Lisa & Lewis Collection - Books One to Three

Chapter Chapter Seven.

I had finally returned to work, and was introduced to my new partner, and to my surprise it was a DC Lewis Arnold Kane, A former US Marine and expert occultist.

He had been especially brought in from Louisiana where it was known for the open practice of Voodoo and witchcraft, and various Black Magic. So, the state had set up its own specialised task force and after the great flooding from the tsunami storm some of the officers were laid off.

DC Lewis was pleased with his reassignment and especially when he read through the files Lisa had sent in, and he realised his expertise was truly needed. He also had been acquainted with the work of Father John and the section of the church involved in fighting evil, especially Sister Elise and Brother Lewis.

Apparently, they had been involved in over five case files which DC Lewis had worked on in Louisiana, especially one which had involved the Voodoo queen and possessed victims of the witch Selena, and one case involving Marie Le Veau a Voodoo Priestess.

Louisiana state police had actually lost three State troopers before Lewis Arnold Kane and his colleagues were called in, two of the troopers were found headless and gutted, pig roasted upon a stake, the third was found with his throat cut and his tongue pulled out to form a tie.

Upon autopsy, his inners were found to be swimming in poisons snakes, and three poisonous toads, also his genitals were covered in tiny fire ant bites and his ball sack was found filled with a nest of fire ants.

Although it could not be proved it later transpired one of the officers or troopers had raped a voodoo priest’s daughter, and his two friends had covered up his crime.

It was suspected this was a warning, and his captain told Lewis, the victim had reported to work one day perfectly healthy and within an hour he was itching and screaming in pain, he left to visit the hospital but never made it there and was discovered with his colleagues five days later.

There was a healthy respect for voodoo practitioners and eventually the Mayor of Louisiana committed suicide as he had tried to have all Voodoo queens and Priestesses killed by a hit squad.

Two days later the hit squad was found screaming in utter pain and absolutely mad, stating the Mayor had hired them and giving details etc., the next day Louisiana was hit by the storm of the century and flooded, and the Mayor committed suicide.

The Voodoo Queen and her Priestesses were away at the time in Kentucky attending a Voodoo convention and were photographed and filmed by the FBI in been nowhere near Louisiana at the time.

I quickly made friends with my new partner, and introduced Lewis to my friends and family, Eliza was a great hit and although he had different sexual tastes, they actually in time became great friends.

What I found strange was Father John could not be seen by DC Lewis and on two separate occasions he caught my daughter Yasmin talking to someone, but to his eyes there was no one in sight.

It was not until there was an incident with my daughter when on her way home one day, my friend Eliza had been delayed, and my stupid daughter took it to herself to catch a bus, and then walk just over a quarter of a mile to my home.

It was not anything special, but it was a bit isolated and down a private road that only had four neighbours. There were no street lights and the area had lots of tree cover and hedges.

Under normal circumstances it was a delightful area and truly pleasant on a hot summers day to walk through, as it covered over fifty acres for the four homes and a private road. I inherited it…, after a second aunt died and it turned out I was her only living relative, also all of her furniture and belongings plus one very healthy bank account became mine.

The inheritance taxes were a bitch, but even after they had been paid, I was by far richer than I had ever been.

Yasmin made it right up to the private road where a stray dog was laying injured on the road and whimpering with an apparent injured leg, as Yasmin went over she went to pick up the dog when her bracelet Father John had given her and the Rosary beads forcibly formed an unseen energy barrier.

But before her eyes the dog transformed into a huge snarling were-wolf. Eric my nearest neighbour had just pulled in having returned from a meeting early, and he witnessed the incident, as Yasmin fell upon her butt screaming, Eric bless him rushed over and tried to drag my daughter away, but the wolf turned upon him and even though he fought bravely the creature tore away at him, but by now Yasmin’s screams and Erick’s had alerted other residents and old Chris Field water a retired farmer came out armed with a pump action shot gun.

Although he fired at least nine cartridges of pellets into the beast it remained standing, but his wife came out, and coming from Romania she knew what her husband was facing, and she was only armed with a large tub of salt and her old mothers silver bread knife…, she threw the salt into the creature’s eyes, and stabbed it twice with the knife.

“Bad dog…, Get away from my husband”, she shouted. Sadly, the creature tore a huge chuck of flesh from her face, and it was then a stranger appeared carrying a staff and shouted what sounded like “Oaktuego” …, and I’m not kidding you, a bright burst of energy came flying from the staff and impelled the creature…, cutting it in half…, talk about saving the day, but as for the farmer’s wife, she was injured but fortunately lived…, as did her husband Eric…, but as for the stranger he appeared to have vanished.

By then the creature lay dead and the police arrived, as did Father John to comfort my daughter, they could not believe what they saw, and Captain Lewis called DC Lewis and myself to the scene.

But by the time we arrived cell phone photos had been taken and were already circulating the internet. One enterprising youth had witnessed the entire incident and filmed over 98% of it on his cell phone and had it posted on YouTube and Face Book before we were aware of the incident.

Yasmin was safe thanks to Eric and the actions of my neighbours, and I honestly could not thank them enough. Poor Mrs. Samuels was badly injured, and Brother Lewis and Sister Elise had her taken to a private church surgeon who ensured the injuries were treated quickly and prevented infection. As they did not want her turning into a Were-Creature come next full moon.

One good thing from the attack, was that Elsa now realised the seriousness of the danger we faced, and it truly altered her behaviour. However, upon reflection DC Lewis enquired who the stranger had been, and Yasmin bless her innocently said.

“Oh, that’s John…, mums’ friend he visits us daily.” DC Lewis looked at me and eventually fitted all the pieces together, and then before his eyes John appeared and introduced himself, but Yasmin had not realised DC Lewis was referring to the other stranger with the staff.

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