Legend of the Wolf Girl 2: A New Evil

Chapter Grandma Tessie

Timber reached her grandmother’s house and barked at the door. A lady not much older than Timber’s mother answered the door. Her face had a few scars on it from battles she had with wolves. Her dress was made completely of leaves that were a lush green color.

“Oh! Timber! Man, you look so much like your mother!” the lady said.

“Hi, Grandma Tessie! Can I come in?” Timber asked.

“Yes! Yes, of course!” Tessie said and stepped away from the door so her granddaughter could come in.

Timber came into the house and sat on the couch.

“Where are your parents?” Tessie asked after a few moments of silence.

“They’ve gone away... Mother wrote a note in the back of her diary,” Timber said.

“Oh no...” Tessie said.

“I’m all alone now...” Timber said.

“And... What about your sister...? Where’s Lillian? I hear it isn’t safe out there lately...” Tessie said.

“Lillian’s gone too... She ran away and I haven’t seen her since... Mrs. Peck suggested she may have been one of the victims of whatever is happening...” Timber said.

“Why is my family so unlucky?” Tessie asked, starting to cry.

“Grandma... Please don’t cry...” Timber said.

“Oh Timber... I’m so worried... You might vanish too!” Tessie cried.

“You’ve been lonely here... Haven’t you...?” Timber asked.

“Very! My friend Luka doesn’t even come see me anymore... I think he’s too busy with whatever he does...” Tessie said.

“Luka? Who’s Luka?” Timber asked.

“He’s a childhood friend of mine... He saved my life when I was out in the woods... He helped guide me on my quest to receive the Alpha’s gift... Your grandfather... But not just your grandfather... I was awarded with both bravery and defiance,” Tessie said.

“Grandma, in class we were reading Legend of the Wolf Girl... Did all of that really happen...?” Timber asked.

“Indeed... It happened alright... Your mother was the bravest little wolf ever...” Tessie said.

“Why do people hate us...?” Timber asked.

“Because we are different...” Tessie said.

“I saw Nu the other night!” Timber said, changing the subject.

“Oh! Mother Nu! How is she doing?!” Tessie asked.

“She’s doing well, but she’s getting a bit old... And so is the Alpha... I hear he has no one to take his place when he goes away...” Timber said.

“His son was supposed to take his place... It was my fault he died...” Tessie said.

“It couldn’t have been!” Timber said.

“He died trying to protect me from my mother...” Tessie said.

“Why...?” Timber asked.

“My mother thought I was being attacked by the wolves so she shot at my pack. An arrow almost hit me, but he jumped in front to save me...” Tessie said, “And after that... I never saw my mother again... She ran off in shame...”

“Someone was murdered during school at lunch time today... Ronald Orchantraya and I found the blood first so everyone else assumed we were the murderers... They might expel both of us...” Timber said.

“Does the queen know about any of this?” Tessie asked.

“I don’t know... I’ve never met the queen...” Timber said.

“She’d like you. She was just a little princess back when your mother was being a hero,” Tessie said.

“Queen Aleena?” Timber asked.

“Yes, that’s her name... And her friend Lulu,” Tessie said.

Timber’s stomach gurgled loudly. Both Tessie and Timber burst out laughing.

“I suppose I should make you something to eat, then!” Tessie said, getting up and heading to the kitchen.

“Thank you, grandma!” Timber said.

Tessie took some food from her fridge and begun cooking. Timber went to the window and stared out it. There were more houses around than there used to be and some young children were out playing with a ball. It was peaceful to just watch them have fun, no worries at all...

“Grandma?” Timber called out.

“Yes, dear?” Tessie answered.

“When did these kids get here...?” Timber asked.

“Not long ago... Seems there has been a population boom in Fairwood after the darkness has gone away...” Tessie said.

“But... What’s going to happen to all these children with this new evil lurking in the shadows?” Timber asked.

“The smart ones will stay near their parents and near a phone to call the police... The rest will all fall victim...” Tessie said.

“If only there was something I could do to help them...” Timber said with a sigh.

“...You’re just like your mother... Such a kind heart...” Tessie said, bringing two plates of food to the table.

“Looks good!” Timber commented.

“What did you have yesterday?” Tessie asked.

“A woodland hare that I shared with Nu,” Timber said.

Tessie smiled and said, “That sounds like a good choice.”

“That’s what Nu thought too!” Timber said, eating her food.

“Great minds think alike...” Tessie said.

After a good meal, Timber yawned and looked out the window again. It was dark out so Timber decided that the children must have gone inside. There was nothing to see aside from the sky full of bright stars. Though...Timber thought for a second that she saw something moving out there... Something was out in the darkness... Timber shook her head and went to her mother’s old room.

There was hardly anything left in this room as Timber’s mother had already taken most of her belongings. A few drawings remained on the walls as well as an old bed. Timber hopped up onto the bed, turned into a wolf, and laid down to sleep.

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