Love to Hate You: An Enemies-to-Lovers New Adult College Sports Romance

Love to Hate You: Chapter 26

The apartment is dark when I return.  My lips curve remembering the pissed off look on Carter’s face when I told him that I was going out.  Even though I didn’t catch his expression when I dropped the panty bomb, I have a pretty good idea what it looked like.

Carter wants to pretend we never hooked up?

That’s fine.

Two can play that game.

I can’t tell you just how satisfying it was to knock him off balance.  Carter Prescott is used to being chased by the women of BU.  He’s used to holding all the power.  Well, that’s not going to happen with this girl.

On the way to the bedroom, I slip off my heels and glance down the hallway.  Both Carter and Noah’s doors are closed.  I assume Noah returned from his trip with Ashley.  Once I’m in my room, I close the door and throw my purse and heels in the corner.  I hadn’t been lying when I’d told Carter that I was going out on a date.

I did.

With Alex.

He stopped by the table Olivia and I’d been studying at this afternoon and we chatted for about ten minutes before he asked if I was interested in getting together that night.  My first inclination had been to say no.  But then I thought…why shouldn’t I go out?

Carter made it perfectly clear this morning that us getting physical had been a mistake.  So, there was no reason for me not to go out with a cute guy who has potential.  Right?


We ended up grabbing dinner and seeing a movie.  It was casual and low key.  Alex fits the profile I usually go for.  Tall, athletic, and nice looking.  Added bonus, he has dimples.  He was the perfect gentleman and didn’t try to get all touchy feely.  What I really liked was his sense of humor.  I couldn’t ask for a more perfect guy.

Or first date.

And yet it wasn’t.

A certain dark-haired football player dominated most of my thoughts which was annoying as hell.  Carter is the last person I want to dwell on.  Especially since I’m nothing more than a regrettable decision on his part.

Well, screw him.

I turn on the bedside light and strip off my shirt.  As I do, a movement from the corner of my eye catches my attention and I nearly jump out of my skin.  I slap a hand over my mouth to stifle a scream when my gaze lands on the guy stretched out on top of the comforter.

Carter bolts up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed.  “Calm down, it’s just me.”

“What are you doing in here?”  I whisper-shout as my heart thrashes under my breast.

What the hell is wrong with this guy?

Is he trying to give me a heart attack?

He ignores the question.  “Who were you out with?”


So, we’re back to this again.


I fold my arms across my chest and glare as the adrenalin dissipates from my body.  “No one you know.”  Before he’s able to fire off any other questions, I add, “And, more importantly, it’s none of your business.”

Carter rises to his feet and towers over me.

“What are you doing, Daisy?”  His eyes narrow.  “Is this some sort of game you’re playing?”

My mouth falls open.

A game?


“Excuse me?  You were very clear about your feelings this morning.  What did you think was going to happen when you told me you weren’t interested?  That I was going to sit around and mope?  Maybe pine away for you?”  I shake my head and press my lips together before adding, “You know me better than that.”

He slides both hands into his hair and spins away so his back is turned toward me.  “Fuck,” he mutters under his breath.  “Why do you have to make this so difficult?”

“I’m not doing anything.”

He swings around again.  His big body moves with the fluid grace of an athlete.  But it’s the way his eyes spark with heat that holds me captive.

“Yeah, you are.”  His gaze drops to my lips and he shakes his head.  “This can’t happen, Daisy.  We discussed it.”

I’m over this conversation.  I don’t want to keep rehashing the same thing.  It does neither of us any good.

“Okay.”  I shrug.  “I’m not sure why you felt the need to stop by and clarify that for me, but I’ve got it.  Message received loud and clear.”  I turn my back and unhook my bra.  A surge of gratification rushes through me as he rasps out a strangled sound.  I throw a glance over my shoulder.  “If that’s all you came here to say, feel free to leave.”

He watches me with a tortured expression on his face.

I don’t know why I’m so intent on pushing him.  I can’t seem to help myself.  I unsnap the button of my skirt and lower the zipper before sliding it down my thighs.  I bend over so that he’s able to get a good look at my ass.

And the thong covering it.

Contrary to what I said earlier, I didn’t go out sans underwear.

Please, what do you take me for?

I’ll save something like that for the fifth or sixth date.

Carter hisses out a breath.

As much as I want to turn and gloat, I open the top drawer of my dresser and pull out a comfy tank top that’s seen better days and sleep shorts that barely cover my behind.

“Why are you doing this?” he groans.

“What?”  I pause.  “Getting ready for bed?”  I throw another careless look over my shoulder and meet his eyes.  “Because I didn’t get a ton of sleep last night and I’m tired.”

“This is such a bad fucking idea.”

It’s the desperation in his voice that makes me turn toward him. As I do, his eyes roam over my body.  Other than a thong, I’m naked.  Even though I’m tempted to cover myself, I don’t.  I keep my hands at my sides and let him look his fill.

“So you keep saying,” I respond calmly.

The heat of his gaze singes my flesh.  I’ve never felt anything like it.

“Christ, Daisy…What are you trying to do to me?”

I take a step toward him.  Then another.  I move cautiously as if approaching a skittish animal.  One that could bolt at any moment.

“I didn’t seek you out,” I remind him.  “You were waiting for me in my bedroom.”

He rips his gaze from my body and I instantly feel the loss of it.

“I shouldn’t have,” he mumbles.  “It was a shit decision on my part.”


I point to the door.  I won’t beg anyone for their time or attention.  I’ve been down that road before with my parents.  In the end, it never works out.

Carter can have any girl he wants.  And he has.  I’ve seen it play out hundreds of times before.  All he has to do is crook a finger and they come running en masse.  But that’s not me.  I have zero interest in being a jersey chasing groupie.

