Love is Weakness. [1]

Chapter Dominance


After I call Conan I stare at the phone for a moment. I forgot how his voice sounded. He only said one sentence, sleep obvious through his voice almost making him sound like a boy. Boys however don’t try to hurt childeren. Anger immediatly takes over me again. Eadon notices the shift in my posture and looks up to me. Anger flashes my eyes, making him move back just a little before he regains himself. He puts his head up a little, dominance radiating through his features. I don’t care. We are at his office, since the training has been cut off by everything that happend.

‘Why?’ I ask. Eadon looks at me with dark eyes, never breaking my gaze. I however don’t break it either. I will not back down. I am done with this bullshit. I don’t even know what is going on. My life was good and now I’m here in this mess. I miss Tiff greatly.

‘Why what?’ Eadon barks at me. My heart skips a beat, however I don’t back down. ‘Why am I here?’

Eadon rubs his eyes, unknown emotions flashes across his face. He looks back at me, not saying anything. I get up and slap my hands on my desk. ‘TELL ME!’ I demand. Eadon simply shakes his head and puts his concentration back on his computer. I walk around my desk, slowely getting closer to him. His body stiffens but he doesn’t break his gaze from the computer. I stop in front of the desk, placing my hands on them and move forward closely to his face.

’I have been obeying every single thing you tell me to do. I have not tried to escape, though I miss my family so much it hurts me ‘till my core. I have done EVERYTHING you have asked me to. And now you are going to answer what I’m asking you or I. Will. Leave.’ At my last three words his head shoots up. Not breaking my gaze he stands up in anger. His eyes piercing so hard through mine I can almost feel him.

‘Don’t mistake my kindness, Anastacia. You are still a prisoner here and I do not have to tell you anything I do not want to. I wanted this to go smoothly. But don’t ever for a second doubt that I will not hurt you. You can call your friend and let her come here.’ With those words he sits back down again, holding out the phone for me. Tears fill my eyes but I do not let them fall. I won’t break for him, if he wants me to be a prisoner I will surely act like one. I don’t take the phone but instead walk out of his office. How much I want to speak to Tiff, I can’t let her come here. I can’t escape having to take care of her too.

After taking a quick nap, I change my clothes into a cute white dress with blue flowers on it. I put on black shorts underneath them, because let’s face it, I never really sit ladylike. I put on some white flats with a rose pattern in them. I throw my head forward and pinch in my hair to make a little wave in appear. Eadon had Josephine bring me some make-up. I apply a natural look, just some mascara and a nude lipstick. Looking at myself in the mirror I smile a little. I looked good.

I make my way downstairs, through the front door. The guards outside frown and one stops me in my track by gripping my arm. I turn around in one move. ‘Let me go.’ I growl. The guard doesn’t budge. ‘What will the Alpha say if I tell me you touched me like this?’ He immediatly let’s go of my arm. I keep my head up and look at him in dominance. ‘If someone asks, I’m going to visit the pack members.’ With that I turn around.

I can’t escape on my own. I remember from my young age that I was always curious and found the best hiding spots everywhere. The kids love me after that horrible day.. They surely know where to hide and to get away. The only problem is that kids aren’t really good at keeping secrets. I’ll have to be careful and ask them questions without them suspecting anything. I could manage. If I have learned one thing from my stay here it’s that I’m good with kids.

The rows of houses come in sight and I decide to just start at the first one. I didn’t quite know where everyone lives, but I’m sure they’d like to meet Eadon’s new prisoner. Especially after me taking care of their kids... Hopefully.. When I come up to the house I see that’s it’s larger then I thought. It doesn’t take much place because it has three floors. Huge windows on the second and third floor give the home a fancy look. The house itself is in a bright white with blue window frames. It is beautiful. I knock on the door and it opens immediatly. A young girl from around the age of eight opens the door. Her blond curls bouncing around her head as she looks up to me with big curious green eyes.

