Legend of the Wolf Girl 2: A New Evil

Chapter A New Day

The next morning, Ronald had to shake Timber awake because she wasn’t waking up when called. She opened her eyes and looked at him in confusion.

“Time for school, Timber... Get up...” Ronald said.

“Oh no... I over slept...?” Timber asked.

“Kind of... Yeah... I had a nightmare...” Ronald said.

That got Timber’s attention. She sat up straight and her ears perked up. She tilted her head to one side.

“It was about a dark beast... And... Well... It was going to destroy the whole world...” Ronald said.

“My grandma and Nu both had that exact nightmare when I stayed over with them...” Timber said.

“Are you emitting negative energy or something...?” Ronald asked.

“No? As far as I know, no?” Timber said, “What was the beast?!”

“I cannot say... It was too dark and scary...” Ronald said, looking away and blushing.

“No one can tell me... Can they...?” Timber asked.

“If they see it the way I do, no... No one would know...” Ronald said.

“We should get to school... Do you think I can bring my sword...?” Timber asked.

“Yeah, I’m sure they can trust you,” Ronald said, “You’ve got to stay safe... Timber...”

Ronald then handed Timber a sheath to hold her sword in. She smiled and accepted the gift.

“Hey Ronald, I could get you to school quickly,” Timber said.

“Huh? How?” Ronald asked.

Timber turned into a wolf (who knows where the sword went...) and looked at Ronald.

“Climb on,” Timber said.

“How am I supposed to do that?! You’re not even as big as me!” Ronald said.

“Sometimes, you’ve got to believe in the impossible,” Timber said.

“But you couldn’t possibly be strong enough...” Ronald said.

“Hey! My father was pretty much the representation of strength and endurance! Who says I didn’t receive that trait from him?” Timber asked.

“Alright... We’re very late anyways...” Ronald said.

He climbed on.

“Hang on tight!” Timber cried out.

Ronald grabbed some of her long golden hair just in time because she suddenly took off running at top speed across Fairwood Field. Ronald screamed in fear because of how fast Timber was running. She stopped suddenly at the front door of the school and waited patiently for Ronald to let go of her. He clambered off and stood there shaking.

“Just another benefit of being part wolf,” Timber said, smiling.

“That, was, AWESOME!” Ronald cried out when he finally returned to reality.

“Yep... Get to class,” Timber said, turning back into a human and walking into the school building.

Ronald made a weird squealing squeaking noise in excitement before running inside. The announcements were already running...

“And then we have three more missing children... Evelyn Yo, Oscar Small, and Grace Kinsley... We have received a small bit of information after looking at all these kids’ records... There has never been a disappearance of anyone over 20 years old and each kid is from a different family. If you have any more information, contact the police immediately! Queen Aleena is now looking into it,” the intercom finished and clicked off.

“This is getting very bad...” Timber said.

“Mrs. Peck! Timber has a weapon!” McKenna shrieked.

“Really? And why aren’t you in class?” Mrs. Peck asked.

“Umm... I... I was sent to make sure Ron and Timber arrived...” McKenna lied.

“MY NAME’S NOT RON, IT’S RONALD!” Ronald cried out from his classroom.

“Look, Ronald is in class already where you should be... Now, Timber... Why have you brought your weapon?” Mrs. Peck asked.

“In case trouble arises...” Timber said.

“Okay, head to class now...” Mrs. Peck said.


“I did not...” Timber said.

“She didn’t,” Mrs. Peck said.

McKenna ran away crying. Mrs. Peck shook her head and smiled at Timber.

“Thanks, Mrs. Peck... I better get to class,” Timber said.

“Alright, go on,” Mrs. Peck said.

Timber went to class. Everyone the whole day kept glancing out the windows or looking behind themselves constantly to make sure that whatever stole their friends wouldn’t come get them. Timber was getting stressed as everyone kept glancing at her nervously as though she was going to be the one to kill them. The one thing special that happened that day was when a monkey with a 40 foot long tail entered the school building.

“Timber Smith...? Timber Smith...? Where is Timber Smith?!” the monkey cried out.

Timber followed the voice...or perhaps the extremely long tail...until she reached the monkey.