“Then you should leave before you make any more decisions you’ll end up regretting.”  It takes effort to keep the hurt from seeping into my voice.

Carter sucks in a breath and nods.  “You’re right.”

Disappointment surges through me.  His gaze stays pinned to mine.  It feels like we’re locked in a silent battle of wills.  I expect him to head for the door, but that’s not what happens.

Instead, he eats up the distance between us in two strides and yanks me against him before his arms slide around my body.  The way his erection juts into my belly sends shivers scampering down my spine.  Heat pools in my core and my knees weaken as I breathe him in.  His scent is a mixture of masculinity and beachy sunshine.  Something that is distinctly Carter.

“I don’t like what you do to me,” he growls.

His mouth hovers over mine, never quite making contact.

“I don’t like what you make me feel,” he adds.

I part my lips, willing his to lower.  A sigh escapes from me in a rush of breath.

“What the hell am I going to do about you, Daisy?”

I have several interesting ideas that are worth exploring, but I have the feeling those would be classified as mistakes.

“Do you know how much I want to fuck you?” he asks.

My breath stalls and I grow lightheaded from lack of oxygen.

His lips crash onto mine.  Needing to feel the slide of his tongue against mine, I open willingly.  He slips inside my mouth and takes me under. I have no idea how long we stay entwined, our hands coasting over each other’s bodies.  Our mouths fused with need.

Carter walks us until the back of his knees hit the mattress and he falls onto the bed.  With a soft grunt, I land sprawled on top of him.

Between hungry kisses, he mutters, “As stupid as this is, I can’t stop it from happening.”

I make some sort of noise in agreement.

So stupid, but I don’t care.

His shirt and shorts need to go.  I want him naked, so I can feel his hard-male strength against me.  The thought of it is enough to dampen the scrap of material between my thighs.  Carter rolls us over so that his weight presses me into the mattress.  I wrap my legs around his waist, grinding against his thick length.

His breath comes out in heavy pants as he rests his forehead against mine.  “I just want to fuck you.”

“Then do it,” I urge.  “Fuck me.”

“Are you sure?”  His jaw tightens.

“I want this, Carter.  Haven’t I made that clear?  I’m not the one having regrets,” I remind him.  “You are.”

“I know,” he groans.

The sound of his walls tumbling down is a beautiful thing.

I glance at my purse on the floor next to my shoes.  “There’s a condom in my bag.”

He thrusts against me before rolling to the side and flopping onto his back where he throws a thick arm over his eyes.  Part of me expects him to hop off the bed and bolt for the door.

I pad over to my purse and rifle through the contents looking for the condom I always keep with me.  I’m a safety girl.  I’d rather be prepared than get caught up in a situation where I’m not thinking clearly.

Once I have the foil packet in hand, I crawl onto the bed and on top of Carter.  He’s bare chested.  The athletic shorts that cover him rest low on his hips, showing off the sexy V that dips beneath them.  Taking control of the situation, I grab the elastic band and ease them down his waist.

A little thrill shoots through me at the realization that he’s completely bare beneath the shorts.  No boxer briefs in sight.  He lifts his hips and I slide the material down his thighs before tossing them to the floor. 

I take a moment to admire the utter perfection that is Carter Prescott.  His body fascinates me.  From the bulge of his biceps to his sculpted shoulders.  His chiseled chest, narrow waist, and thick muscular thighs.

And then there’s the manscaping…so damn sexy.  I run my fingers over his balls and along the thick ridge of his cock.  Everything is soft.  I could play here for hours.

But I won’t.

Instead, I rip open the condom package and pull out the rubber.  There isn’t anything sexy about condoms.  But then again, there’s nothing sexy about STDs either.

I stroke Carter’s erection a few more times and slip the latex over him.  I know I’ve said it before, but he’s just so big!  It’s not that I’m afraid he’ll split me in two—that’s just ridiculous—but it’s going to be a tight fit.

  Once the condom reaches the base, I kneel above him, aligning the tip of his erection with my entrance before carefully lowering myself down.  The way his girth stretches my inner muscles makes me moan.

Yes, there’s a bite of pain, but it can’t dull the pleasure radiating through me as I take him into my body.

When he’s about halfway in, Carter groans.  “Fuck, that feels so good.”

He holds his body still, allowing me to set the pace.  Once I’m fully seated, I sit upright with our bodies joined.  I’ve slept with my fair share of guys, but this is something altogether different.

Carter’s cock pulses inside my warmth.  Even through the latex, I feel it.  With his gaze holding mine, he rolls his hips.  It’s a gentle movement.

When his thickness slides in an inch further, my head falls back, and I whimper.  The way our smooth skin slides against one another is dizzying.  Pleasure radiates throughout my entire being.  It’s like throwing a stone in a calm pool of water and watching the ripples fan outward.

Carter bites his lip and quickens the pace.  His dick slides further out before thrusting home again. His hands settle on my hips, holding me in place.  With every movement, he pushes me closer to shattering.

As much as I want this the last—even five more minutes—that’s not going to happen.  The moment that thought flits through my brain, my body splinters apart.  My inner muscles clench his cock.  Carter grits his teeth and arches his back, groaning out his release.

With my body limp and sated, I collapse on top of him in an exhausted heap.  The side of my face rests against his chest.  I close my eyes and listen to the thumping of his heart.  It doesn’t make sense that I would find the sound comforting.  But I do.  And when he wraps his arms around my body and holds me close, I realize another truth.

“This isn’t going to be a one-time thing, is it?” I whisper.

“No,” he sighs. “I don’t think so.”

“Good.”  Relief rushes through me.

This has only begun, I’m not ready for it to be over just yet.

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