Lisa & Lewis Collection - Books One to Three

Chapter Chapter Nineteen.

The next morning, we all awoke feeling strange almost as if ants were crawling over our bodies, and the outside sunlight was defused…, almost holding a greenish haze, and when we looked towards the sun it was surrounded in what appeared a ring of light…, like you sometimes see around the moon on certain atmospheric conditions.

Switching on the news channel we learnt this had affected the entire planet and that seven planets had gone into alignment with gravitational forces affecting the earth in strange ways. As the hours went by the vibrations felt upon our skin started to increase and suddenly before we knew it Tsunamis were hitting coastal regions around the world.

Also, reports were coming in of strange creatures leaving the oceans to feast upon the millions of dead bodies from the Tsunamis, and to top it off vampiric like humanoid type creatures were emerging from the waters, and they were hideous yet powerful and not affected by the sunlight.

It was James who spoke first, “I recognise those creatures, as there are illustrations in some of my manuals, but these look slightly different,” he said.

It might have been the light was affecting their appearance, but they were certainly similar to the illustration James showed us on his computer. “They are an aquatic vampiric Fay,” stated James, “and they come from the greatest depth of the ocean and sun light usually prevents them from venturing upon land in daylight…, but what they are doing this far north is unusual,” he said…, “but I can tell you now they are as strong as the fallen and very dangerous.”

We realised we needed to have ourselves warded immediately and I phoned the school informing them of the danger and that my team would be over to collect my girls. I phoned Eliza next and bless his feminine heart he was so maternal he was already minutes from the school, and with Sister Elise and Brother John accompanying him. Once the girls were in his car, he made his way towards the police station and I had three cars sent out to meet him and escort them back to the station safely.

As undignified as it was…, we all went through the humiliation of stripping naked and having our bodies warded with runes in seventeen different places, Eliza was in heaven with all the hunks of men around him, and the girls were more interested than I thought they should be, Steve had a team of military tattooist at hand and within ten minutes we were all tattooed and taught how to activate each of the seventeen wards.

Fortunately, it was not as difficult as it seemed…, as James taught us all a very clever trick as used by the Elves, and you only had to remember numbers one to seventeen, and to associate that number with a certain rune. Once the brain associated the connection, and then it was the same as speaking the entire rune, and the body responded according to the rune.

Admitting it took a few days to get it into the brain, and to stay there, but the girls learnt it in less than three hours, and to my shame it took me almost four days…, I know I was getting old. However, the girls were in their element as the runes looked really special and like some exotic tattoos.

Fortunately, they were out of sight and in rather personal places, as they had to protect selected areas, but as for the face and head…, they were inscribed so small that it was near impossible to see them.

The most painful had been on the inside of the eye lids, but after the pain exceeded the benefit far outweighed the pain and discomfort, as the eyes could see even if the lids were closed and night could simply become day, with us quietly activating the runes.

You could be inside a sealed closed darkened room and with not a pinch of light and in total blackness, so even your hand in front of your eyes was impossible to see. But once you spoke the rune, it was so bright…, that it took time to accustom yourself to the light, and then James taught us how to reduce the various levels of light, so it did not temporary blind us.

Those Elves were true masters at warfare and creating weapons to aid them in battle. But then they were an ancient race when the dinosaurs were walking the earth, and they had needed to be able to pass them unseen or undetected, if not they would have become extinct and quick ready meals for hungry giant lizards, or birds of prey swooping down from behind them and carrying them off for a quick snack, or ready meal as we call them today.

Now it appears we were facing such creatures but from under the oceans and whom had decided to have a change of diet, and ventured upon the land, and over 98% of the planet was unprepared for a two ton eleven-foot-tall bipedal type creature which could chew its way through a car, and with skin so thick grenades bounced off it.

Even flame seemed to have no effect, and only certain warded weapons could even penetrate their over thick skins.

When I had the chance I took my daughters aside and apologised to them, with regards the over reaction against Elsa’s tattoos, Holly had told me before she had left, that Lowrance once told her an angel had told him, and that was to love, whatever you do in life…, then do it in love, and if you do…, should you stray from the path…, it was easier to get back to it, if your actions were previously motivated by love.

I had been under stress, well actually a lot of stress…, and as a parent even though I truly felt I acted in love, I had handled it in anger and incorrectly, and I now realised that I should have found a better way of correcting my daughter, so I apologised, fortunately they had seen for themselves all I was trying to protect them from, and forgave me.

Eliza bless him was so creative, he had got Lewis to give him cctv photos of the devil dogs which had attacked our station, and had a friend from Film Special Affects to create a huge seven-foot replica which were like the dinosaurs in cheddar Somerset, UK…, and moved and almost interacted, but this huge beast snarled and moved its head with blood type fluid dripping from its jaws, and would crouch as if it was going to attack and spring upright in frightening movements.

Even having been warned…, when I saw it…, I honestly felt scared, truly utterly soiling myself scared…, as it was so realistic. It took my heart time to calm down and Eliza had it placed at the top of the stairs leading to the girl’s bedroom, and it had inbuilt sensors which activated it upon detecting your presence.

To make it more convincing he had two huge A2 plus posters created showing the beast from photos taken at the station tearing and eating humans, and they were positioned so they could be seen if you entered the home via the front or back doors…, and with warning signs and a warning to look out for uncaptured creatures.

It was so affective that for a time the girls would not go anywhere near it, refusing to believe it was a model. But it had worked and became a constant reminder to them to keep themselves safe, it even helped me remember to take my sword with me wherever I went. If I am truthful if it had not been for the next consultant to our team…, I think we would have failed to survive.

Angelic Security had been contacted by Holly and the angel and agreed for a modest one dollar a year…, yes you heard me correctly one dollar a year, and the CEO had sent us a consultant on full time retainer…, who was herself a very rare half angel half Elf, and even thought I had heard of such creatures I never knew they truly existed.

Susan was over two thousand years old…, and it appeared her mother had been in love with an Elvin craftsman. Susan explained when she was born her mother delivered three further siblings two girls and one boy, and even before they were born…, they could communicate with each other in their mother’s womb.

The CEO of Angelic Security took an interest even before the children were born, and as their father was employed by the CEO, creating his personal weapons, the Elvin Lord regarded the CEO as a demi god, and gifted the children to him upon their birth.

“My employer knows what is coming” stated Susan…, and has contracted me to you for the future security…, and in his words…, the security of the human race.” Those words caught all of our attention and made us wonder just what was coming.

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