your lovesickness through the photo!” 

He stared at her unblinkingly, his amber eyes filled with indescribable depth.. 

This side of Matthew made Erin slightly uncomfortable. Hurriedly, she added, I’m sorry! I was just kidding=” 

Suddenly, Matthew clasped her hands as he stood up and told her seriously, All those years we’ve been apart, it was your words, my memory of you, and Blue Flame that I depended on and trusted to give me the strength to go on when all I wanted to do was give up. This photoit truly gave me the strength to persevere, and of course, it served as a solid comfort every time

missed you.” 

Erin looked at him, a little surprised. She couldn’t help but feel that Matthew’s words were somewhat at odds with his wild and 

unruly rock star personality

Erin, do you have feelings for anyone at the moment?Matthew asked suddenly. The beautiful woman he had longed for for 

ten years was now standing before him, a living and breathing embodiment of his dreams. He no longer cared about the stupid 


His question caught Erin off guard. For a moment, she was at a loss for words as to how to respond. She was a newly divorced 

woman with intensely deep feelings. Especially now that her relationship with Chandler was still unclear, how could she have 

room for feelings for anyone

If she told him there was no one she liked, she couldn’t help but feel like she was giving Matthew false hope. Remembering the incident with Caleb, Erin decided that she didn’t want to make the same mistake again. Gritting her teeth and crossing her heart, she said decidedly. Yes, I do have someone I already like.” 

Hearing Erin’s answer in person, Matthew’s amber eyes darkened instantly. He was evidently displeased with her answer. He 

asked, Who is it? I thought May said you were divorced!” 

Erin was shocked. She hadn’t expected May to leak the one thing she specifically told her cousin to keep secret, and to 

Matthew, of all people. She struggled to free herself from his grip, but Matthew held on coldly

Matthew, let go of me first. We can talk about this civilly-” 

Faced with the little boy she had met one fateful day all those years ago, she didn’t wish to embarrass him with a direct 

rejection. There was no right or wrong answer when it came to matters of the heart. Everyone had the freedom to like 

whomever they wanted

If she could change things, she really didn’t wish to hurt anyone

Erin, I’ve waited for you for ten years!Matthew told her through gritted teeth

Before he had truly met her, everything was but his memories and imagination. Now that he had reunited with her again after ten years, the delusional longing buried within his heart instantly burst out of its cage

Two years ago, on his eighteenth birthday, he had made a promise to himself. If he could find her again one day, as long as 

she was not married, he would try his absolute best to gain her heart

His feelings towards Erin all this while had always been gratitude. But the moment he caught a glimpse of her earlier, he 

realized what had truly been in his heart all along

He loved her

And yet, he would neverhe could never bring himself to say something so unimaginable. He knew, of course, that she would 

never believe him even if he did. Maybe she might even think he was insane

Matthew, 1- 

The uneasiness in Erin’s heart twisted into an ugly knife when she heard ten years.It was a pressure she hadn’t realized he’d 

put on her until now. God, she couldn’t bear to reject him. Not now, not like this

Meanwhile, a furious and chilling voice could be heard fromthe entrance of the arena. Matthew Burgess!” 

Erin and Matthew turned to the source of the voice immediately

Chandler was striding in their direction with great momentum, the destructive aura he radiated dominating the entire arenal effortlessly. When he reached them, he did not even stop to look before shoving Erin aside and raising his fist toward 

Matthew’s face

Obviously a skilled fighter, Matthew ducked naturally

Chandler Frost, what are you doing? Are you fucking insane? Because of Claire. Matthew recognized Chandler immediately. He just hadn’t had a direct encounter with the other man before this.. 

Chandler’s sinister dark eyes were filled with frigidness. He gritted his teeth as he spoke, Claire tried to take her own life 

because of you. She’s in the hospital now, and yet you’re here, flirting.” 

Unexpectedly, his eyes laid on the woman he’d pushed to the ground earlier. When he saw it was Erin, Chandler’s heart skipped a beat. His mind had gone blank for an instant before blood roared in his ears, hot and angry. His face contorted unpleasantly

Chandler tasted the bitter taste of betrayal acutely on his tongue. His voice trembled slightly. You. Give me a good reason why 

you’re here.” 

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