Chapter 55

Chapter 55


As soon as the door shuts, the men immediately get in their previous positions.

“Get him up Dan, he is supposed to be watching” The man standing in front of me informs one of the guards. However, before they can touch my dad, the door reopens averting all of our attention. My mother’s mate renters and without a word pulls a pistol and instantly shoots all the guards. What is happening, Is he here to kill me? Did that woman send him to finish the job?

“Get Noah out of here and disappear” He mumbles and leaves the same way he came.

Well, that was strange. Anyway, I will wonder about that later but for now, I have to get my father out of here.

I quickly get up despite my aching b*dy. Straighting the big shirt on me, I approach my dad who is on the brink of unconsciousness. Goddess, how am I going to do this?

“Dad” I whisper tapping his cheek but he doesn’t respond. I place a finger on his n*eck to check his pulse and gratefully smile when I find it even though weak.

I just have to get him to safety and from there, I will find a way to help him recover. My father weighs tons, I pull him by his shoulders but we only move an inch before I put him back down. Where are the others?

To answer my question, Jace approaches us limping. He looks worse than me but at least he is here. Alive. “We need to move Jace, help me lift him” I quickly say and my mate wordlessly nods and grabs Noah’s shoulders. Men are naturally strong so even without our wolves, they will still have some strength to


The d*rty corridors are bare of guards and even though it’s alarming, we take that chance to hurry away. This place appears to be deserted. Apart from those cells, this building is completely unoccupied. “Why did he let us out?” I whisper, My voice coming out groggily. How long were we here? I am damn hungry and thirsty.

I am very positive the queen is not in support of our rescue. I saw it in her eyes, the malice and darkness, she is pure evil and always calculating.

“I don’t know, he just warned me to disappear when he opened my door, he gave me this” Jace shows me car keys and a bank card. Is this a coincidence or something? Why will my mother’s mate rescue us behind her back, give Jace his card, and provide a car for our escape?

It’s completely suspicious.

“Do you know him?” I enquire, breathing heavily due to the hefty weight on my shoulder.

“I don’t know, I think I saw him once or twice when I was still at Alpha’s training” I eye my mate quizzically but drop the topic. Right now I just have to make sure my father is okay and find a way to get a hold of my son before that witch gets to him.

“Where are the other guys?” I ask when we find no one else outside the huge old building. This is out-of-pack grounds and the building is more like an abandoned home. It’s surrounded by thick bushes and there is no sign of life anywhere.

“They were taken back to the royal prison. I don’t know why we were separated…” Before Jace could complete his sentence, the building we just exited, blows out in flames and a bloody terrified scream escapes my mouth.

The impact separates us and sends us flying further into the woods.

I cry in pain when tones of branches and dry wood scratch and pierce my skin. Blood trickles from the wounds and considering how weak and painful my b*dy feels, I think death will be better than this.

I can’t believe she brought us here to kill us. How could a mother kill her daughter? I understand if she

doesn’t want my dad but I am her flesh and blood.

This is just cruel.

I stare in horror as the building effortlessly burns down. No one could have rescued us because this place seem nonexistent. We would have been burning in there.

I have to save my dad at all costs. He is the only person who will stop her madness. No matter what happens, Dad must be safe. With that thought in mind, I weakly get up and stumble forward due to the intense pain in my ribs. They took the impact when I hit the floor.

“Ana” Jace yells but I can barely hear him.” Ana, baby, Where are you?” His voice becomes more clear and I lift my head in his direction.

“Jace” I hold onto a tree and try breathing in when I stop with a whimper. My lungs hurt from inside and breathing in causes me pain. I don’t know what I will do to that woman when I find her. Maya will be sorry she gave birth to me.

“Oh, baby. Are you okay?” My mate gently holds my shoulder and I shake my head.

“My dad, where is he?” I weakly mutter looking around.

“I found him, he is already in the car. Let’s get out of here” I nimbly nod as my mate lifts me from the ground and carries me to the car.

Third-person POV.

“Oops!” Maya chuckles as soon as the building blows in flames. Andrew intently stares at the unaffected woman sitting beside him and can’t help but wonder. If she can do that to her family, what more harm can she cause to a stranger?

“Are you happy now?” He calmly asks staring out of the window. The huge dark smoke in the air makes his heart tremble in despair. Jace could be burning in there if he wasn’t smart enough.

She killed his mate, he will not allow her to kill any of his again. Minutes after they left the cells, he had made an excuse that he wanted to inform the guards to hurry up because they didn’t have time. Maya had planned to kill the guards too, so it didn’t make any difference.

Her main goal was for Noah to watch as his daughter was being defiled, that had to happen. So when he went back to supposedly make them hurry, she didn’t suspect a thing, Furthermore, Maya has complete trust in Andrew. According to her, she believes she has him wrapped around her finger and he will always dance to her tuns.

When he learned about her plan the other day, he also set his plan in motion. He arranged a car and a bank card for Jace, so he wouldn’t suffer when he got out.

“What are you going to do with the rest?” He turns back to the smiling woman with a sigh. He was crazy about the throne when he was still younger, but now, he would rather be somewhere else, especially when his partner is an evil scheming woman. She is not the same sweet girl he used to know years ago. “Give them a chance to support me, and if they refuse, they will be choosing their awful fate” She nonchallantly shrugs informing the driver to start the car.

“Promise me one thing” Andrew grabs her hand and softly mutters. As expected, Maya gently smiles and softens up.

“Anything, my love” She calmly says back, lovingly staring into his eyes.

“No matter what, don’t touch Liam. I have been patient with you and if you dare lay a hand on that little boy, that will be it Maya” His voice thickens, and all the tenderness he previously had vanishing. “Wait” Maya jerks her hand away from his hold.” How dare you threaten me?” She angrily yells and the man sighs thinking of a better approach. She needs to trust him fully. He can’t let her get suspicious, because she will do worse.

“Calm down, baby” He whispers, tenderly grabbing her cheeks “Jace just died in that flames, don’t I have the right to keep the little boy?” The sadness in his voice quickly lowers Maya’s anger.

“Of course baby, I promise. I will never touch him for your sake” She promises, gently pecking his l*ps. ‘It’s just a matter of time and I will be free from your crazy ass’ Andrew thinks to himself as he gently k*sses her l*ps.

Little did he know, that the devil couldn’t be coerced by a simple k*ss.

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