Kissed by Shadows: A Forced Proximity Dark Mafia Romance (The Shadowmen Book 1)

Kissed by Shadows: Chapter 17

After I’ve ordered all the things I think I’ll need to run a kids’ craft club, including a fuck ton of glitter, we have a delicious dinner of enchiladas that leaves me full and content. The conversation was light, and although they still refused to tell me what they’d been up to the past few days, they did tell me some stories about what they used to get up to growing up. Unsurprisingly, they sound like fucking terrors, getting into all sorts of trouble, and I laugh so hard I snort when Hunter tells me about the time Roman was running around stark bollock naked after almost getting caught banging someone’s wife when he was eighteen.

Once we’re finished, Hunt and Rowan tell us to get a film set up in the movie room while they load the dishwasher, so Roman and I head towards the enormous screen.

“As our guest, you get to choose,” Roman tells me, pulling me onto his lap before grabbing the remote. Then he passes it to me after setting up Netflix, the others finishing up in the kitchen.

I flick through, pausing when the listing for 365 Days comes up.

“Feeling naughty, Princess?” Roman whispers in my ear, and my breath shudders out of me as a tingle races across my skin.

“I’ve never seen it,” I reply in a hushed tone, my finger hovering over the play button. I’ve heard about it though, some of the girls at finishing school giggling that they never made it through the entire film without pouncing on their boyfriends.

“Then you best press play,” he instructs, his hands reaching underneath the oversized jumper I’m wearing and making me hiss when they make contact with my bare skin.

I hit the button just as the others walk in, settling down either side of us on the enormous sofa.

“What did you pick?” Rowan questions, placing some drinks on the coffee table in front of us, then like earlier, he tugs my feet onto his lap.

“You’ll see,” Roman answers for me, and I glance over at Hunter to see his face relaxed as he looks at us. Reaching over, I take the hand not holding a beer bottle into mine and give it a squeeze.

He smiles at me, taking a swig of his beer and then pausing, his eyes widening when he sees the screen. I flick my gaze towards it to see the opening credits, and heat fills my body as Hunter squeezes my hand again. With my eyes back on him, I trace the way his throat bobs as he swallows the liquid.

“Jesus, Peaches,” he comments in a low voice, his eyes catching mine as I watch him. “You know this is basically a porno, right?”

“It has a storyline too,” I tell him, looking back at the screen and focusing on the film.

My breath catches as Roman’s hands travel higher, his fingers teasing the undersides of my breasts.

“Naughty Princess, not wearing a bra and teasing me all throughout dinner,” he breathes in my ear, causing my heart to flutter and my stomach to fill with butterflies as I feel him grow hard underneath me.

My thighs clench together when Rowan starts to massage my feet again, a small moan falling from my lips as he works the muscles, Roman continuing to tease and stroke my breasts but never reaching my aching nipples. I couldn’t even say what was happening on the screen, my attention focused on the four hands on me while Hunter rubs circles on my knuckles, letting me know he’s here too.

Rowan moves his hands up my calves, my legs shifting as he starts to ease the tension from them too. Clearly not to be outdone, Roman brushes a fingertip over my hardened nipple, and a moan slips past my lips before I can even stop it. My head drops back onto his shoulder, my chest thrusting out like an offering, begging for him to touch me even more.

“Take her jumper off, I want to see,” Hunter orders from beside us, and I turn my head so that I’m facing him. I scowl when Roman removes his hands, and Hunter chuckles at me, the jizz stain.

“Lean forward, sweetheart,” Roman instructs, and I do, lifting my arms as he tugs the jumper off me, tossing it aside. My heart thuds inside my chest, Hunter’s gaze burning me up as he traces them over my skin.

“Fuck, I’d forgotten how perfect your tits are,” Hunter rasps, reaching over and pinching my nipple, making me gasp as tingles race across my skin from the sharp ache that’s left.

“I want yours off too,” I tell Hunter, my voice all kinds of breathless. I look over my shoulder at Roman, then at Rowan on my other side. “I want all of yours off.”

Rowan takes his hands off me, holding my gaze as he pulls his hoodie off, then his T-shirt in that sexy guy way by tugging the back of the neck. A breath falls from my lips at the sight of all his muscles and ink on display, my gaze devouring him.

Jostling from behind me has me twisting as I watch Roman do the same, my mouth watering as I feel his body heat so close to mine. He tosses his clothes on the floor behind us, and unable to resist, I settle back against him, my skin heating every place it touches him.

“Fuck, baby. That feels incredible,” he moans, his hands coming up to cup my breasts again, giving them a firm squeeze that has me arching into him. “I vote we all walk around naked from now on.”

