Love Bites

Chapter 12

Several weeks went by and all six kids went on outings and dates in pairs, quads, and the large group of six. In each combination they had fun, making the most of their time off school and their friendships.

Blaine turned sixteen and was given a van – albeit a used one – after he got his license. Someone in the group suggested that they take a trip to the mountains and spend the weekend camping. All six teens agreed to it, but it was harder to get their parents to agree to let them go unchaperoned.

Finally, after much discussion between the parents and the kids together, it was agreed upon that since there would be six people, they would take two large tents that sleep four each, and the boys would sleep in one, and the girls in the other.

The parents put their trust in their kids to follow the rules while unsupervised. Cory asked Lily about her parents again since they still hadn’t returned home since the two started going out.

“They are still on site, but they said I could go. They trust me to stay here alone, they really can’t say no to camping alone, now can they?” she asked.

“Maybe they should be worried about you alone here,” he said with a grin.

“Why? Are you going to take me to bed?” she asked, calling his bluff.

After a moment, he looked down and said, “Not right now.”

“Didn’t think so, chicken,” she teased. “Come on, help me pack,” she said to him, leading him off to her bedroom.

Cory and Kayla had already packed. Cory sat on her bed watching as she pulled clothes out of her dresser.

Lily pulled out tank tops and tube tops, asking his opinion to each, to which he replied, “It’s going to be too cold for those, even in the summer.”

Putting them back, she opened another drawer and pulled out different selections of lingerie, holding each in front of her, asking him, “What do you think of this?” to each.

All he could do was sit there with his mouth hanging open. After a few camisoles, teddies, lacy bras, and skimpy panties, he finally said, “I think you’ll freeze at night.”

“But I’ll have you to keep me warm,” she said matter-of-factly.

“In different tents?”

She laughed at him. “Oh, come on. Are you serious? I’m bringing three smaller two-man tents along as well. Did you really expect us not to break the rules and pair up?”

Cory thought about it for a minute and said, “Yeah, I guess I did.”

“That’s cute. And sweet, but no hon, it’s not going to be a group thing. All of the girls have already agreed on it.”

His eyes went wide at that.

“Yes, we talked and decided. It was easier than giving you boys an option. Even your sister agreed to it.”

That surprised Cory, although he realized after all that it didn’t really. While Dallas was strange to him, Kayla was falling for him. He decided to just go with it and said, “Oh, okay.”

Pulling out a different set of clothes, she finally finished packing and asked him, “Care to go for a swim?”

“I didn’t bring a suit,” he replied.

“That’s okay, neither of us really need one… it’s just the two of us,” she said grinning.

Cory turned red and said, “Um… I appreciate the offer but maybe another time.”

“Even after looking at all my girly underclothes, you say no, eh?” She walked over to him and leaned over and kissed him.

He raised his hands to her face, but she took one hand and put it on her breast. He froze and she stood upright again, holding his hand in place, and said, “You gotta start somewhere. You can’t be a tease and then so shy with me. Kissing is okay, but sometimes a girl wants just a little more. I know you promised not to have sex until you marry and I’m not suggesting that… yet. But still…”

Cory thought about the condom in his wallet and said, “Yeah, I guess you have a point.”

“Why yes, I do. Thank you for noticing. I actually have two right now but you’re only feeling one of them at the moment. Want to feel the second?”

Cory realized that she did have a point – right in the middle of his palm and the other one was obvious as well, right at eye level. He felt awkward but didn’t stop her when she moved his hand around, gently squeezing it, causing him to also squeeze. Without being prompted, he placed his other hand on her as well.

“Now you’re getting the general idea,” she said hopping up on the bed, straddling him, sitting on his lap.

“That feels good,” he told her.

“Why, yes it does,” she replied and kissed him.

They continued making out for a while, all the time Lily had a smile on her lips as Cory removed his hands from her chest. She finally stopped him, saying, “Unless you’re ready for the next step, we better stop because I’m going to take what’s mine if not.”

He wasn’t quite sure what she meant until she wiggled her hips on him and he realized what both of them were feeling pressed between them.

Turning crimson, he said, “Yeah, we better stop.”

She kissed him again and said, “Aww, and it was just starting to get really good.” Unwrapping her legs from around him, she made sure to wiggle and press against him as much as she could while getting off of him. “We gotta get up early tomorrow so you best be getting home, but you might want to sit and relax a few minutes so you can walk. Oh, and just to save you some pain, you might want to use some AT tonight or you might, uh, regret it and hurt.

Turning red again, he looked up at her quizzically. Did she just use AT?

She patiently looked at him and asked, “What do you need explaining? Me using AT or an explanation of blue balls?

His mouth fell open again.

In a voice that said she was talking to a five-year-old, she said, “AT. From your sister, where else? We talk, remember? I’m acutely aware you both take advantage of it. Your sister told me about the time you walked in on her. As for blue balls…”

He held up a hand, stopping her. She smiled and continued. “Heard or felt that one, have you?”

“You’re so wrong,” he mumbled, and she laughed.

“Come on, let’s get you home,” she said helping him up. He had no problems after her use of AT shocked him.

They walked to the front door and she hugged him and winced saying, “Wow, sensitive. Damn, now I need some AT.”

He smiled and kissed her lightly and said, “Tease,” as he left.

Cory arrived home and Kayla was waiting for him in their study.

“So, get everything packed?” she asked with a smirk. “Use your gift?”

“How much does she tell you?”

“Just what is planned. Why, did something happen?”

He proceeded to tell her about the clothes exhibition and after a thought, he decided to tell her about Lily’s prompting and his acquiescence to touch her.

“Good for you, big brother,” she told him.

Wanting to understand Lily, and girls in general, better, Cory fought his urge to ask his sister if she’s ever let anyone do that to her. Willingly, not forced as with Max. Wanting someone to touch her.

He knows that all he has to do is ask and she’d tell him, but he can’t bring himself to ask her. He doesn’t want to have to relive Max again. His emotions give him away and he turns a shade of red just thinking about all of it.

Watching him almost glow red, his twin stares at him intently, almost willing the question from his mind. With uncanny accuracy from some mythical twin ESP, she looks him in the eyes, then lowers hers to study her hands and says, “To answer your question, or at least what I think would have been your question if you weren’t so gallant, is no. I’ve never let anyone touch me like that… other than Max, which wasn’t really willingly. I’ve… I’ve never really wanted anyone to do that – yet.”

She looked back up into his eyes again and continued. “Don’t get me wrong, it’s mainly because I haven’t met anyone who has made me want to, but if I did, sure, why not. If it feels good, why would I deny myself? Do you think Lily did it just for you silly? No… I imagine she enjoyed every minute of it, just as you would if you would get over your shyness.

It was his turn to smirk at her. “Pot, this is kettle – black,” he said as she was walking out. “I’m not sure if I should be grateful or horrified by how much you and Lily tell each other. I had AT served up to me tonight with the statement that we both take advantage of it.”

At this, Kayla stopped, but instead of it embarrassing her, she grinned at him like the cat who swallowed the canary and said, “Yeah, well… after the pool party was my AT, now by your description of tonight’s activities, it sounds like it’s your turn. Enjoy!”

He watched her as she sauntered off feeling smug. He couldn’t be mad at her, however. His night was very enjoyable and even though they might talk about too much, he was glad Kayla had someone other than him who she felt comfortable talking to.

Feeling uncomfortable, Cory decided to take advantage of some AT.

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