Lisa & Lewis Collection - Books One to Three

Chapter Chapter Thirty-six

It was a chamber of the likes I had never seen before, and it was truly in magical terms a work of art, as every single space within the cubed room were covered in ancient wards, and with some of the like I had never seen before. Wards which had been laid and created over two thousand or so years ago…, and had since lay forgotten by the passing of time.

It was then I understood…, as the wards I could read were all wards and runes of a protective nature…, but not to protect what was inside…, but us, and those living within the world from whatever had been locked away.

Basically, the small cubed room had been a magical prison, protecting the entire world from whatever had been inside…, and considering there was a lead-line coffin within, and which in itself was covered in similar runes and wards, it scared the crap from me.

In my mind I could see my heart develop little legs and arms and see my heart jump from my chest and waving a white flag while it ran away as fast as it could. I think my mind was starting to run away as usually such thoughts make me laugh…, and do not scare me as this one did.

“Dear Father God” I unconsciously said, “Protect us”, “Yes child” came a reply, and I turned to see Queen Morgan La Fay standing beside me with Merlin, the true original Merlin that is…, and not just someone whom in the likes of the knights of the Cross…, were given the title as a mark of respect for becoming the leader of their group or organisation.

“The beast within these walls at one time almost succeeded in killing Merlin himself”, said Queen Morgan. I shuddered at that thought as Merlin still is the most powerful wizard of all time, and in his younger days he was a formidable creation with a direct line to the God of creation itself, and a chosen vessel to protect those of his time…, as demons roamed the world openly, inhabiting whom they chose.

It was a terrible time in our history, as fantasy novelist have romanticized it…, and made it sound like knights rescuing maidens from fire breathing dragons…, and all types of evil. It’s just people never think what it would be like if such evil so openly walked our streets today…, nor do they stop and think from where this evil originated.

Queen Morgan went on to give me a history lesson and explained a Queen whom had practiced Black Magic, had seduced the young king and carried his child, but in later years was murdered by one of her own bastard sons, and she was of such power and evil that she had openly formed a pack with an actual fallen angel…, one of the true ancient beings cast from heaven itself.

That upon her death and burial, then the angel could inhabit her body if he resurrected her and united their minds…, such was her evil lust for power. What deranged mind would even think of doing such a thing…, let alone have the power to conjure up in a magical summoning…, and contain such a creature to form the pack…, but she had, and Merlin heard of it through the bastard royal son, and had the room prepared by the highest magical craftsmen of his time, and warded the room himself.

The witch was not placed into the coffin until the room was ready and then with the use of magic as the witch was placed into the coffin and sealed shut, so was the room…, entrapping her and the fallen angel within…, and preventing them from escaping for as long as the protective runes and wards held.

Merlin explained some more, and then I tried telling him, I was unlearned and truly in my eyes not worthy of the staff his Queen had given me. “True” he said…, “You are not learned in the use of the sword upon your back…, yet you carry it”.

I blinked as the sword was shielded and invisible from view…, even by the use of second sight…, yet Merlin had seen and known it was there.

“Keep the staff attached to your back with the sword…, it might feel strange for a time…, but you will get used to it been there, and between them…, they will encase you within a protective vail of impenetrable power, which not even the fallen can enter or penetrate.”

I was in shock that I should be given such an item, let alone entrusted to use it. Merlin vanished leaving Queen Morgan and I to examine the room, and I produced an HD video camera and started recording the wards and ruins and there placing within the room, while Queen Morgan explained to me their meanings and functions.

My mind was starting to find it difficult to concentrate and the Queen noticed, so she placed a hand to a concealed pocket and withdrew an almost invisible hair net… and reaching over she placed it upon my head.

It was then she showed me she was wearing an almost identical one herself, and truthfully had she not shown me…, I would never have seen it…, but the moment she removed her hand it faded from view. “Keep it on child and it will protect your mind from the evil within this room,” said the queen, and I looked in stunned silence…, and had to force myself to re-focus and thank her.

I turned and faced Queen Morgan, “If I find this creature…, will I be able to call upon the Fay to help me,” I enquired. She nodded indicating yes, but I had a feeling I was been used by them…, because even they feared taking on the fallen angel…, let alone a witch that had the magical power to summon such an angel.

No wonder they called me in to do their dirty work…, and to possibly die in their place. I also knew the queen was conscious of my thoughts…, and I felt her flush and her father’s actions, yet I understood.

I did not like it, nor did I agree, but…, yes, I understood. I also now realised why I had been given so much power, and I laughed, but the queen had heard me.

“With what do you laugh at child” enquired the queen. “I just realised the Fay give nothing for free.” I said…, She grinned and spoke, “I knew when I saw you that you were intelligent,”

“Heck” I replied, “If I was intelligent…, then I would have refused the offer of this position,” I said. “Child you had no choice…, my Father saw you and chose you, knowing you could not refuse him” replied the queen.

We kind of got on well together from there, and the queen stayed a few more minutes explain the functions and meanings of the various runes and wards, so I could later recreate them.

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