I can’t even argue, my body alight with feeling him so close, with being pressed up against him, even if it’s just our upper halves.

“Eyes on me, Peaches,” Hunter demands roughly, his fingers gripping my chin and turning me to face him. He’s already stripped down, his jeans open and giving me a tantalising glimpse of his hard cock encased in his black cotton boxers. “I want her naked.”

A gasp leaves my lips as I feel someone tug my leggings and knickers down, my hips lifting to allow them to take them off even as my brain tries to tell me to take it slow. Hunter’s eyes burn into mine, not allowing me a moment of reprieve until I’m fully naked in Roman’s lap.

“Legs either side of Roman’s thighs, Peaches,” Hunter orders next, and hands grasp my right calf, draping it over Roman’s thick thigh, then doing the same with my left one until I’m spread open before them, my blood turned to lava as I feel all their gazes on me. Hunter’s stare dips down, his nostrils flaring at the sight of me. “You’ve got such a pretty pink pussy, baby. Did you know that? So perfect and ripe for us to use as we like.”

Fucking. Hell.

A small whine sounds in my throat, my hands grasping Roman’s forearms as he continues to massage and tease my breasts.

“You want us to take what we want, don’t you, Princess?” he growls in my ear, and my body shudders in response while Hunter holds my chin and looks at me once more. “You don’t want us to ask, you want us to force you to take it, don’t you, sweetheart?”

I swallow, his words making me squirm in his lap, knowing that they’re so wrong, but my body is screaming that is exactly what I want.

“Tell us, Peaches. Use. Your. Words,” Hunter grits out, his jaw tight and his penetrating gaze unyielding as he holds my face in place.

My mouth is dry, my heart pounding as tears sting my eyes. How can I admit that yes, I want to be forced, that the idea of being at their mercy completely, with no say in how they use my body, has wetness seeping from my core?

“Her pussy is fucking soaked,” Rowan tells them, and my eyes widen when the sound of his spitting fills my ears, my body jerking when it lands right on my aching clit. “Her body says yes.”

I scream when Rowan’s rock-hard dick thrusts inside me, my body seizing with the flash of pain that consumes me. I’m forced back into Roman’s lap, his grip on my breasts hard and bruising as my mind screams at me to make this stop, that it’s too much.

“Eyes on me, Peaches,” Hunter commands. I wasn’t even aware that I’d closed them, and I blink them open, tears clinging to my lashes and making everything sparkle.

“She’s so fucking tight,” Rowan groans, his hands gripping my thighs so tightly I know I’ll be bruised as he jerks me again when he thrusts deeper. I can feel metal, though I can’t quite visualise what kind of piercing he has, given the throbbing pain between my thighs.

“It still hurts,” I whimper, and Hunter’s face softens, his fingers easing their grip on my chin, enough so I can look down and see that Rowan is only part way inside me, still so much left to go. My eyes widen, my heart thrashing inside my chest. “It’s too big, he won’t fit,” I sob and squirm backwards, my mind telling me that it’s impossible and he’ll tear me in fucking two, but there’s nowhere to go, Roman holding me to him, his hands still on my breasts.

“Shhh, baby,” Hunter croons, drawing my gaze back up to him. “You just have to relax and let him in, he’ll make it feel so fucking good once you do.”

Another sob leaves me as he thrusts forward again, sinking in a bit deeper, causing me to groan. “I–I don’t know how, Daddy.” His throat works when I call him that, so I plead with him. “Help me, Daddy, please.”

“Roman,” he grits out, his other hand coming up as he lets go of my chin to cup my face between his palms. Then he lowers his lips to mine, making contact just as slick fingers toy with my clit, sending a shock wave through me and my inner walls to clamp down on Rowan.

“Fuck, she likes that,” Rowan groans, sinking in deeper as my hands come up to grasp Hunter’s shoulders, my mouth opening to him when he demands entry.

Lightning courses through me as Roman plays with my clit and my nipple, Hunter kissing me so passionately that I open wider to Rowan who sinks even deeper into my body. I’m lost to sensation, a being made from pure lust and passion as they work me between them, small whimpers leaving me as they pull me closer to release, the pain ebbing away into pleasure.

I’m soon shaking, hardly able to breathe as my climax draws nearer, setting each and every nerve alight with white-hot fire.

“I’m—” I gasp against Hunt’s lips, my nails digging into skin as the pleasure threatens to drown me. “Shit, Daddy⁠—”

Roman pinches my clit, cutting off whatever I was about to say as I scream and thrash between them, dragged under a wave of intense euphoria that colours my vision all the colours of the rainbow. My body tenses, but they hold on, forcing me to live out every damn second of the exquisite agony until I’m slumping back against Roman, his lap soaked and my body covered in sweat.