‘Hello, princess. Do you remember who I am?’ I lower myself to her length and put up my sweetest smile. She nods her head, making her curls dance once more. ‘What is your name, love.’ She opens her mouth to speak as a blush crawls on her face. ‘My name is Bella, ma’am.’ she says with a soft voice. ‘BELLA?! Who is that? Who are you talking to?’ A woman’s voice softly screaming. Bella instantly pouts and if possible her eyes grow even bigger. ‘Oh no, mommy said I couldn’t open the door for anyone.’ Her face looks worried. I quickly wink at her and whisper ‘Close the door. Get back inside, I’ll ring the doorbell.’ I put my finger in front of my mouth to let her know to be very quiet. When she closes the door with a smile I instantly feel myself mirroring hers. I never thought about it, never wanted to fall in love so never wanted to have kids either. But the longer I speak with them, the more I wish I had one of my own.

I wait twenty seconds before ringing the doorbell. I hear the woman come down the stairs and tell Bella that she’ll open the door. A woman about as tall as me opens the door. The same green eyes as Bella staring up to me. However this woman has raven black hair making her eyes glinster even more. The moment she sees me she bows her head. I frown not understanding this gesture.

‘My name is Anastacia, I was the one with the kids in the bunker the other day.’ I hold out my hand for her to shake. The woman eyes my hand in shock, but quickly takes it. ‘I know who you are, ma’am.’ she says with a whisper. This confuses me even more. This woman is older then me, I should be calling her ma’am. ‘I’m sorry, is there something wrong?’ I ask. She looks up to me shaking her head, the moment her eyes meet mine she quickly lowers her head again. Wait, is she being submissive. ‘You can look at me.’ I flash her a insuring smile. The woman looks up to and nods. ‘Oh please, come in.’ she says. When I step a foot in I see that she has a bright white carpet so I take my shoes off. Once again earning a shocked look from the woman.

I walk into the house and it looks as beautiful as it did on the outside. The white carpet is now replaced by a babyblue carpet. There are flowers everywhere, in all kind of colours. The room isn’t big but it has such a homey feeling that tears fill my eyes. I could have grown up in a house like this. Bella is sitting on the couch and I give her a quick wink. She smiles brightly at me. I sit down next to her and give her a small hug. This leaves her in awe again as she stares at me with wide innocent eyes.

‘No staring, it’s rude.’ the woman hisses to Bella. Bella quickly averts her eyes.

‘She is a sweetheart, it’s okay to stare at me doll.’ I say to Bella before focusing my attention on the woman. She is now seating opposite of us on the other couch. ‘I’m sure, I didn’t quite catch your name.’ I say to her. She let’s out a curse under her breath. ‘I’m sorry, ma’am. My name is Katherina.’ she says regret piercing through her voice. ‘Just call me Stacia. You have a beautiful name, Katherina. And a beautiful home. You must be wondering why I’m here.’ Katherina’s cheeks blush and she nods uncomfortable with my presence. ‘I’d like to ask you if Bella and her bothers or sisters if she has them is allowed to play outside with me today.’ Bella jumps up and down next to me, throwing herself around my neck. I laugh at her sweet gesture and hold her closely. To think these kids were in danger...

‘I’m sorry ma’am.. uhm Stacia. But the Alpha said everybody had to stay in today.’ I puff, pulling Bella on my lap. ‘The Alpha is dealt with.’ I say to Katherina annoyance clearly dripping through my voice. I see her relax instantly. Her eyes going from me to Bella. ‘Yes, she can come with you.’ Bella jumps off my lap and claps her hands. She looks at me with curious eyes. ‘What are we going to do, ma’am?’ she asks me. I tap on her little nose. ‘We’re going to play a game, but first we had to get some other kids okay? Call me Stacia, princess.’ Bella runs away upstairs yelling, to what I assume is her brother.

