Chapter 16

Chapter 16


I stare down at my sleeping mate and smile to myself. We finally did it with both of our consent and it was magical. Ana makes me happy. She is beautiful.

I don’t want to wake her up just yet but I’m scared I have to.

I hate I will have to ruin our peaceful moment with the unsettling news that is bringing great discomfort to my heart. I can’t hide it anymore. After I tell her about yesterday, I’m going to tell Dad too.

I won’t let this idiot win this time..

I tuck away the hair on her face and k*ss her forehead. She sighs. snuggling closer to me and buries her face in the crook of my n*eck. I missed waking up to this every morning.

I slowly rub her back, reveling in the electrifying sense the mate bond is providing.

“Jace” she calls out but doesn’t move or open her eyes.

“Yes, baby, tell me” I whisper, softly brushing my fingers through her hair. “Thank you?” Ana says nipping at my n*eck and I groan holding her head there. I can’t wait the day she marks me. I want everyone to know she belongs to me.

“I need to tell you something” I can’t delay it anymore. The more time I waste, the more I’m giving the enemy an upper hand.

I k*ss her cheek when she lifts her sleepy face to stare at me.

“Okay, Is it about yesterday?” she sits up and pulls the sheets to cover her bare b*dy.

Yes” Sitting up, I pull her on my lap and lean on the bed’s headboard to be comfortable.

“Okay,” she expectantly stares at me and I sigh. I hate this has to happen

to us.

“Yesterday at the game the unknown threats appeared again” I warily whisper, gauging her reaction.

Goddess, what did they say?” Ana immediately sits up, and I hate to see the fear in her eyes. c k, it’s my responsibility as her mate to protect

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“That I should let you go or I will never see my son. Also, he will rain fire on my pack

, Liam” she whispers untangling from my hold and rushing to her phone. I follow suit and grab her clothes for her.” I need to call Nia” She fumbles with the phone with trembling hands.

“Thank you” She whispers pulling on her sweatpants while her phone is supported by her shoulder on her right ear.

Nia, where is my son?” Ana demands immediately the phone is picked


‘He is still with Leo, the woman on the other end says with a careless tone and my fists clench. Who the f u c k is Leo?

S h i t’ she whispers ending the call and dialing another number.

“Becky, Listen to me. Pack Liam’s stuff and take him from Leo. I am sending you a plane ticket right away. I expect you here as soon as possible” she rushes in one breath as she continuously cusses.

Who is Leo Ana?” I can’t help but ask. Of course, I am jealous.

I am going for my son Jace, I won’t let anything happen to him” she answers with something else and I decide to save the topic for later. First things first.

I am coming with you,” I say heading out of the room to go pack my


“Sweetheart A male’s voice stops me in my tracks, and I’m forced to turn around.

Hey Leo. Hi, baby’ Ana chuckles waving at the screen and my blood bolls in anger. I move to the video proximity and grit my teeth at the sight in front of me. A shirtless dude is holding my son and to make it worse, he is feeding him

F u c k i n g two years without my kid while someone else is playing dad to

Ana senses my discomfort and takes my hand in hers. I f u c k e d up, and I ach that, but I don’t deserve this.

Who is he? The guy on the grits out, nudging his chin at me. His eyes slightly fath a dark shade when he sees our conjoined hands. I don’t care

Anatrists hera, bez there is something off with this mu


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“He is Liam’s dad”Ana quickly answers before I can do it myself.

“And I’m coming for my son” I spit back giving him the same venomous glare he is giving me.

“Funny right? Where the hell were you for two years? He doesn’t even know you, boy” He smirks caressing Liam’s cheek and out of anger, I grab the phone and throw it against the wall. I don’t care if it breaks or not.

“The hell Ana, who the f u c k is Leornado?” I yell in exasperation as I noisily shut her door. She is not going to leave this room without giving

me answers.

“Leo is no one” She mumbles turning to her broken phone, and I have never felt so much anger toward her as I’m feeling right now.