“Look at you, taking me so well,” Rowan breathes out, his mouth hovering over mine, his hot breath fanning over me. “Such a perfect, good girl for us.”

I blink my eyes open, trapped in his chocolate-amber orbs as his palms stoke up and down my thighs.

“Did you fit?” I ask, clearly my brain-to-mouth filter is blown apart, and he smiles, the sight so beautiful it steals a piece of my soul.

“Take a look, Little Lamb,” he instructs, pulling back enough for me to glance down my body and see us pressed flushed together. “You’ve done so good, baby. Now you’re going to take me as I fuck you, and then the others get their turn afterwards until you’re filled with our cum and it leaks out of you all night.”

My gaze snaps to him as my pussy clamps down on him, and his eyes roll as he groans deep and low in his chest.

“She liked that idea, didn’t she, brother?” Roman asks, nibbling my neck, his finger lazily circling my clit. “What does she think about having us both at the same time in that gorgeous pussy?”

Rowan hisses as my inner walls squeeze him again. “Fucking Christ, she’s practically strangling my dick.” He pulls out a little, then thrusts back in, and I jerk against Roman, moaning as it no longer hurts but sends fire racing across my skin. “I’ll loosen her up for you, brother.”

“Wait, like, you’ll fuck me together now?” I pant, gasping when Rowan punches into me again, my hands grasping Roman’s forearms as he continues to play with my clit and nipple.

“We’re taking what we want, remember, Princess?” Roman chuckles darkly. “And I want to fuck that pussy alongside my brother, feel you choke both our dicks at the same time.”

I turn to the side, finding Hunter striding out of the room, but Rowan distracts me by fucking me hard and fast until I’m gasping for breath, another orgasm hovering on the horizon, making everything seem a little hazy. The sofa dips next to us a moment later, and Rowan pauses as Hunter hands him a bottle of lube.

“You’ll need this if you fuck her together, and I’ll need it for her arse later,” Hunter states, and my mouth drops open as my eyes go wide. Part of me is horrified since I was a virgin only a few days ago, and this sounds like expert-level kind of stuff. The other part of me, well, that bitch is horny and I blame all the dark romance whychoose books I’ve read for how thirsty she is for some DVP.

“I didn’t agree to that!” I hiss, but it soon turns into a groan when Roman toys with my clit. “I— Fuck— I’ve never⁠—”

Rowan pumps in and out of me, completely obliterating my train of thought as his brother plays with my nub until I’m practically vibrating between them.

“Now!” Rowan hisses, and Roman slaps my clit hard just as Rowan pulls out.

I. Fucking. Lose. It.

Liquid squirts out of me, coating my thighs and lower stomach as I come so hard my heart stops beating for a second.

I’m floating in a sea of bliss as strong arms wrap around me and pulls me upwards a little, the sweat-slicked chest beneath my cheek smelling like lavender, bergamot, and patchouli, telling me that I’m in Rowan’s arms, his heart beating hard beneath my ear.

Then I let loose a whine when I’m lowered down, a hard cock sliding into my still-pulsing pussy.

“Fuck, sweetheart, you feel incredible,” Roman groans, pulling my back flush to his front, my legs still either side of his as he slides all the way in. He also definitely has some metal, though again, just from feeling, I can’t tell what it is, but it feels amazing. “Imma live here for the rest of my life, buried deep inside this cunt.”

I huff an exhausted laugh that turns into a deep moan as Rowan’s slicked-up dick starts to push alongside his brother’s.

“It’s too much,” I breathe out, my voice husky and croaking as they ignore me and Rowan keeps on pushing. Hands clasp my cheeks, twisting my head so that I’m once again looking into Hunter’s eyes.

“You can take it, Peaches. You don’t have a choice,” he tells me, the twins moaning when my inner walls clamp down around them. “I want you to look at me as they use you, as they fuck you so hard you’ll be begging them to stop. And you know what?”

A breath stutters out of me as Rowan sinks deeper, this time it’s so much more intense with his brother already taking up room inside me.

“W–what?” I ask Hunt, my nails digging into Roman’s forearms as he goes back to playing with my clit, easing his brother’s way inside me.

“We won’t listen, they’ll keep fucking you even if you say stop, even if you cry and beg and plead us not to.” An animal noise of pleasure mixed with pain leaves my throat as Rowan thrusts the rest of the way in, Hunter’s words allowing him to sink deep inside me.

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