Love Bites

Chapter 28

After eating they made the swap and Abby gushed over Kayla’s new look. “Lily’s right. This was the first step, now that you look like a girl – sorry hon – you need to feel like one too.”

As Lily drove, she explained what else she had in mind for them to do together. Abby thought it over for a while, then said, “As long as I don’t end up looking freakish. I could probably use it. No harm in looking more like you Lily.”

That settled it, and Lily said she’d make arrangements and let them know when they would start.

Arriving at the mall, the trio went in to shop. Cory and Blaine played tennis for a few hours, then Blaine drove Cory home.

“Mom, I’m home,” Cory called out.

“In in den hon,” she replied.

Cory walked in and stopped short. “What the …”

“It appears your sweet girlfriend was a little unclear about the replace part. She had someone come over to collect our list. I told her it wasn’t finished, and she told me to call as I add to it, or when it was finished, and she’d take care of it all.”

“But…” he said, pointing.

“Yes, I agree. Our old 30” TV was replaced… by a 65” QLED TV. Oh, and it includes a surround sound system, which we didn’t have. The girl said it was a bonus when you bought the TV, but she wouldn’t give me a receipt. Said any problems with warranties or insurance claims to call her and she’ll take care of it. And that’s just the TV. Anything that could be upgraded or improved has been – so far at least. This is too much Cory,” his mom said.

Cory just shrugged and said, “You try telling her that.”

“I will,” she said getting up out of the new recliner and walking to him. She ran her fingers through his hair. “This however is worth every penny. One heck of an upgrade, kiddo. You look so… grown up.”

“Mom…” Cory said shyly.

She shook her head. “No, this is you. You and Kay have shared so much of the years, and I let you. But it’s nice to now see some individuality. You look so… manly now. So much like your father. He’d be proud of you,” she said, a single tear making it’s way down her cheek.

Cory wiped it away saying, “Save it. You haven’t seen Kayla yet.” Shaking his head he added, “You think I look different, well… she didn’t have much done compared to me, but… wow. You’re going to have to see it for yourself.”

“As long as you are both happy.”

“I think we are,” he said.

“Good,” she said giving him a kiss on the cheek. “You my boy, need a shower.”

“That was my next stop. The girls went shopping, so I don’t know when they will be home. Lily said they would bring dinner back.”

“Okay,” she said, sitting back into the recliner, flipping channels with the remote.

Cory laughed and said, “Well, you’re adjusting quickly I see,” and walked off to go upstairs and take a shower.

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