Love - An Alien Vampire

Chapter Chapter Four.

Heck Gresteller thought, their minds might well have all aggressive tendencies removed, but the people could still protest, and react showing their concerns, yet reports from every planet stated all the people appeared relaxed, even happy to have a new regime ruling them, and with a military regime who could show and dish out violence.

It was then Gresteller thought of their own military and like her, they had received supplements to alter the brain’s reactions to the nulling effects of the global energy field.

Gresteller looked at Zivem, “What if the brain itself was altered could that explain what has happened,” enquired Gresteller. Zivem blinked and looked at Olga, the nonviolent effects of the energy field activate protein markers in the human brain which prevent aggression,” he answered but Gresteller shook her head, “No you misunderstand me,” she stated.

Zivem looked confused, so Gresteller elaborated more clearly. “What I meant was what if a life forms brain was altered, could that create such feelings.” Zivem looked stunned, “Are you asking me if a brain could create enough power to surround an entire planet.”

“No, not an entire planet but an individual or a group of people say, like an audience within a controlled space say a concert hall or something similar,” stated Gresteller.

She could see Zivem almost shaking and the fear etched upon his face concerned her. “The painting upon your wall, the one you said you liked, it comes from a species of life forms…,” but Gresteller interrupted him, “You mean the scary vampires,” she joked.

Zivem’s eyes widened, he was not aggressive but certainly displeased at her remark. “Children even upon our home world fear these creatures and show them more respect, you have no idea as to why we fear them so much,” he said. Gresteller realised she had been disrespectful and lowered her head and apologised showing submissiveness to the alien before her.

Her response worked as he quietened down and responded more civilly, “Miss Vinter these creatures are the very apathy of normal life, as they install fear into their victims as you and I breathe, and to them it is natural, and they use their minds to project images while reading your thoughts and finding your worst nightmares, and then magnify them a million-fold so you freeze in stunned utter fear and fright while they feed on you,” Zivem said.

Gresteller looked stunned, “Could…, could this be the reason behind all that is happening.” Zivem shook his head, “I only mentioned this as an example of some life forms having the mental ability to use their minds in such a way, but even those creatures could not affect an entire planet,” Zivem stated.

Gresteller thought for some seconds without further words been spoken, then she blinked picked up a pencil and wrote some thoughts down.

Looking at Zivem Gresteller quietly showed him the words she had written, ‘We on earth have found a way around nullifying the effects of the energy field, could others do the same but to their advantage.’ Zivem’s eyes widened in shock, “That is not possible,” responded Zivem.

Gresteller laughed and picked up a scalpel they had been using to dissect some plants and held it to Zivem’s throat. “I promise you Zivem I will not harm you, but if the energy field was affecting me, could I even think let alone react in this way.”

Zivem closed his eyes trying to teleport back to his ship, only he found he was unable to leave the space he occupied. “Yes, that is another subject we need to discuss, we became tired of your kind just beaming us at will, and created a method of blocking you, you see our kind view such actions as wrong, and it is rude, presumptuous and wrong to assume you are so intelligent, great and powerful that you have the right to rule over others against their will,” stated Gresteller.

Gresteller put the scalpel down and released her hold upon Zivem, I apologise Zivem but I could think of no other way of convincing you and making you understand that nothing is infallible and that as grateful as we are for your help, your kind actually treated us with disrespect.” Zivem actually blushed as his facial features turned a shade of green rather than grey.

He gulped having not experienced fear for a long time and had not expected such from a presumed controlled human. “It is us who needs to apologise, we did not realise your kind had evolved so fast,” Zivem said, and then continued talking. “In the past, your kind was tribal, violent, uneducated and aggressive to our kind, so we had not known what to expect, never had we thought your kind could have evolved so quickly.”

Then he stopped and thought, his eyes widened, and he responded, “Unless…, no surely not, but if your kind mated with the Atlantians then…,” his words were cut short as Gresteller interjected her own thoughts. “Then we would have become an entirely different hybrid species,” she said.