“Do you think I’m stupi d? Oh! so you take me as a dumb f u c k, don’t you? I know I f u c k e d up and I don’t deserve you nor your forgiveness, but letting another man father my son is just cruel of you Ana” I spit taking slow steps toward her. She can replace me if she thinks it’s what’s best for her, but there is no way I will let another man take my place in my son’s life.

“It’s not like that Jace, Leo is my boss” She turns around to face me. I grew up

with this girl, and I can clearly tell when she is lying to me.

“Your boss huh? How professional?” I chuckle at her weak excuse. Does the shirtless man always feed his workers’ kids, spent weekends with them?”


“No” I hold my hand up to stop whatever she wants to say.” I am out of here”

“Jace, stop” I ignore her plea and continue walking away. Before I could open the door though, Ana stands in my way blocking me. I hate the tears in her eyes, but she needs to understand that I’m hurting too. My heart is flesh and blood as hers.

“Baby, listen to me” She softly grabs my cheeks and I take in a sharp breath. I hate how I can’t control myself around her.

“Leo has been trying to woo me for a long time, and my answer hasn’t changed. There is only one man I love and that is you, Jace. Stop being angry for nothing” I am angry because my son is getting attached to that bas t a r d. He is still innocent and I won’t be surprised if he starts calling him dad.

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What is he doing with my son Gianna? If you love me as you claim, why let another man act as my son’s father, while I have no idea I have family out there? How will I believe you when you say you love me?” I lower my voice as I deeply stare into her eyes. So much water glistening in them, the eyes that hold guilt and regret.

You are the one who rejected me, Jace” She shouts throwing her hands in the air, and finally moving away from the door You didn’t want me, and that doesn’t mean everyone else would. Leo has been there from the moment Liam was born. So forgive me for minding people’s feelings and not rejecting them for no reason”

For a hundred and one times Gianna, I was k i n g protecting you, dammi t” I yell hitting the wall so hard my knuckles start to bleed. I am tired of explaining myself. I have paid enough and if she doesn’t want to forgive then so be it.

Son, what is wrong? Mum worriedly asks through the mind link and I instantly block everyone away.

The room becomes silent. This will be the second time addressing her by her full name and the look in her eyes indicates that this is a moment of Deja Vu to her.

When she doesn’t say anything back, I turn around and try to take deep. calming breaths. As long as he still has my son, I’m not going to be okay.

The man, what is he?” I mumble without looking at her. If he is a wolf, why can’t he wait for his mate or choose one for himself? He should be able to identify alpha blood when he sees it, and we both know there is no way in hell I will let my blood go.

“A human, I believe” I chuckle when she confidently says that. Human


don’t turn black when they are angry. Why is she so oblivious to everything?

* It doesn’t matter. If you care for me Ana, let me raise my kid beside you. And if you don’t, go back to your new home. I will suck it up and accept my fate. I am tired” I mumble at the verge of tears. My own words sound like a stab to my heart but this is just too much for me.

I love Ana enough to let her go. If that is what will make her happy.

With a tired sigh, I once again turn to the door. I need a break.

“Wait” I stop at her shaky voice but I don’t turn around. Her slender hands hold me from behind as her face is buried in my back. Why does it have to hurt so badly?


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I try to ignore how her sniffles sinks my heart but I just can’t. She makes me weak

“You are all I have been yearning for, for the two years I was away. I love you so much it hurt Jace. Please don’t walk away from me again” Her words break my heart and the intense anger dwelling in my heart starts to fade away.

I can’t hurt her again.

“The reason Leo is even close to my son is because of the woman who saved me. I hate it too Jace, and I would never replace you in my life or my Son’s. I’m sorry for hurting you like that, I don’t have an excuse to defend my mistakes” She sniffles again and I slowly turn around with a sigh.

I hold Ana to my chest and breathe in her perfect scent. Instead of being mad, we should be heading out to get our son.

“I love you. I am sorry for being angry at you” I whisper k*ssing her temple and she quickly lifts her head to look at me.

“I will be angry too Jace. I love you” she whispers back and delicately presses her l*ps on mine.

Before long though, the door bursts open and one of the maids invites. herself in.

“Alpha, the pack is under attack” she frequently whispers, and I share worried glances with Ana.

It’s not a threat anymore.

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