Latte Darling: Book Two of The Darling Series

Latte Darling: Chapter 73

“Your phone is ringing,” Leslie calls to me from across the almost empty shop.

“Oh, um,” I look down at my armful of paper cups, “I’ll call them back.”

I’ve been distracted all morning with feelings of guilt.

I never should’ve kept up the ruse of being sick.

I mean, sure, I felt sick. But I felt sick in a different way than I led Axel to believe.

It was a miracle I was able to convince him to leave yesterday morning. Saying I planned to sleep all day and that I didn’t want to worry about him being bored.

I did stay in bed, but it was to wallow in a dreadful mix of self-pity and self-loathing.

Stacking the cups in the proper place, I wipe my hands off and head to the office where my purse is sitting with my phone.

I don’t recognize the number of the missed call, but there’s a voicemail so I hit play.

Hi, this message is for Maddison. This is Jason at Axel’s Autobody just letting you know that your car is ready to be picked up. You can call back if you have questions, otherwise just come in and it’ll be ready for you.

With my free hand, I tap my fingers on the desktop.

It seems strange that Axel didn’t call me. But before I jump to any crazy conclusions, I consider that maybe the person who called doesn’t know about my relationship with Axel. And they just called the owner like they would when any car was finished.

I’ve tapped my fingers a few more times when an idea pops into my brain.

Opening my texts, I send a quick question and get a reply almost immediately.

“Hey, Leslie,” I raise my voice. “Griff is gonna come in to help out today.” Leslie glances around at the customers already seated with their drinks and I smile. “He’s covering for me. I’m gonna run out for an early lunch.”

“Oh, gotcha. Sounds good.”

Griff lives a few blocks away, and since he told me he was looking for extra hours, I’m not surprised when he struts through the front door not five minutes later.

“Thanks, Griff.”

He tips an invisible hat, “No problem, Boss.”

I shake my head as I grab my things, “I shouldn’t be long, but you can stay ‘til the end of the shift if you want.”

“Take your time, Lez and I can cover it.”

Leslie rolls her eyes at the nickname, but I know they secretly adore working together.

“Thanks!” I say over my shoulder as I step outside, feeling lighter already.

It’s not until I’m pulling Axel’s fancy black car into a parking spot that I remember what happened the last time I was here.

I cringe thinking about Axel dragging me out of my damaged car and into his office. Our round of rough, and not so quiet, oral sex. Him demanding I wait in his office for hours. And then me cowering at his side when we left, so I wouldn’t have to face any of his employees.

And now here I am. About to walk in. By myself.

I chew on my lip.

Maybe this was a bad idea and I should go.

But there are two guys standing near an open garage door already staring at me.

Or maybe they’re staring because of the car. Their boss’s car.

Well, I really cocked that up. Can’t leave now.

Grabbing the bag of sandwiches that I picked up on my way over, I sling my purse over my shoulder and climb out.

The guys haven’t moved so I take a deep breath and head their way.

You can do this.

They’re nice people.

Axel wouldn’t hire jerks.

With that mental pump up I plaster a smile on my face.

“Hi!” my hand lifts in an awkward wave, Axel’s key fob bouncing with the movement.

“Hey,” they say in unison, one looking more perplexed than the other.

The less confused one tips his head, “Maddie, right?” My smile grows into something genuine, and he tips his head again, “I’m Rodrigo.”

I stop a few feet away from them, not wanting to just walk past.

The other guy snaps his fingers, “Maddie, like Maddison, with the Mini?”

“One in the same,” my shoulders shrug up. “Thanks for calling,” I say, recognizing his voice.

He grins, “Anytime. I’m Jason.”

Rodrigo shoves his elbow into Jason’s side making him scowl.

“What?” he rubs at the spot.

Rodrigo points behind me, “Axel’s car.” Then he points to me, “Axel’s girl.”

Jason’s mouth forms an ‘O’ and he takes a step away from me. Like he’ll catch cooties, or hell, for standing too close. “Uh, yeah, okay.” He rubs the back of his neck. “Probably should’ve let Axel call you.”

I shake my head as I hold up the white paper bag. “I’m glad you did. Gave me an excuse to bring him some lunch.” My eyes move past the guys, into the large shop. “Speaking of, do you mind if I go back and surprise him?”

