Lisa & Lewis Collection - Books One to Three

Chapter Chapter Four.

As my youngest daughter finished her orange drink she rose up and lifted her bag, “Mum I have about two hours of homework, and I need to access the internet to research into Shakespeare. May I use the internet please. “No darling not in your bedroom, but you can go into the dining room and use the wireless laptop in there.”

I kept my personal work locked in my work computer and kept two laptops for the children to do homework on in the living room.

I knew of the dangers of unsupervised internet access, and truly failed to understand the parents who gave their kids unrestricted access and in private from within their own bedrooms, and where eyes could not see what they were doing.

Unbeknown to both my girls I had installed micro cameras, and which focused upon their bedrooms and recorded from four different angles in each room, and 24 hours a day all that went on within my home.

I had got Justin my ex-partner from work to install a server system under the guise of been part of my works equipment, and it held a twenty-digit bio-decoded lock, that only I knew, and it was a bitch to hack into, even for my over clever Yasmin who was a genius with computers.

It held Three-Two-Trig-byte hard drives..., and co-phased, so every twenty-four hours, it sent its recording to a data storage company, who compiled the data and compressed it for storage and later retrieval.

It was not cheap and cost me over a thousand pounds a year, but to my eyes it was worth every penny and more, as it gave me piece of mind and I knew if something should happen, please God it never does, then I would have a record and images in HD video and full crisp clear audio sound.

I had been to so many crimes over the years only to think, wouldn’t it be nice if the victims had an HD video informing us of all that happened.

Well now I had, and I treasured it, regardless of the cost, and in my eyes, it was stupid to not protect my home and loved ones in such a way. I could see Yasmin was disgruntled and could tell her hormones were also on the point of transforming my beloved child into an unrecognisable monster. Yet she still held enough control to remain polite and accepted my words, even if disgruntled.

As I made myself a mug of fresh coffee..., well instant actually I just loved the taste of Gold Blend smooth and it was quicker and easier than using a filter and brewing my own.

Yes, the aroma was wonderful using filters, but the taste could become bitter and it cost money to keep the pot constantly topped up and warm, while an instant was quick convenient and I loved the taste, it was also considerably cheaper, although if I am truthful when I go out for a coffee, I always purchase myself a Mocha, it is just heaven in a cup to my taste buds.

Rather stupidly I went to offer John a coffee and then stopped myself, my girls were out of sight and I switched on a remote from my pocket and a digital picture frame in my kitchen came on showing me the girls were safely doing their homework.

So, looking over towards John..., I first turned off the pictures, but kept the volume so I could just hear if either got up to come from their respective rooms.

“John can you explain what has happened,” I enquired, and he grinned and took out a hip flask and appeared to take a drink. “To be truthful Lisa I am not honestly sure…, but I suspect someone has extended my existence and allowed me to remain…, as this entity we are fighting is starting to cause considerable problems.”

I just blinked…, honestly, I could not believe this and thought I was still dreaming or having a mental breakdown somewhere.

“I have retrieved all the information the church has collected about these murders,” John told me, and I accepted the folders he handed to me from an attaché case he had been carrying.

Then he showed me a photo. “This is Father Gerald…, well was once Father Gerald.” He paused and I could see it made him uncomfortable. “Well it was once Father Gerald”, he told me yet again. “He basically sold his soul to the Devil…, as they say,” he looked at me and grinned.

“Well no not literally, but he allowed himself to be tempted and invited an entity into his life and it transformed him into a murderous brutal killer…, and far from the kind loving Priest who I once knew.”

I looked in stunned silence as I realised this picture matched the ID of a witness who claimed to have seen the murder of a child, but because there was a history of drug and alcohol misuse, my colleagues failed to believe the woman, and had not followed through. I suspected now…, it was just as well as if they had…, then one or more of them may be dead now.

It was then the thought dawned upon me, Justin my ex-partner had been to visit the witness and had promised to look into it for her, but I had honestly thought he was just placating her and had not thought for one moment he was serious.

