Lisa & Lewis Collection - Books One to Three

Chapter Chapter Eleven.

By the time I arrived at my home from an exhausting days’ work, my Captain had left a phone message, and as I walked through the door tired…, exhausted and wanting a rest, I was greeted by a bunch of concerned looking faces.

I would have needed to be blind to have not seen something was wrong. When I eventually listened to the phone message, I understood…, as my Captain had left the message and I honestly wondered if he had done this on purpose as I had been talking face to face with him less than an hour ago.

“DC Dunbar…,” not Lisa…, oh no he used my fricking surname, “The Mayor expects your immediate presence in his office.” The phone message was cold and there was nothing friendly about it, honestly, I could have cried…, as all I wanted was a coffee and a hot bath.

Eliza bless him, brought me a readymade instant coffee, Gold-Blend smooth…, at least I got to drink my coffee and gave my apologies and left to return to work, and Father John accompanied me.

After struggling back to the Mayor’s office, I knocked upon the door, as his secretary was nowhere to be found. “Come in” came a voice and John faded from view, so I entered.

As I opened the door and walked in the Mayor was alone sitting behind his huge oak desk, “Lisa come in close the door and sit down.” I looked at him and he nodded his head. “First I apologise for dragging you back to my office, but I did not want us to be overheard nor your captain to hear this conversation.” He said.

I blinked and looked at him, and he shifted in his chair, “How well do you know your captain” he asked me, and I looked at him wondering where this was going. “No more than other officers,” I said…, and he grinned and bit his lower lip. “I have reason to believe he has been compromised he told me, and I felt sick. “John what do you think”, enquired the Mayor, and my eyes widened in shock as John materialised in full view and went to greet the Mayor.

“It’s alright Lisa the Mayor was a member of my congregation and an old friend,” John informed me. But I stuttered as even I had not been able to see where John was standing, yet the Mayor had looked directly at him and spoken.

John saw my continued discomfort and it must have registered as he looked at the Mayor and then back to me, I saw the Mayor move his head indicating yes.

John drew in a breath from habit I guess as he no longer needed to breathe…, “The Mayor is not strictly human,” he informed me, “Well kind of…, oh heck I hate these expressions,” he said and tried again. “He is a Holy Warrior of the old court and was part Fay before he was turned.

I looked at John in disbelieve and then back to the Mayor, it was then I noticed he was waving his left wrist at me, and upon it was an identical elastic bracelet to mine only his was a different colour.

The Mayor did need to breathe and he inhaled deeply held his breath and then exhaled, then I shook my head, “Wait if you are a vampire…,” as it dawned upon me, “Then you do not need to breathe,” I said and he laughed, “Perceptive of you Lisa…, I can see why you made a detective, but no vampires are evil, I was created to fight such creatures and other supernatural’s, and if I where this band then I am as human as you are.” He replied.

I was confused and John took pity upon me…, “Would you mind Mr Mayor” enquired John, and the Mayor just smiled, so John explained. “When the Mayor was turned it was because the church needed his help…, I know and understand it must sound like a dream or a fairy tale…, but just listen”, said John. “We were facing an attack some thirty-five years ago not long before I helped your mother, and we never had the resources we have today.

But what we did have were ancient scrolls in our Vatican archive, and some holy scholars learnt that King Solomon used humans who were transformed by angelic powers to protect his loved ones during the night by inscribing warded runes upon metal bracelets and then turning his trusted friends into Holy warriors. At night they functioned as an angelic type being and by day they were as human as most people…, but with the strength and skills of an ancient Holy Orders. “He stopped to give me time to take in what he told me, and then continued.

“Well the Mayor here volunteered and we were desperate and had him turned, the result was he saved more lives than you could ever imagine, our problem however, was he could not be changed back…, so he is who he is and trusted by the church and me,” he said.

As I looked at the Mayor he smiled and two fangs dropped, and he laughed…, and then reached into his mouth and pulled out some kid’s vampire fangs and placed them on his desk.

“Sorry Lisa it’s my wicked sense of humour…, but I have found it usually breaks the metaphorical ice”, he said. And I placed my hand to my heart and laughed.

Then the Mayor got back to business…, the captain was given access to an FBI file with detailed descriptions…, photos and knowledge on the voodoo cult and following…, and he would have known whom your prisoner was and recognised her,” he said.

I was stunned…, but I informed him of the times I had caught the Mayor acting out of character, and that he appeared to change the same time the beat cop took a shot at me, and we suspected an evil power might have got to him.

We talked for over an hour and I eventually made it home. To my surprise Eliza greeted me and took my coat and told me there was a little surprise awaiting me…, and that Lewis had prepared a meal for me. When I saw it, I first thought he had cooked it himself…, until I saw the takeaway boxes in the bin.

But when I saw Lewis and the dining table all laid up and candles burning and then the sound of music…, I blinked, even more so at the sight of Lewis..., honestly hand on my heart …, he was almost butt naked, well except for an apron that only just covered his front…, well personal parts. But as for his chest it was exposed as was his back and one very tight and firm small butt.

I looked across the room to Eliza…, and he mimic wiping his brow…, “Phew he’s hot…, now don’t go and worry the family is at Tessa’s until mid-day tomorrow…, enjoy yourself…, and Oh happy birthday,” at that he closed the door and left us alone.

When I walked to the mirror I saw a card resting against it…, and it was from Eliza…, “Tell me tomorrow if you still think cheese cake is better than sex,” he had written and I laughed, lifted my head and took an eyeful of the hunk before me.

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