Lisa & Lewis Collection - Books One to Three

Chapter Chapter Twenty-six.

Her grandfather was introduced to her and he explained what had happened…, bless her it took time but she eventually pieced it together and was even more excited to have a grandfather…, and as old as she was…, she hugged him and thanked him for rescuing us. I think my father was taken aback as he had not had the girls growing up hugging or kissing him…, and I think he was kind of shocked at his own maternal reactions.

He then explained to me what it meant to be dead to the human side of me, “You are now 100% Fay…, there is no longer a human side to you other than the memories and technically you now come under Queen Mabb’s court. That was a shock to me in itself.

Mabb could be kind and protective…, Could be..., but she had a side to her that demanded 110% respect…, and as long as you obeyed and aided by her rule you were safe.

However, disobey and that was a different story, and I had a life, a family and two daughters whom needed me, and I am not ashamed to say it scared me to be under Mabb’s control and rule. Even the great Dresden had finally succumbed to her rule and was forced to leave his daughter friends and life…, to serve the demented Queen.

It was then my Father tapped my shoulder and brought my mind back to listening to him. “Sorry dad…, the thought of Queen Mabb scared me,” I told him; and he grimaced. “I was trying to tell you…, I am under the court of her Father King Oberon,” said my Father, “and I have requested that you by right of family and blood line come under his court…, also the King owes me a boom for service and loyalty…, and treats his subjects much differently to that of his daughter…, as such I have called upon the boom, and requested you become a representative for the humans and fay.”

His words sank deeply into my mind as I tried to piece together what he just told me. He looked into my eyes and reached out and held my hands, “Queen Mabb has been forbidden to take you until this is resolved…, and she was mightily displeased with her father and foolishly voiced her disapproval.” He paused placing a hand to one of his ears as if listening to a conversation, and then smiled.

I could tell whatever it was had pleased him. “You have just become a subject of my Kings court…, “he said and hugged me…, “You are to enact as a representative to the humans and Fay reporting directly to me…, and I in turn will take it directly to my king…, even Queen Mabb has no say or control over you, and is forbidden to interfere with you or family. However, as for the human side, you report to the CEO of Angelic Security via Susan,” he said, and then the painful part came in.

As my spirit was instantly drawn from the room back into my body which was laying upon a hospital military bed. In the room was the menagerie of a family and they were looking gloomily at each other and crying at my loss.

Susan was informed of my arrival and informed the doctors…, that I was not dead and would soon return…, they must have thought her strange until I suddenly sat up screaming Yasmin’s name…, and everyone within the room jumped from shock.

The poor doctor whom had just taken my vitals and declared me dead, almost died himself as he went white from shock…, staggered and held a hand to his chest…, as if he was having a heart attack.

As I looked around me, I moved my tired aching body…, and lifted the bed covers away. The startled doctor tried to force me back to my bed…, but I gripped his white coat with one outstretch arm and hand and lifted him from my way.

“If you lay a hand against me, I will destroy you,” I told him, and three burly MPs tried to prevent me from extracting my clothes and leaving the room. At a simple thought I suspended them from the ceiling enwrapped in a bubble of time and they floated helplessly been unable to prevent me from leaving.

Elsa ran over and hugged me crying, “Mum…, they have taken Yasmin…, I…, I am so sorry…,” she told me crying, and I pulled her to my bust comforting her. I reached out and stroked her hair and then reached a hand to Eliza pulling him in for a cuddle. As we stood there Lewis and Steve came running into the room, and they jointly hugged me.

The doctor tried objecting saying I had assaulted him and that he refused to release me. Steve turned and looked at him. “To whom do you work for” he said…, and the startled doctor as good as he undoubtedly was…, looked amazed to have his authority challenged.

“For the military he stated…, but that does not give you the authority to overrule my decision in medical matters…, I shall report this to the Commander, and you will possibly lose rank over this infringement.”

He was furious at been over ruled and spoken to in front of others in such a way…, “It’s a matter of national Security”, he said indignantly to Steve…, and Steve laughed, “be free to report me doctor and we will soon see who loses rank.” And then behind Steve our team members arrived armed and equipped for battle and escorted us to safety.

The furious doctor immediately picked up the phone ordering the external MPs to have us all arrested. As we vacated the building over five MPs saluted Steve as we passed and walked into the room we had just vacated. I heard shouts and screams of protest as I looked back seeing the doctor been carried from the room.

“Oops” I thought…, and released the bubble keeping the three MPs suspended in the air. I must still have been tired as I also forgot to cushion their fall, and I heard grunts as they impacted into the floor.

As we were escorted into a helicopter…, I just heard the doctor shouting…, I will have your job for this violation…,” but the rest of his words were drowned out as the helicopter flew us to safety.

Susan updated Steve and Lewis as to what was happening, and I held Elsa and Eliza in my arms as we flew away. Elsa was crying in shock, as was Eliza bless him, and he had facial injuries and bandaged ribs, I informed them Yasmin was alive and would be meeting us at our home. It took just over an hour of direct flight before the Helicopter could safely land.

The area had been cleared and once again warded, the huge boulders were removed, and the area was landscaped. Even the destroyed homes were removed and left with tidy plots.

Steve looked at me as he saw I was viewing the land around our old home. “We have acquired the land and it is now under our direct control stated Steve, and the USA is still under an Emergency Lockdown, and war is still in declaration,” he said.

As we walked back into my home, it had been rebuilt inside, with entirely new appliances, all warded and covered in miniature runes. The only thing missing was the demon model of a dog. I was stunned and looked at Susan, “Just how long was I gone”? I enquired and Susan replied. “Just over three weeks…, and we kind of knew you would be returning, but had to officially clear it first with King Oberon and his twin brother my boss.” She said. And I put it all together…, as the situation dawned upon me…, I was now higher ranked technically than the President of the USA.

I now realised why the doctor had been arrested and treated as such…, as he had disobeyed a direct order from a superior officer, and even Steve was below me in authority…, not that I would ever want to enforce that authority…, but stopped and thought at how easily I had prevented the MPs from touching me.

It was Susan whom spoke in my mind, “The King and his brother have empowered you to be their representatives”, she said.

I was stunned, “They could not have their representative appearing weak or been mistreated or over ruled by lessor beings…” and I then understood why my powers had increased.

As we accustomed ourselves to our home once again, soldiers were setting up in temporary barrack type buildings at the furthest boarder to the land, and they had soldiers and engineers erect a wall with each brick warded with runes around the entire property.

I realised I was going to have to become use to have the military around me and that our lives were changed…, but I also resolved within myself to try and live as near normal life as a person could while under such circumstances…, especially for the sake of my girl’s sanity.

Seventeen days later there was a special delivery brought in by the military and they helped unpack the items as they were huge.

It brought great amusement to the staff and soldiers and took some hours of their colleague’s trooping in requesting to see the creatures. I had not realised it but Eliza had requested a couple of additions, not only did we now have two huge now eleven foot monsters guarding the base to the stairs in my home, they would walk in circles, snarl and interact with visitors going through complicated routines, and to top it off there were five pup type versions which scared the crap from me about the size of small ponies who chewed slippers fence posts and created havoc within the pen they were kept in.

Only now the creators had improved upon the original designs and used military spec software to operate their computerised brains, It must have cost Eliza a fortune, at least I thought that until I learnt that the CEO of Angelic security had taken the bill, and a movie company he owned had used similar models for making a feature movie about the invasion, and if I was truthful had I not known they were models and saw them from say twenty feet away, I honestly would have believed they were real.

What I had not known was that they were covered by wards…, from the frame upwards…, and no demons would ever destroy them again.

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