“Ooh! Timber Smith! Boy am I glad to see you!” the monkey said. She adjusted the bow tie on her head and then curled up her very long tail and sat upon it as though it was a chair.

“Why have you been searching for me?” Timber asked.

“The queen sent me!” the monkey said, “I am Lulu! Best friend and servant to the queen! She asked me to deliver you some tools!”

“Tools?” Timber asked.

“Yeah! With the dark beast out there somewhere...” Lulu said and then her voice fell to a whisper, “She keeps having nightmares about it! She told me it must be real!”

“Nu, Grandma Tessie, and Ronald Orchantraya have all also had that nightmare... But just once, and that was when I was over...” Timber said.

“Oh dear! It spreads like a virus! Anyways, here is the gift!” Lulu said and handed a big box to Timber.

“Woah...” Timber said.

She set the box on the floor and opened it up. Inside, she found a large shield, a rope, and a light purple tunic. Included was a letter which read as follows:

‘Dear Timber Smith, your mother and father made excellent heroes when I was young... And now I fear it is time for a new hero, you. I have provided some tools for you to use to defeat the dark beast, whatever it may be... I also hear the Orchantrayas have provided you with a magical sword. Please stay safe, Timber... Signed, Queen Aleena Lindsay Zella Isabella Trench’

“Well, Timber Smith... I wish I could help you out more... But I guess all I can say is, stay safe, Timber... Also, keep Ronald with you. He might come in handy,” Lulu said, winking.

“And what is that supposed to mean?” Timber asked.

“Oh, nothing!” Lulu said and smiled innocently.

“Tell the queen that I am very thankful for her help,” Timber said.

“Alright! I will!” Lulu said.

She got off her tail and walked away. After that, Timber went to lunch.

“Hey Timber! Did you see that weird purple thing in the hallways earlier?!” Ronald asked Timber.

“Yes, that was Lulu’s tail,” Timber said.

“Lulu? The monkey from the text we were reading in English class?” Ronald asked.

“That’s the one!” Timber said.

“Wow!” Ronald said.

“I know, right?!” Timber asked.

“Why are you carrying that box with you?” Ronald asked.

“This? This was a gift from the queen. This is why Lulu visited our school,” Timber said.

“Really?! The queen sent you a gift?! That’s the most amazing thing ever!” Ronald said.

“She wants me to be the hero who defeats the dark beast,” Timber said.

“Sounds tricky! Especially since we’ve never seen it outside of nightmares,” Ronald said.

“I’ve never had a nightmare about it...” Timber said.

“Oh yeah... So you have no idea... Well, even in the nightmare, it wasn’t very clear...” Ronald said.

“I wish I could see your nightmare... Then I might be able to see what you saw...” Timber said.

“Where are you staying tonight?” Ronald asked.

“Good question... I have no idea!” Timber said.

“Where ever you go... Whoever is near you might end up with that nightmare...” Ronald said.

“Are you suggesting that I am the cause of it...?” Timber asked.

“Not necessarily...” Ronald said.

The two finished up their lunch and headed to recess. As soon as they stepped outside, they instantly knew something was wrong... A group of students were crowded around something in the field. Timber walked over there to see what it was.

“Why is everyone gathered here?” Timber asked.

“See for yourself...” a student said and stepped aside.

Timber took the place where the other student was originally. She gasped in horror. In the grass was blood and bits of black hair.

“Another person got murdered?!” Timber asked.

“We think so... But there is no body!” another student said.

“Again?” Timber asked.

“The body must have gotten dragged away...” someone said.

“Since this is outside, the grownups can’t just hide the evidence and pretend like it was never here!” Timber said.

“Yeah, that was really weird last time!” Ronald said.

“Hmm... I just noticed... Someone usually ends up dead at or around lunch time, early in the morning, and later at night...” Timber said.

“You don’t think that…whatever it is…is eating the students... Do you...?” Ronald asked.

“Oh man! How come we’ve never thought of that before?!” Timber asked.

“The beast must be pretty large if it is capable of devouring so many humans...” Ronald said.

“Should we tell anyone?” Timber asked.

“No... Let them figure that out for themselves... I think it would be interesting to see this creature for ourselves...” Ronald said.

“I agree,” Timber said.

The bell rang and the school day ended. Timber returned to her grandmother’s house.

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