Love Is Fair

Love Is Fair By Kerri Chapter 30

Chapter 030 Hailey Was the Expert
Getting to know her, huh? “Hmm... let me think about it.” Hailey curled her lips and propped her head. “Mr. Holland, you’re Old
Mr. Holland’s youngest son and have a quarter of the blood of a nomadic itinerant. The children in the Holland family all grew up
under harsh training. Only you’re favored and was brought up by Old Mr. Holland himself. When you were nine, you were
kidnapped and almost lost your life. Your father mobilized the family’s connections to save you, but it turned out that you came
back safe and sound. Later, your seven elder brothers were either dead, injured, or fled away.”
Remaining calm and collected, Matthew grinned and responded, “You searched me on the internet? It seems that you’re quite
interested in me.” Saying that, he was about to approach Hailey, who continued, “You lost your virginity at 16 to a foreign girl who
was five years older than you. When you were seventeen, you dated girls who were older than you. And you dated several
different girls once you turned eighteen. From then on, you became a playboy. You always had different girlfriends every month.
Dating different women was like a habit for you. Now, at the age of 27, you probably have more than a hundred girlfriends. You’re
very experienced. So, tell me. What number am I on?”
“Are you calling me a playboy? I like it.” Matthew seemed to not sense the
ridicule in her tone. He propped his chin, beaming. At the sight of Matthew’s amorous look, Hailey wondered how he had
become a good friend of Owen. In contrast to Owen’s abstinent personality, Matthew was open. Could it be that men like to
befriend someone who complement them?
“It seems like you can’t understand what I was trying to say. I will be frank then. I am not interested in you.
As a playboy, you should find someone equivalent to you. For example,
someone like Eliza. You two can make a wonderful pair. How great.” “Hey, I am different from Eliza. Although I am fickle, I don’t
promiscuity.” Matthew felt like being insulted. Hailey sneered. “Oh, come on. You two are the same. Take it as a compliment.”
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Chapter 030 Hailey was the Expert “Although I had somewhat a lot of lovers in the past, I could be faithful one day. The reason
why I always switched partners in the past was that I hadn’t found someone who was really suitable for me. But now that you’ve
appeared, I can stop discovering.”

“That must be what you said to every girl, right? Anyway, sorry to disappoint you. I’m a divorced woman, not some innocent girl.”
“So what you’re divorced? I don’t care.” It seemed that Matthew was very tolerant. “Everyone has a history. Besides, you and
Owen probably had little experience together although married for three years.”
Hailey was puzzled. “What do you mean?” Hearing that, Matthew glanced at her in surprise before hinting at her that he meant
sexual experience. Hailey was speechless. She didn’t see that coming at all. Annoyed at Matthew, she kicked him without
Matthew’s heart fluttered, and he laughed wildly. “What a surprise. You’re still
quite innocent. I didn’t expect Owen hadn’t done that with you.”
One after another, Matthew kept making dirty jokes. Chris and the other two
assistants could not bear to listen and wanted to chase Matthew away.
Eventually, Matthew stopped joking. Seeing the way Hailey stared fiercely at
him and her red ears, he thought she was cute and felt very lucky to have met
He felt sorry for Owen not being able to treasure Hailey. What a waste.
Anyway, Matthew wouldn’t hesitate to pursue Hailey.
After leaving the Moores’ old residence, Owen returned to Moore’s Mansion.
There was still wedding decor in the house, which was annoying to Owen. So, Owen ordered the butler to take them down and
return the house to its original state.
Owen had gotten many missed calls from Eliza. However, he ignored the calls
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and turned off his phone. As he strode towards the study, he took off his coat and put it on his arm. With a pause, he opened the
door of the master bedroom. The rose scent became quite faint now that Hailey had left.
The rose seal was still on the bedside table. Owen picked it up and gently stroked the rose pattern on the white jade. Just then,
he noticed that the redness at the bottom of the seal had seeped in a lot. The font of his name’s inscription seemed very
different. His name was engraved in some ancient tablet inscription.
He picked up the card which Hailey had left for him. The handwriting on the
card was exactly the same as the font on the seal. Could it be that Hailey carved the name on the seal? But since when did she
learn to carve?
Owen shook his head, thinking she probably paid a high price to hire someone to imitate her handwriting. Nevertheless, he could
tell that she had put effort into this gift.
Upon putting away the seal and the card, he returned to his bedroom and hung his clothes in his wardrobe. There was a stack of
gift boxes in one of the wardrobe compartments. Seeing those boxes, he remembered that they were the gifts that Hailey had
given him over the years. Other than Christmas, Owen didn’t really celebrate any other holidays, whereas Hailey celebrated all
sorts of holidays.
She always prepared gifts for Valentine’s Day, White Valentine’s Day, wedding anniversary, and his birthday. At first, she gave
him the presents in person. But after seeing him throw the gifts aside casually, she started to ask Jose to pass the gifts, or she
would put the gifts in Owen’s wardrobe.
The gifts were not too expensive. Sometimes, it could be a tie, a pen, or a cufflink. On the other hand, he had never given her
As a husband, he was indeed not competent enough. Owen changed into loungewear and went to the study to work. He turned
on the laptop and read his emails, but he could not focus. Irritably, he closed the laptop, lit a cigarette, and took two puffs. But
soon, he put out the cigarette.
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Chapter 30 Hailey Waltre spell Turning on the laptop again, he typed out Hailey’s name with a serious, determined look. He
would investigate it himself since Matthew refused to help.
He just wanted to know why Hailey had to disguise as a nurse and come to his side three years ago. She was determined to
marry him even when she had to hide her identity
Coming from an affluent family, why would Hailey be willing to be a nominal
On the other hand, Chris, the head assistant, was working on his laptop during the drive. Suddenly, a warning notification
popped out on his laptop. He clicked into it and reported to Hailey, “Miss Newman, someone is trying to hack your folder.” Hailey
pushed Matthew away, took the laptop from Chris, and typed something.
Sure enough, someone was tailing her again. With a serious expression, she typed a string of code swiftly. Matthew watched
from the side. His gaze was full of shock. He was aware that a hacker expert was working for Hailey, but he never
expected Hailey to be the expert!

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