Love is Weakness. [1]

Chapter Being Out Alpha'd


My face stings momentairly from the impact of her hand. I see her stamp away upstairs. She hit me and I liked every second of it. It's refreshing to see that someone isn't walking on their toes around me. However her being so pissed is not a good thing. What if she decides to leave? I sit down at the bottom of the stairs waiting for her to get down. After what feels like an hour she finally comes out. She wears a bag in one hand and the key of the room in the other. Not that I don't have a spare. I get up and block her way.

'Where are you going?' I try to sound tough, but I know I'm failing miserably. She looks up at me and I see her eyes spit fire my way.

'Get out of my way.' she spits trying to walk past me. However I block her way again. 'Where are you going?!' I say a little tougher this time. 'You like to know where I'm going? I would have loved to know that you went through my stuff and brought them here without permission.' She tries to get past me again, but I won't let her. I see the muscles in her shoulders stiffen as she takes a step closer to me. Her nose is almost touching mine and her eyes look dark. 'Out. Of. My. Way. NOW!' she spits. I'm startled by the force behind her words and she takes this opportunity to get past me. I walk after her and grab her by her arm. 'WHERE ARE YOU GOING?' panic fills my heart by the thought of her leaving. 'Let me go!' she screams while pulling her arm back. I let go of her arm and grab her by the waist. I pull her into me, her back against my front. 'Where are you going?' I whisper in her ear. I feel a shiver go over her back. 'I'm going to Tiff, since I don't have an appartment. Now let me the fuck go.' I think about it a little more before I actually let her go. She'll be with Duncan, I can always go get her back. I watch her as she angrily walks towards Duncans house. I don't know why, but it hurts.

Hours have went by, hours of me thinking about Stacia. When I try to do something my mind still falters back to her. So here I am on the ground across the front door waiting like a dog for it's owner. Ironic. I can't take it anymore and I almost send a mindlink to Duncan to bring her here, but I know that'll just piss her off more. I need to do this the right way. I walk to the livingroom and search between the books that are now all piled up where the bookcase once used to be. When I find the book I know Stacia likes I grab it and open the cover. I grab a pen and put a small apology on the first page. I hope she'll forgive me. I see my reflection in the glas door and decide to first get changed and do my hair. Maybe if I look good, she'll forgive me quicker.

I take a little too long doing my hair, suddenly feeling ridiculous. I'm the Alpha, I don't have to apologize or give gifts for people to listen to me and now here I am.

If you would mark her, you could use your dominance.

I think about his words. He does have a point there. But if I mark her that means that she'll officially be the Luna. I don't know if I can turn it back once she is marked. I quickly shake off the thought of marking her. I'll just have to smile and give her the book open on the first page. I won't actually have to apologize out loud and she'll forgive me.

You could also just tell her that you were afraid she'd leave, so you grabbed her stuff. She will love that.

No, admitting that to her will make it real. I still don't want a Luna, I just need her untill I feel better. Finally deciding my hair isn't going to get any better I grab the book from the bed before I head out. I send a quick mindlink to Duncan to ask wheter he's home and he confirms that he is. Okay, here we go.

I walk the same path as Stacia did and the scent of flowers on a rainy day fill my nose. I lose the scent for a while, before I smell it again. Maybe she tried to dodge this path, it can be rough. When I'm at Duncan's front door I smell her again. But not as strongly as I thought I would have. Alarmbells are rinkling in my head but I shake it off. The front door opens and Duncan faces me with a pale face.

'She's gone.' When the words leave his mouth my vision turns black. '.. a text that said she couldn't stay here, but that she will be there for Tiff's ceremony.' She left me? I was going to apologize. Why would she go? It's not that bad. I wanted her with me. I throw the book on the floor and turn around. I try to sniff her out but I lose her scent at the sight of the road. Where did she go? Where would she go? She can't go back to the appartment, there isn't even a bed there. I grab my phone and dial her number. It keeps ringing and ringing and ringing. I dial endless times but suddenly it goes straight to voicemail. She turned her phone off, which means she is okay. I run back on Duncan's driveway to grab his car. If I can't sniff her out, I'll have to do it the old fashion way. I need to get to the office.

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