Chapter 14

Chapter 14


Wolves burn a tremendous amount of energy, and I need to find something fulfilling since he didn’t have his breakfast.

The fridge is loaded, thanks to the chefs. We might as well have dinner all together but since no one is ready for that, I decide to make him at toast instead.

It will hold his hunger up until dinner time.

I have been doing this for the last 20 minutes, but every time I get one ready, someone picks it up and I’m running out of patience.

Jace must be waiting but his crazy friends won’t teach their stomachs.


“Please that’s enough, I’m already tired” I complain glaring at Chase. He didn’t grow up one bit. His ridiculous appetite never left.

“I can’t help it if you cook so well” he will call anything edible good. It doubt the functioning of his taste buds.

“It’s for Jace, kindly wait in the living room for dinner, it’s almost time. anyway,” I say knowing Luna is so occupied with the baby’s room to think. about the dinner.

Chase doesn’t have to know about that though.

“Can I have this last one?” he brings forth his hand to pick the one I just made but I hit it with the hot spatula instead.

“She is right Chase, you should have your mate do this for you,” El says. and I sigh in relief. At least someone uses his brain. So Chase found a mate after all.

“She doesn’t know shi t, I don’t even know where the hell she went to” I’m taken aback by his statement but choose to remain silent. What happened to the magic of finding our mates?

I hate it when people play with the will of the moon like that. It never ends well.

If werewolves just remained pure and waited for their destined mates, we wouldn’t have to experience this kind of pain, and misery at all.

I paid a huge price for that and I don’t know if I will ever recover


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Chase was a playbo y. He earnestly attended to all lost she wolves offering themselves to the boys. Sometimes I wonder, would Jace be the same if I didn’t hold him down?

He said the woman he came with trapped him, is it true or did he get carried away? But he killed her, it means something right?

“Thank Goddess you are here, what took you so long?” I quickly turn around when his prominent scent fills the kitchen. Jace avoids eye contact, but the water in his eyes doesn’t go unnoticed by me.

He wordlessly turns me around and buries his face in my n*eck. The wetness trailing down my back makes every nerve in my b*dy ache.

He is crying.

He slowly sniffles, tightening his hold around me.

His dad was right. Jace is messed up.

Since I’ve known him, there was no day he ever cried. He got so angry, broke stuff, got into countless fights, and hit trees out of rage. But I never saw his tears.

This is so hard for me.

I try turning around but he doesn’t let me. After a few struggles, he finally lessen his hold allowing me to face him.

His face is red and covered with water. The white part of his eyes is occupied by streaks of red.

It’s breaking my heart to look at him. What should I do with him? I don’t think this is about us anymore. After spending the two nights in my room, and the k*ss, his demeanor started to change. The sadness started fading away. Something must have happened to him at the training. How will little Liam feel when he sees his daddy this way?

“Ana I.” I quickly silence him with my l*ps. I know he doesn’t want to talk about it, and I don’t want to push him. I want Jace to calm down and trust me enough to let his troubles out.

Our l*ps don’t move. They remain attached, our eyes closed. I feel how struggling his heartbeat is and I’m sure he can hear mine. Our breaths are ragged.

We both know what we want. We yearn for it so badly but there is a thick line separating us.

I slowly pull back and his eyes flutter open.

Tuse my fingers to dry his face and he sighs pressing his forehead on

Fcan’t imagine what is going through his head right now. The turmoil and the guilt eating him up from the inside.

*This is not you taking care of yourself, do it for our son Jace” I whisper looking into his sorrowful eyes.

“I’m trying. I don’t know how to be strong without you. I’m just a useless piece of shi t” he grits out and I quickly hold his face and direct it to mine.

“My Jace used to fight anything in sight, you made sure everything went your way, either voluntarily or by force. Everyone knew how strong you were, and they admired you for it, if not jealous”

I lowly chuckle when I remember him hitting and threatening every guy that looked my way. He thought I didn’t know but I saw it.

“I just want my Jace back.” his eyes glimmer with hope at my statement. “I hate you so much right now, but you are still mine. Your tears hurt met and it’s the last thing I want your son to sec. Promise me this will stop. Your sad attitude is affecting everyone around you, Jace. Mum and Dad are worried for you.”

“What should I do to earn your forgiveness?” he whispers staring at my. l*ps. Idiot.