As I closed my eyes I could see his face and then his body laying upon the roadside by his parked car, the driver’s door was open and he lay as if partly dragged from the car with one leg and foot tangled in the seat belt, while the rest of him lay on the roadside.

He was surrounded by a pool of blood, and his throat was literally ripped open and exposed to the elements. I imagine it was one petrifying way to have died, and I shuddered.

John had walked to my side, and reached across and embraced me, holding me close to his chest, and as I cried, he stroked my hair and comforted me.

After a time, I regained control of my thoughts and viewed the rest of the files, honestly, I had not realised the church were so professional and good at such investigative work, possibly the confession helped.

But this was truly high-class work and tidy and in order, plus all collated and filed in order. But our time together was interrupted, as there was a knock upon my front door and then the doorbell rang.

As I switched on the photo frame, I saw two people standing at my front door, so quickly I switched off the photo frame; and pictures of myself and the girls reappeared and stored my remote away in my pocket.

I looked at John, and he quietly spoke. “Work friends of mine who have come to help me…, but…, well I can’t let them see me just now,” he said and then John vanished from sight.

I made my way to the front door knowing the girls would have already looked from their windows to see who was there. But on seeing a Nun and a priest…, I guessed they were uninterested. So, I opened the door and waited for them to identify themselves.

Later as they were leaving, I had received their promises to help in the investigation, and that they would do all in their ability to honour Father John and bring the killers to justice.

They knew they were lying as did I, as they were not aware, I knew of the supernatural connection, and that Father John was still helping me. As I closed the front door and locked it, I walked back to the kitchen, only to find three files which I had seen in Brother Lewis’s bag, I had even seen them still in his case as they walked away.

Now they lay upon my kitchen table and John was reading through them. He looked up and smiled. “You need to make a record of these so I can return them before they realise, they are missing,” he said, and I walked over and sat next to him and started to view all he presented to me.

I was in shock, honestly I was gob smacked and scared, the information within those files covered not only the United Kingdom…, but from across the world and there were documented evidence and information of many types of brutal murders and strange creatures…, plus illustrations from one very talented Vatican artist.

I had used my cell phone to photograph every single page three times and had emailed them to myself and sent a backup copy to my captain at work, along with a message, “Captain Willis…, Jim..., will you please keep these safe for me, I will explain when I see you, but I have acquired Vatican evidence from Father John’s files of the church involvement in these murders and more…, much more. Please view through the work and make copies as this goes much deeper than we ever realised and the church is truly involved in one very big cover up, as one of their own priests murdered my ex-partner and we need to have him arrested…, just take my word and view the files first, and you will understand he is no longer an ordinary priest but some type of supernatural creature…, yet the church knew this and kept it from us, and now Justin is dead, as well as others.”

I knew my captain and he was strong hard-working honest police officer and had seen much in his younger days working the beat and in his investigations into things which were truly unexplainable.

I also trusted him, as once he told me of a time when he was a rooky cop and had heard screams from an alley, on investigating he had seen a monstrous were-wolf eating alive a woman, and he had emptied his .4 magnum handgun at close range, but the beast had shrugged off the bullets and gripped him lifting him from the ground, until he heard an almighty series of explosive gun shots, and the werewolf fell dead.

His partner a veteran cop had pulled a shotgun and filled it with rock salt and silver particles. As the sun rose the body burst into flames as if someone had poured petrol on it and lit a match, and before his eyes it transformed into a human, and in seconds burnt to ash.

His partner reported there was some people attacking a woman and one of their dogs had started eating her, there were gun shots and a fight, but they evaded capture.

By the time back up had arrived the ash had already blown away. So, the event was not recorded as supernatural, and he kept his job rather than end up in a mental hospital.

Whatever had happened it had opened his eyes to other life forms and his partner later informed him there were creatures walking this earth far greater than our worst nightmares, and I knew I could truly trust him to do the right thing and protect the evidence and hopefully me.

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