Zivem blinked, “Miss Vinter would you object to gifting me a sample of your blood.” Gresteller smiled, “Why certainly Zivem in an act of friendship and collective cooperation, as long as it remains in this laboratory,” said Gresteller.

Zivem picked up the very same scalpel which Gresteller had used and cleaned the blade, then reaching over the alien lifted a glass slide, and pricked Gresteller’s extended finger and smeared her blood upon the slide. In less that fifteen minutes he looked in stunned disbelieving silence at the results before him.

Gresteller could sense his discomfort. “Truly Miss Vinter our race owes your kind an apology, it would appear that some of your kind are indeed hybrid offspring from the Atlantians and as such deserved far greater respect than we showed you, I can only apologise on behalf of my people,” stated Zivem.

Gresteller looked amused and pleased at the thought that she was born of Atlantians heritage, then the thought dawned upon her, and she looked at Zivem. “Zivem why did your kind assume we were still hostile and…,”

Only her words were cut short as it was Zivem’s turn to interrupt her. “Upon the station been breached we sent interstellar crafts to earth’s orbit and while remaining cloaked to your technology we beamed selected human samples aboard, from the regions nearest the Everest Station. All were found to be direct offspring of the tribal races we had originally left upon earth,” Zivem said.

Gresteller gulped realising the implications that there were actually two main humanoid species now living upon earth and with a smaller sample of mixed heritage. “So, you are stating that those born of the Atlantians gene have the capability of evolving faster than others,” said Gresteller. “Not only capable and faster, from your genetic marker you yourself are seven-tenths Atlantian, I honestly cannot explain what happened, but I feel the only possible answer lays with the Atlantians carrying out genetic testing and manipulation of their own,” stated Zivem.

Gresteller looked bewildered, “I don’t understand,” said Gresteller, Zivem looked at her, “There is nothing to understand other than somewhere in your ancestral heritage one of your ancestors mated with a true Atlantian, and from your DNA markers I would say that ancestor underwent even further bio-genetic coding as there is yet another marker within your DNA and giving you an extra chromosome, basically you are more Atlantian than human,” said Zivem.

As the alien had been speaking it had been tapping away at the computer and suddenly the restriction barrier preventing him from beaming away was removed and a light engulfed the alien and before Gresteller could blink it was gone. Less than thirty seconds later a beam of energy waves started to engulf the entire planet, within seven minutes it ceased and Zivem returned but this time with an elder Orange alien.

The base suddenly went onto full alert, and additional measures started to be implemented as special elite guards entered the laboratory fully armed and dressed in a type of armored flexible clothing Gresteller had not seen before.

No weapons were raised at the visiting orange alien, but it was implied by the presence of the guards that force could be used if necessary. Immediately the orange alien tried teleporting away but found its exit was prohibited. “This is an outrage allow me to return immediately,” stated the Orange alien.

At the very same moment, all seventeen interstellar ships came under the full control of the earth, with armed elite soldiers beaming aboard. “We apologise, but this is for your own safety we have detected an unknown craft entering our galaxy, and it is not of your system or answering our requests for identification,” stated a voice upon the computer console.

Just then a beam of light took the orange alien, Zivem and Gresteller from the laboratory direct to a room just off the control center and dematerialized the occupants before a short but very fit woman. “Please forgive my treating you this way, my name is Gresteller Asskins, and I am head of planetary security and was recent upon one of the home worlds on the Cassiopeia Dwarf system in the Andromeda galaxy,” said Gresteller.

The Orange alien looked stunned, “But…, I do not understand you are two people and were a mere secretary an assistant, I was at those negotiations…,” Gresteller cut the alien short.

“Please time is short, we do not have time to explain, the incoming vessel is under attack,” stated Gresteller as long-range earth sensors showed an image of actual events as they started unfolding. “There we…,” but Gresteller’s words were cut short as the images showing up on the wall in front of them, displayed another five unknown ships which were firing upon the lone vessel and it seeing it exploding, then the five unknown ships vanished returning to their point of origin.

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