“Just prove to me that you are a man enough to take care of us. Show me that my son and I can completely depend on you in all situations without the fear of falling, and I promise to be the best Ana you could have ever wished for ”

“You promise?” he traces his thumb on my lower l*p and I can’t help but tremble. The power of the mate bond is something else.

“If anything is happening around us or to you, however difficult and risky. it is, trust me enough to tell me okay?” I slowly caress his cheeks with my thumbs. I admire the man standing in front of me, and no matter what happens, I won’t run again. I will fight for him and our love.

“I promise. I need to tell you something” He locks his hands behind my waist with a tired sigh, and I shake my head. We can save the talk for later. I want to make sure he is okay first. He is my responsibility. He and lian.

“Not now, are you still hungry?” I point at the toast beside us and it’s like he is contemplating whether to eat or not.


He haupt ren aging wore orning.

Surface rucsandly let me go and he doesn’t take long to devour the fot. Deber should be served town.

Do you need any drink? I ask staring at the empty plate.

“No dunk you for licks his l*ps and grabs my waist again

“Let’s go, help mom, prepare the baby’s room,” I pull him forward but he doesn’t budge

“Are you going to tell the his name now?” his brows furrows as his eyes show instant excitement. To lighten his mood, I place my hand on my rhin and pretend to be thinking

It depends, how far are you willing to go for that name, Jace?” I untangle from his hold and take a step back to examine him. His facial structure is magnificent, especially his strong and chiseled jaw, and his full l*ps. “I don’t know, how good are you with your l*ps? Can they make my skin hot and all sweaty, baby?” I lower my voice to a whisper and he groans glaring at me.

“Ana” Jace warns and instantly pulls me back to him. I like teasing him, it was so fun watching him reel up and sadly, there was nothing he could do. I was off limits but the moon changed that.

“Your hands Jace, they are so strong, veiny, and oh my! The naughty things I imagine them doing to me” I get on my toes and gently lick his earlobe. His grip on me tightens and his ragged breath on my skin is turning me on. This is dangerous. k, I forgot we are mated now and our primal sides are as horn y as k.

“Ana, if you do not stop. I will drag that name out of your sweet mouth this instant his voice is horse and deep, and I cuss at the hard bulge

pressing at my stomach. I went too far.

“Okay, okay” I slowly untangle from him breathing heavily. I am f u c k i n g aroused and I know he can smell it.

, baby” Jace stands behind me and buries his face in my n*eck, inhaling deeply” Do you have any idea of what you do to me?, do you know how much control I have to take when I’m around you, Ana?”

“No” I close my eyes enjoying being in his arms. This time, it’s different because I can do anything with him without holding back. It’s different because Jace is mine.

“It’s a lot, sweetheart” he turns me around and places his l*ps on my

In an instant, Iro placed on the counter in a sitting position and my mate positions himself between my parted legs. His eyes are dilated and with no douba, he is fighting his wolf for control.

I love you” he murmurs placing his forehead on mine and closing his eyes. I pull his b*dy to mine and drape my hands around his n*eck. My ryes close and we stay that way for a while.

It’s beautiful being this close to him. It feels like home.

“Are you okay now?” I ask when his breathing becomes even and his b*dy calm

“Yes, but next time you tease me, Ana, just count yourself in trouble” he slowly opens his eyes and I grin at him. A genuine smile.

“Oh yeah, how much trouble?” I gently lick his lower l*p and he groans in exasperation. “Okay, let’s go l chuckle at the look on his face, and he shakes his head but laughs anyway.

f**k, I will never get over his laugh.

Liam’s room is adorable. Luna went for wallpapers that feature animals. and playful patterns. The amount of toys is alarming, but what do I expect from my mother?

I walk to the bed at the right corner of the room and sit on the soft mattress. The covers are sky blue in color, the same as the ones he is currently using at our home. I miss my baby.

ace is excited, I can tell by how his eyes gleam at everything he looks at. Wait until he holds him, it’s a feeling you can’t describe.

This is a lot of stuff men. Now Ana can have her twenty pups like she ised to fantasize about Blood runs dry in my b*dy at Chase’s statement. Did he have to bring that up?

dpha and Luna widen their eyes in worry, while Jace tightly grits his eeth. No one says anything and the movements cease too. f**k.

will go check something out” I rush out of the door and head to my


Vill I ever get over it?

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