Love is Weakness. [1]

Chapter Choose.


When I wake I see the full moon shining through the window. It's beautiful. I rub the sleep from my eyes and get up with a yawn. I really wanted to see Eadon's wolf again. I know he only get's to shift two days a month and I don't want to miss it. I quickly get in the shower to wash away the sleep. Not even bothering to wash my hair I'm in and out within five minutes. I choose black skinny jeans, a black tanktop with a leather jacket and some low black sneakers underneath. I pull my hair in a messy bun and look in the mirror with satisfaction. When I get out the door I vaguely here wolf whimpers. I ignore them tho, not reconizing them as to be Eagon's. Glass shatters loudly from the room opossite of me and I run towards it. Would someone be hurt? When I try to open the door it's locked. Thankfully the key is in the door and I quickly turn it. When I get in I see little pieces of glass laying on the floor, not nearly enough for the hole that's in the window. That means someone jumped out of it.. I run towards the window and look down.

I see wolfs, a lot of wolfs. Small ones, big ones. They're all fighting. It's too dark to see most of them. Sometimes a shadow moves fast or whimpers are heard. I squeeze my eyes searching for Eadon. I can't see him anywhere. Suddenly one of the wolfs that stand in the view of the front door light looks up. For a second I think I see reconision flash across his eyes but I'm not sure. I want to call for Eadon, but I don't want to draw attention to myself. A low whimper comes from behind me and I quickly turn around. EADON! His once beautiful fur is now covered in blood. Blood is dripping on the carpet and when I look at him closely I see it's coming from his own mouth. Did he kill someone? Involuntairly I take a step backwards. Eadon bows his head. I instantly calm down, he said that he wouldn't hurt me. He lays down on the floor like he did yesterday and I get up on his back. He whimpers when I grab some of his fur so I move my position making sure I don't touch any of his wounds.

A growl is coming from behind us. I push my head in Eadon's neck, feeling blood stain my face but I don't care. Suddenly we're flying, literally flying. I realise Eadon jumped out of the window. When he hits the ground I hit my face in his neck. My nose is throbbing but I don't care. I hold on tightly, never for a second losing my grip. I feel Eadon stopped walking so I look up. A wolf is standing in front of him growling at him. The wolf is completely white for what I can see. Somehow I think it's a she. The way she glows and the graceful position she has. Eadon takes a step back, making the she-wolf bare her teeth even more. She quickly dashes forward him, biting at his legs. I let myself fall off Eadon and quickly go stand before him. 'LEAVE HIM ALONE!' I scream. She-wolf growls, but I have the feeling that she isn't growling at me. A shadow blocks all lights for a moment, before I see Eadon fall down on the she-wolf. He has his teeth in her neck, shaking his head fast from the left to the right as a dog trying to get back his toy. The she-wolf whimpers loudly and looks at me with pleading eyes. Before I can say something she falls down.

Ceveral growls come from behind me. I turn around and see three wolfs slowely walking towards us. One is whimpering more then growling. He is a completely grey wolf with a black nose. The one next to him is bigger, he looks like a calico cat. Grey mixed with brown, black and white is flashing over his fur. The third one has a black fur with white ears. Blue eyes look at me.

'Orcan?!' I gasp. The wolf's tail momentairly wags, before he looks behind me again. 'NO!' I say with a demanding voice, hoping that wolves work the same as dog. I take several steps back to get closer to Eadon who is now breathing heavy. I spread my arms to protect him. 'Don't do this Orcan or Conan or whoever is in there. Leave him alone! He didn't hurt me.' Orcan growls loudly at me, almost unnoticably cocking his head a little to the other two wolfs as if he is communicating with them. He lays down on the grass and I hear the undenyable sound of bones breaking. Within thirty seconds he is back to his human form. He is taller then I remember. For a second I accidently look down to a perfect cut body. I look him in the eyes. 'Leave him alone.' I say once again. 'He tried to kill me!' Conan screams back. I just shake my head. They're not going to get him. It's not fair, they're with the three of them. 'He killed her too! Get out of my way, Stacia.' I shake my head again. 'YOU tried to harm kids only to save me! I told you to leave me alone, I had this covered! I could have escaped by myself. Nobody would have gotten hurt. What do YOU care what happens to me?!' Conan starts laughing as a maniac. 'THIS WAS NEVER ABOUT YOU! I die if I'm not close to you! You are my Mate! You are the one I am destined to be with! Being away from you everyday makes me weaker and eventually it kills me!' I keep shaking my head. No, that isn't true. He pushed me away from the start. Eadon told me that Mates have a unexplainable bond together, they can't stay away from eachother, the moment they look in eachothers eyes they are home. 'You're lying. I have been told how it's like to be Mated. You have been a dick from the start. Don't try to justify your actions.' I try to sound sure but I don't. What if it is true? Eadon did after all kidnap me. He said that there was something that he wasn't telling me. I turn around to go ask him and see Eadon is no longer there.

Turning back to Conan I see that he noticed the same. He looks at the two wolfs next to him. 'Call the others and go get him. I will look at Avril.' The grey wolf whimpers again but then runs off with the other wolf. Conan walks behind me and kneels next to the white wolf. I look down at them. 'I'm so sorry, Avril. I tried to save you, both of you. I'm so sorry I got you into this. I'm so sorry, please hang on.' I see a single tear fall down Conan's cheek as he pets the white wolf. 'Is she going to be okay?' I ask him with a raspy voice. He doesn't say anything, he keeps petting the white wolf while repeating his apologies. Tears fill my own eyes at the sight of them. What have I done? Will she die because of me? Bones crack, her bones. Slowely she comes back in her human form. She is completely covered in blood, hiding her nakes body. She has a beautiful face, a face of an angel. Conan now uncontrolably cries while he pulls her to his lap. He looks up to the moon, letting out a howl that goes straight to my bones, breaking my heart. Without even having to ask I know, I know she's dead.

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