Jason holds an arm out, “Be our guest.”

“Thanks!” I hurry past them, doing my best to act normal as I walk across the floor. My slip-on shoes are practically silent on the concrete, and I’m thankful not to draw any extra attention my way.

Trying to keep my chin up, I glance around and take note of my car. She’s still parked in the same place I last saw it, only now she’s damage free.

Focusing back on the floor in front of me, I tighten my grip on Axel’s keys, my palms starting to sweat.

Why am I so nervous?

It’s Axel.

He’s understanding. Kind. Calm.

My cheeks puff out on an exhale.

You’re going to walk in there, he’s going to smile, and you’re going to apologize. For lying about being sick. For not telling him what happened at the wedding. For doubting him. And for doubting yourself. Because you’re fine. You’re okay. And he likes you enough as you are.

His office door is half-open, like he started to close it then decided against it.

I can see him standing at the window. His broad back to me. His eyes aimed towards the trees outside. Hand holding his phone to ear.

My steps slow.

He’s so big. So handsome. So safe.

“I’m not gonna throw everything away for some piece of ass.”

His words have me freezing in place.


Did he just…?

“I’m 52. Not some fucking 30-year-old idiot.”


Waves of heat wash over my skin as my heart skitters past a beat.

I can’t be hearing this right.

He can’t be saying what I think he’s saying.

“You think I don’t know that?”

My throat works and it feels like I’m swallowing tiny pieces of my shattered heart.

He’s talking about me.

He has to be talking about me.

“Daddy issues?” Axel lets out a derisive laugh. “You have no idea-”

Nausea fills my gut, and my ears start ringing.

This is everything I feared.

My shoulders hunch forward.

I want to hide.

I want to curl up and hide from this.

Every word that awful woman put into my mind… he’s repeating them back.

Only this is worse.

This is so much worse.

“I won’t be repeating past mistakes.”

My chest heaves with a ragged breath and I press my hand over my mouth to muffle the sound, Axel’s car keys pressing into my lips.

If he catches me now…

Dampness slides down my cheeks.

I can’t do this.

I can’t confront him.

Not here.

Not like this.

I fight for another breath.

Probably not ever.

I watch him shake his head, glad I can’t see the expression on his face.

“I’m ending this before it goes further.”

My teeth clamp down on my bottom lip.

Don’t cry yet.

I turn, as quietly as I can, and take a few steps.

You can’t let go.

A few more steps.

Not yet.

Half-way there.

Please, not yet.

I plead with myself.

Beg my eyes to listen.

But it doesn’t work. The tears are here. The constant stream of them blurring my vision.

Almost there.

Just a few more steps.

Except I don’t have my car keys. And I can’t take Axel’s car. I can’t take anything from him. Not anymore.

The need to start bawling is right there, right under my skin. But if I start now, I’ll never get out of here. And I have to get out of here.

I stop, standing at the bumper of my vehicle, alone, crying, clutching a bag of sandwiches and a set of keys that aren’t mine.

I brush my knuckles over my cheeks, trying to push the sadness off my face.

Blinking, I see one of the guys in the next stall over.

“Rod-” my voice cracks and I try again, “Rodrigo?” I say his name as loud as I dare.

His head turns and I catch sight of a small smile before it’s quickly wiped off his face.

Eyes wide, he strides towards me. His mouth opens twice but no words come out.

“Can I have my keys?” I whisper, knowing it’s the only way I’ll be able to get a full sentence out.

He’s nodding as he turns away and grabs my keys off a board.

Rodrigo holds them out, but we seem to realize at the same time that my hands are already full.

I sniff and we do an awkward exchange. And when I hand him the bag of food, he takes it without question.

I try to thank him, but I end up mouthing the words.

My lip is quivering, and I feel more tears fall from my eyes.

Rodrigo stares at me with a horrified expression, and it’s not until I start to step past him that he speaks. “Are you okay?”

It’s a dumb question. And the look on his face says that he knows it too. But it’s nice of him to ask.

Only I can’t think of a single word to say, so I just lift my shoulders before letting them fall.

I’m not okay.

I’m not fine.

More tears fall from my eyes.

I don’t feel like enough.

Without looking back, I climb into my car and drive out of Axel’s Bodyshop.

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