Lisa & Lewis Collection - Books One to Three

Chapter Chapter Thirteen.

It took some four days before the station was operating normal, well as normal as any police station could and which apparently secretly handled creatures from another dimension and life force. To my knowledge only Louisiana operated such a force and the loss of the true DC Lewis was truly a dreadful blow to those fighting this never-ending battle.

The Mayor promoted me to head of a special task force, which handled all the strange and unexplainable case files, Grannies cat stuck up a tree was given to others, unless Grannies cat was seen flying up there and breathing fire, and believe me that actually happened only three weeks and two days after my promotion. It turned out grannie was a witch who had miss made a potion, she was getting old and accidently gave the cat the potion instead of its milk.

She was an innocent victim of old age and her sisters in the craft grouped together to look after her, and it also built a bridge as in the early days, the old witch would have been secretly killed by blind minded stupid so called self-righteous fearing people…, and who once took law into their own hands.

I was also surprised when the Commissioner called me to his office and informed me, I was answerable to the Mayor and the Mayor only, even he was under the Mayors rule.

It also transpired I was given a budget to equip my team with all they needed but finding a team and fellow officers who had the courage to change years of indoctrination and a blinkered way of thinking…, was more than easy. But in time various promotions and drafting eventually equipped me with a very useable work force…, mind you for months and months we got all kind of stick from the ordinary beat officers.

At times plastic vampires were fitted to springs and would bolt out of a drawer or locker when opened, and crosses and garlic were hung up above my office, and when I returned to my desk all kinds of expected but utterly childish pranks were played on me.

That was until they eventually came to realise, they were not the only fish in the sea…, and that even greater and by far stronger sharks swam with them that would make a great white shark look like a goldfish.

It started one quiet and rainy morning when a storm started to draw in, and it was far from the usual type of storm we faced. The skies went dark and huge fricking thunder claps sounded directly above the station, lightning flashed continuously, well every few seconds, and people were starting to become scared…, very scared as only a quarter of a mile from the station in one neat circle the sun shone and there was not a drop of rain.

You would have needed to be blind deaf and stupid to not have known something unusual and intensely evil was about to happen. We had been in work for less than an hour and the usual kind of crimes were being investigated, and the building had its share of civilians inside…, and to be truthful, it was nothing unexpected for this time of day.

Well that was until the storm started, suddenly one of the beat cops who was returning to the station almost drowned and saturated, wet and dripping floods of water from his uniform and hat. “Were under attack” he screamed and quickly locked the huge double reinforced glass doors, and pulled out his hand gun. “Shit”, he was heard to say…, “I need a bloody larger gun,” and as the duty Sargent viewed the CCTV monitor covering the outer grounds of the station.

He saw seven huge black dogs the size of ponies, and they appeared as each lightning strike hit the asphalt. Their eyes were green and glowed like luminescing paint in the dark. Then their eyes grew brighter like a light bulb been lit behind their eyes, and as they blinked the eyes flashed red. Their tongues were gruesome and forked like a snake and they appeared to be tasting the air.

There were screams as two of the dogs drove themselves impacting into the armoured glass doors, and they shuddered but held. By now the entire police force was aware something was wrong, and that we were under some kind of satanic attack.

One poor civilian who was visiting the station drove into the car park with his music blaring and the base vibrating louder than the thunder cracks, no sooner had he parked and switched off his engine when he looked up after feeling his car rock violently and to his utter horror, a huge demonic dog stood upon his bonnet snarling at him…, and with foam frothing from the corners of its mouth.

The bonnet had sunk under the creature’s weight, and another creature jumped and landed upon his roof and the car suddenly became several inches shorter. His screams could be heard as the dogs crashed through the windows tearing him to shreds. By now the station had gone into riot lockdown but not before a stupid cop had gone out via the back door unaware of the events unfolding for a smoke.

If he had brains, I think he had left them at home as the weather alone was scary enough to stop any sane person from venturing outside, one strike of that lightning and you would be dust…, burnt dust. But oh no Mr. Macho thought he was all brave and masculine walking out into the storm…, and how he ever became a cop…, I would never know.

The idiot got to experience true fear as he watched in frozen horror just rooted to the spot while the beast killed a civilian in front of him.

The CCTV filmed the entire process, and he never even had the brains to re-enter the security of the building and close the re-enforced steel door. As the demonic dogs turned upon him, he pulled out his side arm a Desert eagle 4.4 Magnum, one highly illegal gun for Mr Macho to even own in this job, and emptied an entire clip into the leading creature…, and without even stopping it.

His colleagues flinched in horror as they saw him via the CCTV been torn apart and eaten alive. Fortunately, three of my squad members raced to the hall leading to the open door and sealed off the rest of the doors preventing further entry. At least that was the intention, until the bloody monsters started tearing into the wall and eating the flipping walls.

They were strong, but not built like the outside where there were solid blocks of stone and reinforced concrete. The inner walls were single thick breeze blocks plastered over, and to the screams of those nearest they soiled themselves as they saw these creatures forcing their way into the station.

Fortunately, they had the sense to leave the room and lock the doors, and it was one of my team who left a distant door open which led down three stairs to the cells, which were reinforced by stone and reinforced concrete.

As expected, all bar two dogs…, if that’s what they were took the easy root and charged through the open door snarling and foam dripping from their huge bleeding teeth. As they went down the steps into the cell complex the desk Sargent watched and automatically sealed them in with three huge reinforced steel grated doors sliding into place locking them in.

That took care of all but two of the monsters and they chewed and smashed their way through the wall. There was not a single civilian or cop present that was not gutted with fear…, but to my pleasant surprise three of my team members who had left the cell doors open for the beasts to enter, and one unknown civilian had kept control…, yes they were scared, but they did their job and protected the rest of us.

They acquired the Elvin silver net…, and waited firing silver coated hollow point bullets into the heads of the creatures as they started forcing their way through, and then the civilian threw the net like an expert fisherman, and it covered the angry creatures just as they forced their way through.

Even the silver hollow point bullets had failed to stop the creatures, but the instant the net landed…, they lay dead and eventually started smoking and before long burnt in a huge flash of bright white-hot light.

Lewis reached over and brought out three more nets and with the civilian and the three cops, they positioned themselves so they could net the remaining creatures and watched them burn as well.

Soon after this was settled not one single cop ever again gave us stick about our job or its title, and even held a healthy respect for what we faced.

The station was a mass of ruined doors and walls and the car park had huge craters where it had constantly been struck by lightning. Eventually the storm ceased, and the sun shone as if nothing had happened, but I knew this was a warning of what was to come.

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