Life Makeover: Limited Edition Series Novel

Chapter 24

Chapter 24 

Dynamic dance music filled the bar, but it was quiet at the door

After a long time. Naomi waved her hand and said, I’m leaving” 

After saying that, Naomi reached out her hand to hail a car

Watching Naomi enter the car, Marilyn murmured. You look much cooler than I am.” 

A hint of envy flashed in Marilyn’s eyes when she looked at Naomi

Meanwhile, Robert sat in an office on the top floor of Grand Triumphant Hotel. A hangover remedy Carlos had prepared. and some documents were on the table

Since Robert returned, he had been sitting there and reading through the documents about the enterprises he was about to 


Looking at the data, Robert couldn’t believe that so many wellknown enterprises belonged to his family

Mr. Zabinski, it’s late. You should get some rest.” 

Carlos added hot water to Robert’s teacup


Rubbing his head, Robert said, Just a while longer. I was handed all this so suddenly. I shouldn’t make a mess, right?” 

Carlos smiled. With your capabilities, I don’t think it would be a problem for you, Mr. Zabinski

Still, I shouldn’t give up learning new things. By the way, Carlos, what was the arrangement you mentioned before?Robert picked up the teacup and took a sip

The Hoffman family is holding a birthday banquet in Lofbury three days later. Mr. Zachary Zabinski helped the Hoffman family before, so you should attend since they sent an invitation. Mr. Hoffman happens to like the postage stamp you. bought. It can be a birthday gift. Of course, you can choose not to gift anything too, Mr. Zabinski. Your arrival is already the best present for the Hoffman family.” 

Robert smiled, Let’s gift the postage stamp, then. It’s my dad’s job to show up at those events. I’m just a kid and don’t have much influence yet.” 

Carlos nodded. Then I’ll ask someone to prepare the gift. By the way. Mr. Zabinski, several new enterprises wish to collaborate, but they need your permission. Let me know when you have time, so they can come over, Mr. Zabinski.” 

Robert glanced at the clock on the wall and said, Tomorrow, then. I also need to practice. As for the schedule for the next few days, please ask someone to arrange them as soon as possible so I can prepare in advance.” 

Okay, Mr. Zabinski. I’ll inform them immediately.” 

After saying that, Carlos bowed and left

It was eleven o’clock at night. Barry tossed and turned in bed as he couldn’t fall asleep

What happened today was like ups and downs for Barry

Initially, he was having fun mocking Robert, but he didn’t expect the latter to have such a powerful background that even helicopters showed up at his graduation

Just now, Barry received a call from someone who claimed to be Kendrick’s secretary. He told Barry that everything Robert did today was fake; that the latter hired the people and made up everything about the real estate. The secretary had sent someone to inquire about the real estate

In fact, the sales manager of Bluespring Residence was also confused when he received a call from someone suddenly inquiring about the prime unit today. It was not for sale anymore, as it was reserved for Adam

After Barry received the call, the gloom in his heart vanished instantly

He hated himself for being tricked by Robert at school

If he could go back in time, he would definitely step forward to expose Robert and slap him hard in the face

Barry could only regret what happened with Robert and wait for another chance to get back at the latter. What Barry cared about most now was waiting for a reply

There was a network among the companies in Yrinas

When one wished to establish a company and if the industry leader disagreed, no one could join, let alone make any progress

Barry was waiting for the other party to have time for a meetup. Only then would everything be fine

Chapter 25 

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