I see Katherina eyeing me curiously. ‘You can speak your mind.’ I say to her, getting a bit uncomfortable under her gaze. She doubts for a moment, before she starts to speak. ’I’m sure you know about the prophecy. I just.. I never thought.. We never thought that you would be so sweet.' Her cheeks burn red. 'Though we don't doubt you are the one from the prophecy!' she quickly adds. I frown at her in confusion. What prophecy? Before I can ask Bella comes down with a boy just a little older then her, perhaps eleven or twelve. Once he sees me he stops running and bows his head like his mother did. I walk over to him and put my hand under his chin softly pulling it up. 'Hello, my name is Stacia. And what is your name?' I ask him. His whole face turns red. 'E-E-Eric.' he stutters. I smile at him. He has raven black hair as his mother. However his eyes are a shade of grey mixed with brown. 'Want to play a game Eric?' I ask him. He nods wildly so I stand up and tell Katherina I will bring them back in two hours. I insure her that we won't be out of sight, except for when we pick up the others. She smiles at me agreeing.

We pick up around thirty more kids. All their parents act the same as they see me standing for the door. They all bow their heads and act polite, a little scared even. That quickly fades when they see that the kids love me. After twenty minutes my head is spinning with all the names I have heard. I take the kids back to the field in front of the line of homes. One of them, a little boy named Jason puts his hand in the air. 'Ma'am uhm I mean Stacia, what game are we going to play?' I smile at the kids who are looking up at me.

'I'd like to get you all a little better before, okay? I will tell you all a little about myself too. Are you guys okay with that?' The kids nod, I think at this point they would agree with anything. One by one they tell me how old they are, their parents name, their favorite animal and their favorite colours. Each and every kid has a wolf as their favorite animal, except for one little girl. She has ginger hair that hangs above her waist, small freckles covering her face. Her eyes a shade of honey with a fierce written in them. She says bluntly 'My favorite animal is a cat and nobody can change my mind.' Her eyebrows shoot up challenging. I smile at her attitude, this girl is going to be a handfull. I tell her that I like cats too, earning a huge smile from her. After I have gotten a little information about the kids parents and how many live in one house from them I quickly explain the game.

I take a blindfold from my back pocket. The kids looks at it curiously. 'One of you will put the blindfold on. The rest of you gather in a circle around the one with the blindfold. You have ten seconds to move a little away from the ticker. The ticker has to grab the other kids. You have to say your name every once in a while so the ticker knows where you are. If you say your name you can not move for five seconds. Do you all understand?' Some kids don't understand so I slowely explain it again. I decide to do a test round where I am the ticker.

I put on the blindfold and count to ten. I hear the kids shuffle away. 'Remember! You can't get away too far. I will have to be able to catch you.' I slowely walk forwards, hands out stumbling like a zombie. This earns me a few shuckles. I hear one of them quickly dash behind me so I turn around and tick him. 'If you're ticked you go stand a little further away from the rest, so you can wait untill the next round.' We have a lot of fun doing this, I tick one kid after another. They laugh and keep calling out their names from everywhere. Suddenly the laughter stops.

The blindfold is yanked from my head and I turn around angry with my arms wide to protect the kids from whoever did that. I see Eadon glaring at me with anger spitting from his eyes.

'What. Are. You. Doing. Here?' he says through his teeth. I shrug and turn around to pick up the blindfold. 'I am playing with the kids, since I'm going to have to rot here I better get to know some people, don't I?' I whisper at him making sure the kids won't hear it. 'Bring them back home.' is all he says before walking off again.

I call Bella to me and tell her to get her mother. She quickly runs to her house and within minutes Katherina joins us. 'I'm sorry, Katherina. HE is being difficult, would you mind to finish the game with the kids? They can explain it to you. I am so deeply sorry for Eadon's behaviour.' Katherina looks at me in suprise and quickly nods. 'Yes, ofcourse. Go deal with him. Good luck, Stacia.' she says smiling.

I am going to kill him chants through my head while I walk back to his house. He can't keep me a prisoner forever.

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